(UPDATED: 07/04/2020)
After 3+ year learning and using Leadwerks, I introduce my very first game (or an early part of it) which has many features. This is a tactical FPS game about my country's police force, named CSCĐ.
Download installer here
Important: Run GameUpdater.exe after installing to update to latest version!
Sorry for some parts of game are not in English
Game features
Video demo
Introduce some weapons of each types
Assault rifle: M4A1, AK47
SMG: mp5sd (with intergrated silencer)
Sniper rifle: SVD
Pistol: fiveseven
Bullet projectile's affected by gravity
Weapon aiming through iron sight (without optical attachments)
Optical attachments (PSO1, ACOG, Eotech). Some of them have adjustable zoom level (WIP)
Tactical attachment (flashlight/laser/silencer)
Multiple fire modes (semiauto, full automatic, burst)
Picking up/Dropping weapon
Switchable Primary/Secondary weapon
Movement, being damaged, and breathing affect aiming status
Weapon length affects aiming (blocked when moving close to obstacles)
Detachable magazine: Each magazine is usable object which can be dropped/pickedup
Character Control
Movement (walking, running), Crouching, Leaning
Ragdoll physic when being killed
Various animations for many action
Player can take control of each member of a team and issue command to others
Unique magazine management system (player must choose magazine to reload current weapon)
AI System
Dynamic reaction depends on situation
Reaction to sound source (weapon shot, footsteps, bullet interaction to wall, fallen body of ally)
Using weapon with high level of aiming skill
Reloading weapon at safe moment
Switching to other weapon if current weapon's magazine is out of round (WIP)
Command System for Friendly AI
How to play
W/A/S/D: moving around
Q/E: Leaning left/Right
Hold Shift + W: Run
Left Ctrl: Toggle Crouching
Hold Shift while crouching: temporary standing
LMB: Fire weapon
RMB: Aim down sight, aim through scope
V: Cycle weapon's fire mode
G: Drop current weapon
MMB: Inspect weapon
V/X: Toggle Flashlight/Laser
? Toggle safety switch
F: Fist Strike (Hand Combat)
How to reload:
Press R to open inventory
Q/E to select magazine which will be used to replace current one of weapon
Hold Spacebar until reloading complete
MMB: Drop selected magazine
Command Mode
Tilde (~): Toggle Command Mode
F: "Follow me" command
T: "Move to" command
G: "Covering fire" command
V: "Observe area" command
In command mode:
1/2/3/4: Issue command to corresponding member
Tilde (~): Issue command to whole team
Run CSCDVMPUpdater.exe to check and update game
Feedback and Bug report
Please post any bug on my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XuU4QA
There are many more features in the future please give me your ideas and comments. Thank you !