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  1. Trust me ... even as a newbie I can tell you that it works fine ... as macklebee wrote, make sure you follow the tutorial. Once you've got your collision shape defined (in the built-in model editor), make sure you save it. I am not 100% sure, but I think you will have to put the newly saved model into your map, in order for it to work. Also make sure, that you have selected the proper collision type (I think it needs to be "Scene", not "Prop") ... Cheers, Greyfang
  2. OK ... that is going to be a challenge, because of the size ... given the "random assets" I have thrown onto the map, I would probably have to upload it to dropbox or something similar and then send a link as a PM. Cheers, Greyfang
  3. I was aware of that and changed that in the built-in model viewer / editor ---- KUDOS to Leadwerks for that ... the improvement Josh made to the (animation) pipeline are a real time saver ... This is turning out to be more fun than I had anticipated a bit frustrating at times, but fun ... Cheers, Greyfang
  4. OK ... thanks for the input ... got the DEX_Test01 map "fixed" ... And the other map includes a quadruped "monster" (cavemonster from Dexsoft), and as soon as it collides with another AI-character, it appears that the map freezes. Looking at the collision cage, I see a cylinder "straight up" (Y-axis ?), centered in the middle of the mesh. I had assigned "Charactercontroller & character" in the physics section ... is there some other setting I should have used ? Or do I need to go in and make a specialized version of the AI script ? Cheers, Greyfang
  5. Point well made ... Thank you for taking the time to look at my problem map and for posting a response. I agree that it will be exceedingly helpful, if all "non-standard" shaders etc. are mentioned in such a post. Since I am a newbie with shaders, how did you work out that shadmar's shader is interfering with the inherent water ? I wouldn't even know where to begin the error analysis. Thanks again, Greyfang
  6. @macklebee: Thanks for taking a look at the second map. If I have water enabled, do I not need a water shader in order to have the waterplane show properly ? Or am I just completely on the wrong track here ????
  7. Thanks ... I'll try to keep that in mind ... still will be a while, I think, since I am still struggling with some of the basics ...
  8. OK ... very strange ... now I have a map that worked fine yesterday (testing some of the Dexsoft models) and today, I am getting the "run window", but it is all black. I can still "walk" (WASD keys) because I can hear the sound. But I don't see anything ... CPU shows 16% usage for the "Test001.exe", 129 MB RAM usage ... Here are my system specs: Windows 10 (latest update) 16 GB RAM AMD 8350 Octacore Nvidea GTX980 (latest drivers installed) 2x SAMSUNG 1 TB SSDs 1 Hitachi 2 TB harddisk ... I am perfectly willing to say "mea culpa ... I did something I shouldn't have done !" ... but I just have no clue what that could be ... I've attached the MAP (as above) ... Cheers, Greyfang DEX_Test01.zip
  9. Here is the MAP file (zipped, because it is 14 MB in size) ... Let me know if you need anything else ... Cheers, Greyfang Test002.zip
  10. So let me guess ... you don't want anyone else to use your model ? Just kidding ...
  11. I have created a (small) test map and loaded a few characters and a few "scene objects" (models) into the map. When I start the map, things look OK ... but without a warning, at some time, it will just freeze ... end of game. The editor is still accessable, so it's not the entire PC that freezes. I have tried running it in debugging mode, but there it doesn't even start the level. It just sitzt there with a "busy cursor" ... and that's the end of it. Since I am still a newbie (just playing around, really), I do not doubt for a second, that it is something I have done. But I just don't know where to look. I suspect that the newly discoved WAYPOINTS are a potential issue. I understand that when I place a waypoint, I can drag&drop it to the AI character target field and it will go/run their. When I look at the waypoint entity, I see that the script has a number of "target" fields. I can't figure out what they are used for (looked at waypoint.lua, but that confused me more than clarify anything). Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, Greyfang
  12. Since I'm still new to Leadwerks, I don't know if it is a problem with the FBX file itself (coming from ZBrush, it may be too big ?). One "quick fix" could be to copy another (small) FBX file into the directory that you copied the ZBrush FBX file into. Since Leadwerks detects any changes in the directories (e.g. when you put a FBX file into a model directory), it may always try to convert it into a MDL file and fail (freeze) ... maybe putting a small / simple FBX file there might help. I've imported quite a few FBX files and most of them were converted by Leadwerks without a hitch. The biggest problems I have had so far are: one (character) FBX file had the textures wrong - although they looked fine in UU3D and Fragmotion one (monster) FBX file always had screwed up polys - again, it looked fine in Fragmotion and I exported it from Fragmotion in order to fix the poly problem Over all, the process has been VERY painless (compared to some of the other pipelines) ... not perfect, but pretty darn close. I think you will like some of the stuff you can do with the model, once it has been converted (like creating a custom collision object or resizing it to a specific size / height) ... Cheers, Greyfang
  13. Yeah, I know the feeling ... except that I never even seem to get to REALLY know the software I bought ... I think maybe if the day had 36 hours .... Cheers, Greyfang
  14. Ok ... found a couple of additional features I really, really like : a.) the ability to generate collision shapes in Leadwerks itself ... cool. I would probably be able to manually create a more efficient collision hull for some objects (e.g. a model of a hallway incl. steps), because I have done that before for GameCore, but so many of the objects can be handled through Leadwerks, it is a joy. b.) resizing of an object in the model viewer / editor ... not only by %, but by actually entering the desired "size" in feet or meters ... amazingly useful (I am currently porting some FBX models and some are HUGE and can be resized nicely inside Leadwerks). Two thumbs up ! I realize that these are not complex or "dramatic" features, but I just enjoy the enhanced workflow because they are there ! Cheers, Greyfang
  15. OK ... got the underwater shader to work for the "global water plane" ... looks really good to. How would I need to go about assigning that shader to a block (either CSG or modelled in Blender), so I could "fill" a pool, which is located ABOVE the "global water plane" .... I've tried using the shader on a material, but that didn't seem to work (it certainly didn't look like water). Cheers, Greyfang
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