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Everything posted by Dragonfreak
This sounds really awesome and very motivating to continue building games & update them!
Spinguins - The Invasion of the Snowmen
Dragonfreak commented on Dragonfreak's blog entry in Dragonfreak's Blog
Uploaded a quick hotfix, i left 1 debugging feature in and 1 text pop-up didn't show ^^ Thanks for the awesome comments guys -
A bit about me & My winter tournament entry
Dragonfreak commented on Dragonfreak's blog entry in Dragonfreak's Blog
Sorry, i totally missed this (didn't get any notifications ) In fact it's done and just uploaded it!- 3 comments
- Introduction
- Invasion
(and 6 more)
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It's finally done! You can find it here on the workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843127624 And now i'm going to share a bit about the progress of the last few weeks, stick around if you like I'm so glad i made it in time, there were still a few "optional" things i would've loved to add (like a final boss wave) but due some in real complications (losing my phone..) and overal internship time consumption i still managed to get quite a game here! I am pretty proud of it too, might sound silly for such small game but it's my second game that i marked as "complete"! Also special thanks to my wife for creating all the model textures & GUI textures! For both me and my wife it was the first time we actual worked with 3D models (creating them from scratch and texturing them from scratch) this was quite a cool experience, i'm really glad with the results and i got more experienced in the tools i can use to make things look nice without too much complications. I personally think the cartoon-ish style was a great start for the modeling / texturing matter as this are my first proper game models that i build from scratch like mentioned above. I did have a small glimpse and trying to add bones, but i personally left it aside for now as i didn't really need them and i wanted to invest my time more in the game to reach the finish line. Overal in general, the progression went smooth (sometimes a stupid mistake like uppercase instead of lowercase.. You know the deal hehe), this was also my first time actual creating a wave system which i enjoyed a lot! I must say, tweaking & balancing each wave was harder then i honestly expected at first but i think i found quite a balance I don't really know what more to add haha, perhaps writting this after a day programming session wasn't the best idea. Thanks for reading and i hope you guys enjoy the game as much as i did creating it!
... i.. erm.. Yeah.. Good point xD i totally forgot about that lol, thanks for pointing that out haha. Originally my plans changed to leave it all out because i was messing around too much, but right now i'm reconsidering it again!
So, during the progress of developing the game for the tournament, i came to the conclusion i had no explosion effects yet. So, i went on to create some "effects" To keep it short, i got a shader that uses "SetVec2" to set the "zoom" (size of 1 frame) and the coords of 1 frame. This is all cool and stuff.. If it's only for 1 sprite lol, now i'm really new to shaders and they really confuse me at the moment.. But considering how much time there is left i hope someone could help me out here. After some googling / forum searching it came to my understanding you could use the "setcolor" to make individual settings for each sprite! If someone could possible help me that would be really great The current shader that i'm using #version 400 #define BFN_ENABLED 1 //Uniforms uniform sampler2D texture0;//diffuse map uniform samplerCube texture15;//BFN map uniform vec4 materialcolorspecular; uniform vec4 lighting_ambient; uniform int decalmode; uniform float materialroughness; uniform vec2 uvcoords = vec2(0.047,0.33); uniform vec2 zoom = vec2(21,3); //Lighting uniform vec3 lightdirection[4]; uniform vec4 lightcolor[4]; uniform vec4 lightposition[4]; uniform float lightrange[4]; uniform vec3 lightingcenter[4]; uniform vec2 lightingconeanglescos[4]; uniform vec4 lightspecular[4]; uniform vec4 clipplane0 = vec4(0.0); //Inputs in vec2 ex_texcoords0; in vec4 ex_color; in float ex_selectionstate; in vec3 ex_VertexCameraPosition; in vec3 ex_normal; in vec3 ex_tangent; in vec3 ex_binormal; in float clipdistance0; out vec4 fragData0; out vec4 fragData1; out vec4 fragData2; out vec4 fragData3; void main(void) { //Clip plane discard if (clipdistance0>0.0) discard; vec4 outcolor = ex_color; vec4 color_specular = materialcolorspecular; vec3 normal = ex_normal; //Modulate blend with diffuse map outcolor *= texture(texture0,ex_texcoords0/zoom+uvcoords); if (outcolor.a<0.5) discard; //Blend with selection color if selected fragData0 = outcolor;// * (1.0-ex_selectionstate) + ex_selectionstate * (outcolor*0.5+vec4(0.5,0.0,0.0,0.0)); #if BFN_ENABLED==1 //Best-fit normals fragData1 = texture(texture15,normalize(vec3(normal.x,-normal.y,normal.z))); #else //Low-res normals fragData1 = vec4(normalize(normal)*0.5+0.5,1.0); #endif float specular = materialcolorspecular.r * 0.299 + materialcolorspecular.g * 0.587 + materialcolorspecular.b * 0.114; int materialflags=1; if (ex_selectionstate>0.0) materialflags += 2; if (decalmode==1) materialflags += 4;//brush if (decalmode==2) materialflags += 8;//model if (decalmode==4) materialflags += 16;//terrain if (materialroughness>=0.5) { materialflags += 32; if (materialroughness>=0.75) materialflags += 64; } else { if (materialroughness>=0.25) materialflags += 64; } fragData1.a = materialflags/255.0; fragData2 = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,specular); }
Ah oke Fair enough! Then i'll mess around with some different ways of showing health. Thanks for letting me know!
