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  1. Hi. Is there a method that gets the current framebuffer? Like ActiveWindow(), entity-GetWorld(), or Context::GetCurrent() in LW?
  2. entity->SetVelocity(0,0,0.02f, false); entity->SetAngularVelocity(0, false); Hello. This code moves the physics object forward, but causes it to rotate at the same speed in its z-axis. Also, Angular Velocity does not work without setting a velocity. Is this normal? This wasn't the case with LW.
  3. Hello. How can i stamp to terrain instead of using decals in Leadwerks 4.6 ? I'm trying to decal on the terrain, but something wrong witch decal shader. it looks very bad. Texture* greygrid = Texture::Load("Materials/Developer/greygrid.tex"); m_terrain->SetStampTexture(greygrid, 0, 0); m_terrain->AddStamp(2048, 2048, 0, 200, 200, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Console::Log("Stamp Applied"); //But it's not working
  4. Hi. In Actor class, useupdatephysics bool is true, but UpdatePhysics() function is not called.
  5. Hi, I love doing hammer style mapping. I know we can edit the vertex, but if there was a clipping tool, I think it would be very useful in situations like the ones in the picture. This is a feature I've been wanting ever since Leadwerks. I hope such a feature comes.
  6. ErhanK

    Quake BSP Loading

    Sorry.. my mistake. I should have tried another bsp. It worked now, thanks.
  7. ErhanK

    Quake BSP Loading

    I installed the plugin, but I'm not sure which functions to call and create a model from BSP. Do you have an article for this?
  8. ErhanK

    Quake BSP Loading

    How can i load a BSP like this?
  9. I just wanted to put it here.
  10. I wouldn't miss something like this, trust me. I will try again and try to provide you with more detailed information.
  11. By the way, the program does not seem to render the black color. When I run the game, the program stops responding. No matter how long I wait, it stays that way.
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