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Everything posted by Sepnon

  1. Hi, i just got Leadwerks + Professional DLC on Steam and i intend to use it with visual studio to create games in C++ directly. I create new blank project on the project manager popup, then search and open the solution file on VS2015 (had to install 2013 version too to be able to compile it with v120 build tools). What i get is not a blank project at all: looks like it loads some lua Interpreter stuff (which is not documented on the API reference), and some other things. First of all, what's the purpouse of having lua scripts? i mean, if i deploy a game with a lua script, couldn't anyone just edit it and run the game completely hacked? Anyways, i don't think i'll be using lua scripts.. Is there a way to make it not to use lua? I'm able to delete all the code that handles lua, but i'm not able for example to remove lua51.lib from linker dependencies because something in "Leadwerks.h" requires it. Still didn't try to delete lua51.dll from the project folder, but I don't think the executable will run without it because of the dependency, right? By the way, then when looking at the project folder, there are tons of things i didn't want to be added. Lots of scripts, shaders, materials, models.. Can these files and folders be deleted safely? (I appreciate the folders "skeleton", though)
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