First off: Happy new year everyone! I hope everyone had a blast So after all the holiday and getting my new PC madness joy (before i had about 5 year old laptop i was working on that was really on the edge of dying (Either by itself or by me of frustation)) I finally got back around to continue on my Spinguins game (speeding up the progress to catch up with the time i lost) and my main question is now, due noticing the "GUI" folder which i thought wasn't fully released yet; How can i start of doing this? My most question goes towards the "ProgressBar.lua" as i would love to use that as a health bar in my game! I did try a bit of fiddling but the results was just a plain black screen with a tiny progressbar in the left top corner So i hoped someone could help me out here
A bit about me & My winter tournament entry
Dragonfreak commented on Dragonfreak's blog entry in Dragonfreak's Blog
Fixed a few typos (Thanks to my wife for pointing those out)- 3 comments
- Introduction
- Invasion
(and 6 more)
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Hello everyone! This is my very first blog ever and hopefully it's all readable! So, lemme introduce myself a bit I'm Dragonfreak and my real name is Dion, i'm still pretty new to this community. (joined late spring if i recall correctly) I study gamedevelopment, i'm in my last year (Due some school issues it took 1 year longer than intended) i already passed my exams thanks to this awesome engine! (I keep recommending it to anyone that ask for a good engine) Currently i'm in my 5th week of my final internship, as soon i'm done here i will have my diploma and will be an official game-developer Ofcourse i have been poking around here and there on the forums and i have joined last Summer Tournament with my exam entry; Realm of the Lamb. Now, to get to the point of why i wanted to make this blog: My winter tournament game! I have been struggling ever since i got noted about the tournament, to come up with an idea.. Unlike my last summer entry, i wanted to have an actual fitting theme with the tournament! So i would be looking at something with snow, winter, cold, hot chocolate, ect.. But i wanted to give it a bit of my own twist in it.. So i came up with Space! Boy, do i love space After brainstorming and bugging my wife and a friend, we came down to this little story: My friend spammed me with all kind of wintery stuff, he came to a point he said "Evil snowman", this was as first a bit of a joke of his random train of thoughts. But then he said "Seriously tho, i want a game with evil snowmen, i don't care how or when. I want one." so this is where the first "idea" came from that will be added to the puzzle later. When i asked my wife for some good ideas, she asked me "Why space? Why not penguins?" So i was like: Well.. Cus space! And why not both? And this is where the idea was born, my wife said: Cute little penguins in spaceships shooting snowballs GENIUS! Loving it! I added the idea of my friend; Against evil snowmen! I could already imagine it all! So, finally to the point of the actual game (Sorry it took a while haha) which has the following name: Spinguins - The Invasion of the Snowmen Space penguins! Who doesn't love em right? Fighting against some evil snowman? Bring it on! The full game idea is still in development, like what kind of mode it'll be and that kind of things.. But the main idea is there! You're a little penguin, shooting snowballs against evil snowmen in UFO's (thanks to another dear friend mentioning it today). I guess the story could evolve from the idea that the home planet of the spinguins are being attacked by these evil snowmen in UFO's and that you're going to be the saviour of your planet. So for what kind of theme do i want to go with the models & feeling of the game? Something serious? Something just plain stupid? I have been kinda brainstorming about this aswell but already quite fast i got the idea to make it a bit Cartoony-ish.This especially embraces the idea of my wife: Cute penguins in a cute compact spaceship. I think i'll finally round up this blog post haha, it got quite longer then i expected.. Like, way longer! I'll try to keep some updates on my progress of the game! Currently i have been mostly doing modeling work because as mentioned above; I'm currently still having internship atleast 4 days in the week, so i don't have all the time of the world in my hands right now. Tho, in the process of modeling these things i became more quicker and handy in doing so which resulted in better models & cutting the time it takes by atleast 50%! I'll end this post with a few "Sneak peek" screenshots of what i have currently. For anyone also interested; I have a trello page which i'll use to keep track of my progress and my current worked on piece of my game. https://trello.com/b/mT1jv1zi/spinguins-the-invasion-of-the-snowmen Thanks for reading this quite large post! You're awesome, here have a cookie Pictures: Quick note: Textures are not final at all, sometimes i just added some to have a better vision on how it's shaping out - How it all started - It gots some arms! - Gave it a face - And a little cute scarf to top it off (this is not the final result, i keep that hidden for when it gets released) There are 2 more pictures of the spaceship (More sketches, i didn't make more screenshots in the process as i was carried away by the moment) You can find these on the trello page if you're interested
- 5
- Introduction
