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  1. Hello when even I load leadwerks it always shows EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION when its loading the Devices spesificly when it gets to "Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD" please note that I am running this on a old fujist laptop and im using this temporarly because my PC's Motherboard, Processor and Memory fried there selves and geting replacement parts soonish but im on a time schedual for releasing my current project and I need it done by the end of the year so I have been trying to keep on schedual anyway is there a fix to my issue? or am I going to do all nighters to get it done? ( sorry about the last part I get a bit carried away when on forums *derp* ) EDIT: welp there is no fix to my issue... looks like its gonna have to be all nighters for a month to keep on time... oh well :|
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