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Newbie (1/14)



  1. roysizon


    A zombie shooter that deserves a try. Steam workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=691701780 Standalone version: https://hisham.itch.io/zombiezi Leadwerks Game Launcher: http://store.steampowered.com/app/355500/Leadwerks_Game_Launcher/
  2. Is the problem solved ? Because i am having the same problem now !!
  3. I made a pivot with a spawning object script, it works but I want the pivot to be a child to the player so that whenever the player moves the object spawns around him. I tried to do so but it didnt work. Here is the spawning script. It spawns only 3 object, each object every 15 second. Script.object = "" --Entity "Spawn Object" local lasttime = 0 local object1 = 3 function Script:UpdateWorld() if Time:GetCurrent()-15000>lasttime and object1 >0 then lasttime=Time:GetCurrent() local newobject = self.object:Instance() newobject:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition()) object1 = object1 -1 end
  4. Ok I made the respawn pivot as a child to the player so that whenever the player is moving zombies spawn around him. Thats my spawining script: Script.spawncrawler = "" --Entity "Spawn Crawler" local lasttime = 0 local crawler = 3 function Script:UpdateWorld() if Time:GetCurrent()-15000>lasttime and crawler >0 then lasttime=Time:GetCurrent() local newcrawler = self.spawncrawler:Instance() newcrawler:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition()) crawler = crawler -1 end
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