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Everything posted by PerEspen00

  1. Hi, I have a keypad in my game but it crashes in a few cases. I have managed to pin point one thing that will cause it to crash, but I think there are more. Anyway, I've created a world where you can test and see if you can solve it. Problem 1: If you go in to the keypad, press some buttons, then go out. Then go in again, and press a button, it crashes every time. Not solved. Thanks in advance for any help or advice! Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4h4g3d7tb79tt9e/Keypad123.zip Controlls: press right or left mouse button to enter the keypad, the camera will now move and the player will be locked. Now you can press with your mouse on the buttons you want to use. Press "E" to get unlocked from the keypad.
  2. Ok, great, ye the material i was using was probarly incorrectly made by me. But I changed it to match yours and it works now, thanks a lot for the help.
  3. diffuse+normal+specular.shader I'll add the material, in the download
  4. See the picture. These two models have the exact same properties. But still one is a lot darker. I have no idea why. How should I fix this? Papper.zip
  5. When i push an object(csg burch, 1 mass) with the standard FPS controller in a room with walls it flies out of the room when i push it towards the wall (this happens while carrying it or just pushing it). I mean this is stupid for a game Engine's physic system to not stop. It seems kinda essential, and i dont feel like programming an entire physics system. using swept collision on both every object involved Im asking for: anyway to fix the above problem or any other solution or idée on a work around! Thanks
  6. There is some issue with running your code, probarly just me being oblivious Anyway, so i basically made is so when the player is crouched some things, like vent roofs and such have no collision. And made a pick operation to see if anything was above you so you cant get up, but when they get out of the vent they go flying out of it. Which is kinda a issue
  7. So I'm trying to make my character be able to go through vents which are tight spaces. I tried just making my own crouch function which lowers the camera and the hitbox, which didn't work. So there must be some hidden collision going on. Anyway, I'm using a custom player script, but it has similarities with the standard FPS controller. So my question is: Is there any hidden collision going on with the character controller? And is there anyway to change the collision with it?
  8. Hi, I Think you just pin pointed one of my major bugs. When i pick up a weapon in my game, it shoots once. So i made like a timer thing were u can shoot only after 1 second of picking it up. Anyway, is there a way around this?
  9. ye read that, but didn't get much further than that
  10. I've tried playing around with the source volume on a music track in my game. But I don't get how the Source:SetVolume system is working. What number is the lowest volume and what is the highest?
  11. Im using a joint, which wont open/Close with the door if its 0. if i set it to >0 when its moving and otherwise keep it 0, they will fly through as soon as it starts opening. Actully, i redid the pick and now it works 100% of the time so far. Thanks, I'll return if I see them flying again
  12. Quick version: Looking for a way to make my AI check if there is a door infront of them, any suggestions appreciated. Long version: So, I've made a custom Ai script, which basically does a bunch of things. But, when the ai is chasing the player, with entity:follow. Everything works fine till i get to a door. If the door is closed the ai will fly through the door. So I made a pick operation to counter this. It didn't entierly work, code below: if the mode is "chase" then this happens every frame elseif self.AtkMode == "chase" then if self.door == nil then -- where i store the door entity if one is found in the pick operation -- System:Print("chasin") if self:CheckForDoor() == nil then --the below code self.entity:Follow(self.Target, self.Speed,self.Speed) else System:Print("door") self.entity:Stop() end else self.entity:Stop() if self.door.Done == true then --door.Done = true when my sliding door has finished opening self.door = nil end end end Gets called from the above code, this is the pick operation function Script:CheckForDoor() if((Time:GetCurrent() - self.TimeLastCheck)/1000 > self.TimeBtwChecks) then --basically every frame, not the problem self.TimeLastCheck = Time:GetCurrent() local pickinfo = PickInfo() local a1 = Transform:Point(Vec3(0,150,0), self.entity, nil) local a2 = Transform:Point(self.CheckOffsetC, self.entity, nil) if self.entity.world:Pick(a1, a2, pickinfo, 0, true, Collision.Debris) then System:Print("here1") if pickinfo.entity.script ~= nil then System:Print("here2") if type(pickinfo.entity.script.Toggle) == "function" then self.door = pickinfo.entity.script if pickinfo.entity.script.DoorOpen == false then pickinfo.entity.script:Toggle() end self.LastResultC = true return true --elseif pickinfo.entity.script.Live == ~= nil then else self.LastResultC = nil end else self.LastResultC = nil end else self.LastResultC = nil end else return self.LastResultC end return self.LastResultC end This fixes it, sometimes, but sometimes the pick dosen't find the door or finds something else and then it flys through the door. So this is kinda a bug report bcs entites shouldn't be flying through walls, and a question if there is any way to make this more effecient(and make it work). Got around 6 ai's in my scene. The door has 1 mass, navobstacle disabled, scene collision. Uses a slider joint to open. Similer post but no answer(or they said pick operation which i tried): http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14318-my-monsters-can-run-through-walls/ Another question: sometimes when the ai is chasing me it will stop and start spinning around in a cirkel, this usally happens when i go through a door. They will stop on the other side even though its open and start spinning, as if the path through the open door dosen't exist. This could be a problem with them finding the door or something while its open
  13. Ye, for some reason when i type it skipps over some letters, so i missed a few, should be correct now ty for Quick response
  14. As the titel suggests I'm having issues downloading items from the workshop. This is what comes up in the log: Downloadig Wokshop item "639861744". Error: Item states says it's not downloaded. Error: Failed to download Workshop item. Error: faile to download workshop item I just bought scifi pack 1 & 3, these are the packs I'm having issues with So im guessing i need to get these downloaded first some where or somethin
  15. As the title suggests, I'm interessted in knowing how I would go about implementing some code into my enemy object so that is checks if the player is inside its field of view.
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