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Everything posted by MrIslomaniac
Can we have a function like this? LoadTerrainVegetationLayer( TEntity terrain, str path, int Layer ) Would be great =) thanks
That sometimes happens to me, but i disabled the console for the release version =) http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Setting_Up_Visual_Studio_2008_C%2B%2B_Express at the bottom
I think that the mat file has to be changeg, just like mg's, but unfortunately microsoft office access table is assigned to .mat files and i can't open them ... =( File Extension .MAT - Microsoft Access Table Shortcut //Ok got that working now The light somehow isn't. can you send me the model you are using? maybe that will work ... //I just tried the model in the editor as well and there it works oO something i have to consider when putting this in the .exe? //light and sun: TEntity cam=CreateCamera(); CameraClearColor(cam,Vec4(0,0,1,1)); TLight light1 = CreatePointLight(1000,0); //and here is the rendering loop: UpdateWorld(); //Render the scene SetBuffer(buffer); RenderWorld(); //Render lighting SetBuffer(BackBuffer()); RenderLights(buffer); //Swap the front and back buffer Flip(0);
A simple point light in the middle of my scene and a loaded model of a sphere (i also tried create sphere,same result) returns this: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/3923/sun.jpg This is for a school project, where the sun in the middle of the scene casts shadows on the planets aroound it. The sun you see in the picture is in Vec3(0,0,15). I need help -.-
Ok heres the next thing: when I do this SetColor(Vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,1)); DrawRect(0,0,100,100); The texture is a little bit transparent, anyone knows why? P.S. no SetBlend(Alpha) is being used =(
Thanks for those fast answers =) you guys are awesome :D
Why does SetColor(Vec4(150,200,100,255)); return white? =( Dustin
Ok I'll make some of these this weekend and post some pics here.
I just wanna practice modeling a little bit, so i would appreciate if you could give me something to model If the final product looks good to you, I can even upload it Thanks guys for your help P.S. I don't model characters
GetParent(pick.entity) did it =) never thought of that xD Thank you Rick
if (KeyHit(KEY_E)==1){ if((CameraPick(&pick, cam,Vec3(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2,1),50))!= NULL){ SendEntityMessage(pick.entity, "Open"); } }
Nope that does not help =( Thanks anyway P.S. i did not put the whole code in here: 8code] TModel Cube = LoadModel("abstract::oldtree.gmf"); SetEntityKey(Cube,"Health","100"); EntityColor(Cube,Vec4(1,1,1,255)); ScaleEntity(Cube,Vec3(1,5,1)); PositionEntity(Cube,Vec3(x,y-1.25,z)); EntityType(Cube,1); SetEntityCallback(Cube,(byte*)MessageReceiveCallback,ENTITYCALLBACK_MESSAGERECEIVE); [/code]
Hey mates MessageReceiveCallback does not seem to work with an entity Loaded from a file! Anyone experienced that as well? Or maybe found a solution? I would be happy to hear one Cya TEntity Cube = LoadModel("abstract::tree.gmf"); SetEntityCallback(Cube,(byte*)MessageReceiveCallback,ENTITYCALLBACK_MESSAGERECEIVE); And void _stdcall MessageReceiveCallback( TEntity entity, str message, byte* extra ) { char str[256]; sprintf(str, "%d got a message. Message name: \"%s\"", (int)entity, message); MessageBox(0, str, "MessageReceiveCallback called", 0); } It does work correctly if i don't load the file but use CreateCube(0);
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen I just faced another problem:I load a model and when i collide with it, I go through it and then everything gets weird, watch it for yourself =) This is the code I am using: The model: TBody Hummer = LoadModel("abstract::hummer.gmf",0); PositionEntity(Hummer,Vec3(5,0,0)); EntityType(Hummer,2); SetBodyMass(Hummer,100); and the controller: TController LocalPlayer=CreateController(1.8,0.45,0,50); EntityType(LocalPlayer,1); SetBodyMass(LocalPlayer,80); SetBodyBuoyancyMode(LocalPlayer, 1); HELP
/me is really interested in some kind of terrain decals that are also aligned to the terrain they are on =) keep me posted Dustin
