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  1. Edit Read your older posts. I'm sure it's a pirated version. But others can of course decide to help you. Do you know a way I can find out??
  2. Need a little help here. I got my weapon loaded, and it can perfectly fire. Now I need to delete an object when its raycasted. Can anyone guide me through this?
  3. Wilds.. I'm happy you replied to this topic. It "Could" have been a mess. I think I give up on this one :S
  4. Nope wodawoda. Thank you for posting I have written Wilds a few messages to see if he answers. #macklebee: Naah. I don't think so. One of the mentioned.
  5. #Paul Thomas: Here by done. But if you read the last reply, it's hard for me to know the exact info. #Aggror: I'm sorry I didn't include that command in the code above. I have already added that command, with no help what so ever. And... I have already seen all of your videoes, and they are Very informative( And I love your accent<3 ) I'll continue messing around with it.
  6. Well, Josh. We have never really had a "relationship" on the Cyperspace level, but I have a few nicks he might have used. Woda, WodaWaist, Wowoda, Wildthings, Wilds, WodaWild. Email is probably @gmail.com. (Not sure, tho) I'm sorry for the limited information.
  7. Hello Forum <3 I have a small test scene made in the editor. Then a model modelled in 3Ds Max(A house with a door and 3 windows-"Very basic"), and assigned a physics file using PhyGen (Collision Tree). Whenever I load the model using the editor Or Lua Script editor, it won't collide with any of the other physics bodies. Well. The 2 boxes collide with eachother, and my scene of course - but Not the model itself. --x1 box1Body = CreateBodyBox(1,1,1) box1 = CreateCube() box1:SetParent(box1Body) box1Body:SetPosition(Vec3(0,12,0)) box1Body:SetMass(5) --x2 box2Body = CreateBodyBox(1,1,1) box2 = CreateCube() box2:SetParent(box2Body) box2Body:SetPosition(Vec3(0.3,24,0)) box2Body:SetMass(5) hus = LoadModel("abstract::lua_hus01.gmf") - Tried LoadMesh too, same thing. husBody = LoadBody("abstract::lua_hus01.phy",hus) - (Path, Parent) hus:SetPosition(Vec3(3,0,0)) hus:SetScale(Vec3(0.2,0.2,0.2)) husBody:SetScale(Vec3(0.2,0.2,0.2)) husBody:SetPosition(Vec3(3,0,0)) husBody:SetMass(5) --Collision Types box1Body:SetCollisionType(1) box2Body:SetCollisionType(1) husBody:SetCollisionType(1) - Changed this value to several other numbers, including "hus" - Just to try. grund = LoadScene("abstract::slope.sbx") grund:SetPosition(Vec3(0,-.5,0)) grund:SetScale(Vec3(2,2,2)) Hope it makes sence
  8. Thank you very much for your answers. And thank you Macklebee and Josh, I't warms my heart #Josh: I'm unfortunaly afraid that's a no-go I spoke to my uncle an hour ago, and he believes that my cousin recieved the engine as a gift (Not sure if birthday / christmas present). From the editor.log I can see that it's "Leadwerks Engine 2.3" - But thats about as much as I can get His name was Patrick Lemdahl. Mothers name: Jane, and father: John. Thanks for your concerns. You guys are great.
  9. Thanks for your answers. I will definantly look into it when I have build a very basic engine. I'm almost done with a lil' character of mine, and when the modeling is done, i'll move on to cut it into parts (Body, head, RightLeg, LeftHand, etc, etc). I'm not very familiar with C++(YET) - But I'm a Very fast learner. Pseudo Code: If object (limb) Player, Head = HitByABigGun Then Load object "Head-Shot.gmf", HS Position Object HS, Object Position X(Player), Object Position Y(Player), Object Position Z(Player) Rotate Object HS, Object pos............................................................................................ Hide bone/limb Head. Assign ragdoll mechanism TO HS / Or maybe.. Just add standart physics / collision to the object, and maybe a force Weird code.. I know...
  10. Very nice, and Fast reply mate How would that work, if you know persay. (My english is a bit off) How you have the option to manipulate limbs (Fx. bones, or other "parts" within an intire object)
  11. Hello peeps This may be irelevant, bit my cousin deceased a few weeks ago, and left me his workstation. I have been a 3D modeler for quite some years now, and a week ago I went into Dark Basic programming. However, when I got his rig set up on my office, I discovered that this Leadwerks engine was installed on his machine ( He has been a game developer for years ) - And well.. I made a little search, and found this community Now, my question is as follows: In Dark basic, I am able to program my projects to, let's say - Shoot off an enemy's head. By loading a new object when the raycast is made, hide the old object/LIMB, place it at the same spot, and thats pretty much it. ( Even assign a ragdoll to the enemy while dead ) - Using a wrapped newton physics engine. # Is this "feature" possible with this SDK, by coding it in C++? I see the engine has lot's of potentiale. Thanks for your time
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