- Invasion
(and 6 more)
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Leadwerks Winter Games Tournament 2016
Dragonfreak commented on Admin's blog entry in Leadwerks News
Oooh, as soon i saw this on facebook a moment ago, i have been cracking my mind open already for a cool game idea ^^ (Yet to be found tho) Been out of leadwerks for a while after my exams (burned out a bit hehe) and then internship started, which i'm still stuck with for atleast 16 weeks.. So i hope i can find time to do this! Like mentioned before, the 2 extra weeks helps a lot I want to try to join as many as possible, because the hoodie looks neat & i still need one! Goodluck & have fun to everyone -
That's odd, there is possible 1 thing you can try (which i did use for my private game once) is the follow: Create a shortcut on your desktop (or anywhere you feel comfortable with) and set the URL to the following: steam://run/355500//+game 735323135 This will launch the leadwerks game launcher and tells it to use this game. If this doesn't work then i'm all out of ideas :3 Hope it helps!
That's odd, got perhaps any extra information?
Thanks a lot for your awesome words You really helped me a lot with plenty obstacles and those informative tips how to improve some performance ^^ Thanks to that i could keep awesome things like the lights in the lanterns (i was really bumped out that they started to lag with my settings and really took away some of the feelings in the game) and overal the tips you gave me / answers on my questions regarding trees haha. Cookies for you /o/
Leadwerks Summer Games Tournament 2016
Dragonfreak commented on Admin's blog entry in Leadwerks News
Awesome ^^ -
Tiny update: Changed the development screenshot title so it's more clear they're the screenshot section. Also added a workshop link of my game! Now i'll stop updating this post and give people some space to check it out
Updated the original post with a bit of gameplay and some screenshots! I also added a tiny bit more about my development progress together with screenshots Enjoy!
Thanks! Good one about the gameplay info & screenshots hehe, i'll make a section for that tomorrow Tho, i won't really do a video considering the game is rather short.. It would spoiler everything within seconds hehe Same thing applies slightly a bit for the screenshots.. But those are less harmful then a video haha
So, after weeks of the promise i would create a post regarding my exam game that i fully created in lua Leadwerks engine. I divided this post a bit up in sections, so feel free to wander around and see how much you wish to read Realm of the Lamb: This game is based on the League of Legends champion named Kindred. The idea was together with the customer (my teacher that acted as a customer) to promote Kindred a bit more next to the trailer teaser with a small game that shows the essence of kindred a bit more. I achieved this with mostly focusing on the sound part of the game, the environmental feeling and a tiny puzzle / small spooky factor and tricking you. Below you can see the cover picture that my wife has proudly made for me (She also made most of the Hud / Gui / Menu) Sorry for the fact that it's dutch tho ^^ I needed it for my exam hehe. You can download the game from this dropbox link and play it on your device. (I doubt anyone will get this error, considering everyone here will most likely have leadwerks on their device, but i included an openAL install just in case ) It's also possible too play it from the workshop! Check it out! Make sure to listen closely! Gameplay: This game has little pieces of all kind of things. Puzzles, jump scare, running for your life and all that sort of things Now more about the game(play)! The story goes that you're a human that just got into an accident which resulted you being on the brink of life and death. While being a soul, normally kindred would give you an easy choice, but not this time. Sometimes they get so bored of their work and feel like playing a little "game".. They'll give you a reward for it too, if you can beat them you are worthy enough to get your life back. If you can't beat them.. Your soul will forever linger in the Realm of the Lamb.. Are you up for the challenge? The controls are pretty simple, you use WASD to walk around and use the mouse to look around. the "E" button is an interactive button which you will only use once actually.. Some screenshots of the game: Kindred lore: "Tell me again, little Lamb, which things are ours to take?" "All things, dear Wolf." Separate, but never parted, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb's bow offers a swift release from the mortal realm for those who accept their fate. Wolf hunts down those who run from their end, delivering violent finality within his crushing jaws. Copied from the league of legends wiki site here you can find the full background lore instead of the small snippet i placed above. A little look more into my exam period: First of all, i learned ALOT during this period. Even tho it isn't technically allowed during the exams since you needed to master this. (funny story tho, my "study" rather focused on web stuff instead of game while my paper clearly states game-developer lol, learned 80% of all i know in the exam period and before with 70% being Leadwerks) But yeah, i learned a crazy lot and i loved the whole process of it. It was quite stressful aswell to be honest, normally you work together with atleast 