Hi JGuys Here is the thing: I am trying to elevate the terrain at any x and y coordinates with this code: for(int i = x+256;i<x+256+5; i++){ for(int o = y+256;o<y+256+5; o++){ SetTerrainHeight(Terrain, o, i, TerrainHeight(Terrain,o,i)+0.001 ); } } the +256 is because the terrain 0,0 is at -256,-256 The terrain raises in physics, but does not raise in visual(but somewhere else) Here is a pic: http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/1366/weirdh.jpg I hope you can help me... I would even say that there is a mistake in Josh's code ... When I move on the Z Achsis and i get physics on Z achsis, but the visual on X- achsis ... Posted it in the Bug Tracker: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/tracker/issue-66-small-axis-mistake/
Since that is the complete code, no Ok that works now =) thank you! Thought that i can't do that because it requires a TBody ... Happy
I just made a new Player class for me but my controller now does not seem to work anymore, it just get stuck in the air where it is created(neither gravity nor collision). I also tried the tutorial for controllers, but that does not work either ... any clues? #include "engine.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { Initialize(); //Create a graphics context Graphics(800,600); //Create a world if (!CreateWorld()) { MessageBoxA(0,"Error","Failed to create world.",0); goto exitapp; } //Create a camera TEntity cam=CreateCamera(); CameraClearColor(cam,Vec4(0,0,1,1)); PositionEntity(cam,Vec3(0,2,-10)); Collisions(1,2,true); //Load a model TModel scene=LoadModel("scene.gmf"); if (scene==0) { MessageBoxA(0,"Error","Failed to load model.",0); goto exitapp; } EntityType(scene,2); //Create a light TLight light=CreatePointLight(); PositionEntity(light,Vec3(0,5,0)); //Create a render buffer TBuffer buffer=CreateBuffer(800,600,BUFFER_COLOR|BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_NORMAL); TController player=CreateController(); EntityType(player,1); SetBodyDamping(player,0.0); SetWorldGravity(Vec3(0,-20,0)); float move=0.0; float strafe=0.0; TVec3 camrotation=Vec3(0); float mx=0; float my=0; HideMouse(); MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2); //Main loop while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { //Camera looking mx=Curve(MouseX()-GraphicsWidth()/2,mx,6); my=Curve(MouseY()-GraphicsHeight()/2,my,6); MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2); camrotation.X=camrotation.X+my/10.0; camrotation.Y=camrotation.Y-mx/10.0; RotateEntity(cam,camrotation); //Player movement move=KeyDown(KEY_W)-KeyDown(KEY_S); strafe=KeyDown(KEY_D)-KeyDown(KEY_A); //Jumping float jump=0.0; if (KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)) { if (!ControllerAirborne(player)) { jump=4.0; } } //Run if (KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT)||KeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT)) { if (!ControllerAirborne(player)) { move*=2.0; strafe*=2.0; } } //Set controller input UpdateController(player,camrotation.Y,move,strafe,jump); //Update the world UpdateWorld(); //Position the camera TVec3 playerpos=EntityPosition(player); TVec3 camerapos=EntityPosition(cam); camerapos.Y=Curve(playerpos.Y+1.75,camerapos.Y,2.0); camerapos=Vec3(playerpos.X,camerapos.Y,playerpos.Z); PositionEntity(cam,camerapos); //Render the scene SetBuffer(buffer); RenderWorld(); //Render lighting SetBuffer(BackBuffer()); RenderLights(buffer); //Swap the front and back buffer Flip(); } exitapp: return Terminate(); } I think I am just missing something like SetCollision or SetMass ... Greetz
Would LoadTerrainAlphamap or BlendTerrainTexture(Terrain,x,y,0,1); fix that problem? //Got it working =) Thanks you 2
Hi guys I am trying to make some examples for the terrain section of the wiki. Does anyone see my mistake? SetTerrainTexture(Terrain,Sand,0,0); SetTerrainTextureConstraints(Terrain,0,45,0,5,0); SetTerrainTexture(Terrain,Gras,0,1); SetTerrainTextureConstraints(Terrain,0,90,5,10,1); I have the Sand texture everywhere ... Greetz =)
I totally agree with you =)
SOLVED Found the problem: SetBlend(BLEND_ALPHA); ...
Well yeah that's what i already told ya =) I am right in the terrain. When i zoom out, it doesn't render anymore, that's why i took that screenshot ... How can I flip a Mesh, when I create a Terrain? Greetz
In the picure i am right in it ... When I am over it, you can't see it
Good evening fellas I tried to load a terrain I created with the editor but I seem to be missing something TTerrain Island = CreateTerrain(512); LoadTerrainHeightmap(Island,"abstract::Alpha_height.raw"); LoadTerrainAlphamap(Island,"abstract::Alpha_alpha.dds"); It just does not render correctly ... When I am over the terrain, it does not render at all, when I am under it it looks normal. Can someone give me a hint? Dustin