1 person so you would split up the things you required to do. Since i was a special case, i worked alone. So i was all alone with all these paperworks aswell lol, very delightful. I also had quite a lot of help from good friends (One of em is also a Leadwerks *cough* nerd *cough* <3 ), from my wife and from this community. Mentally i also had a lot of support from my wife and friends ^^ Staying sane was the hardest of it all but i managed in a sense haha. And now! A little more in depth on the whole process! It was terrible (O_O") the end. Just kidding haha, the process of actually recording voices was very awesome and scary at the same time, me and my wife both felt like little school girls and laughing all the time in between recordings xD Truly, i never thought the recording would came out this good. (To clarify a bit, we only did the NPC's, the kindred voices are all from LoL it self, the game is full of copyright lol) Next to that, finding out how i can finally get animated models from cinema 4D was a truly surprising accidental discovery. (i have tried before to do it, without any success which was frustrating) For anyone struggling with this matter, you need a skin on your model and that's pretty much it! It was that easy all along. Tho, finding this amazing discovery i of course wanted to abuse this matter. I messed with the animation a bit in cinema 4D, trying to merge 2 animations on 1 exported model. This however, was a terrible mistake as for some reason the second animation screw up for no particular reason and i ended up needed to rotate each frame (over 40 frames) a few bones just to correct it all. Ofcourse i could've done this easier by exporting 2 models, exporting the animation and merge it into another model. But then again, i'm not always the brightest especially when sanity isn't in the same room ^^ but it was fun to do anyways and i learned new things in that process aswell I think i'll round up the post a bit here haha, if anyone really wants to know more of my progress then i'll add it and update this post Thanks for reading if you did read this far! You're truly awesome ^^ Have a great day and let me know what you think of my game! A few more screenshots i made during development ^^ Here you can see my first attempt to create lanterns based on pivot locations from 1 master pivot ^^ (so 1 script for them all, my purpose here was to make the "wave" effect without editing enormous amount of lanterns each time) Also funny if you can read it, i included the "brightness" value of each lantern, i later used this to define if it should be 1 lantern or 2. I also hooked up the other brightness channel later on to define if the distance should be larger or smaller! So this was easy for corners or just solo lanterns by editing only that specific pivot Adding the lights, nothing too special here My first attempt with messing around with the NPC looks and feels (I used a purple pillar nearby to see the difference in height and also to actual get the "depth" due the plain white terrain haha) Adding in the first trees! Found my first beta NPC looks aswell and trying to show the general idea of what i had to my customer so he would have an visual example of how the game will look in general (without the fancy textures that my wife edited for me later) Funny example of how i'm creating a ring with runes on it with trials and errors hehe, but it turned out just great in the end! First time messing around with the flowgraph! I was pretty proud of my little creation here actually. (i improved it a lot later on ofcourse and added a lot more items, i won't show how messy it looked in the end haha) I was also very glad that i managed to use 1 script on both rings, use the script settings to change the important values and make it all hook up just right! My tiny example of how i did the lantern controller, i eventually added a few more controllers because the list became waaaaay to huge! Here is my attempt to create the end portal, this ofcourse changed quite some due the textures and the weird "gem" also got it's proper "update" to make it all look solid as one I can't add too much more without spoilers! Because from this point on, all the screenshots i got pretty much gives away the game to some extend. The last thing i can show you, is my animated sprite which i used to animate the soul essence icon. It isn't really anything in your face, i wouldn't be surprised if people didn't even notice it in the first place, but tiny details are always cool in my opinion. https://puu.sh/pD5Bc/8314553bbe.png
Leadwerks Summer Games Tournament 2016
Dragonfreak commented on Admin's blog entry in Leadwerks News
Maybe a silly and late question but considering i already got a game "done" (which was my exam game ) and considering i won't be really fully on the laptop for atleast another 4 days (house sitting in a nice place which really motivates to "relax" and all that ) considering i still need to think up a proper idea.. So to my question at last! Is it oké if i entry as first with my exam game and later for funs entry another proper summer game? (if i can call it that with the time i'll have haha) i wanna stay in the theme but at the same time don't want to miss an entry point -
Hiding the exported standalone lua console
Dragonfreak replied to Dragonfreak's topic in General Discussion
Was already wondering hehe, someone else already told me earlier in this post thanks anyways for the help!