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  1. Hey everyone, I got a bug report from a user which uses our simulator (which is made approximately 7 years ago with leadwerks) and it is giving me hard time to find out the source. I thought maybe some of you guys can put me into right direction. First of all, i didnt write a single code line to this project and people who did this is not around here for a long while. So i am all alone in this mess. Project includes a truck which can hitch 3 different types of trailers. According to the scenario the driver will pick some of those trailers and get some stuff from the plane and put them into the storage building. These 3 different trailers are named, BaggageTruck, TrailerDolly and ContainerDolly. If you drive the vehicle without any trailers hitched, the vehicle keeps it max velocity 28km/h as it is supposed to do. However, when i hitch the first trailer(BaggageTruck) when moving in -X direction the vehicle can go up to infinite speed (limited to the map size) with an exponential velocity graph. (I mean at every direction from 0 to 180 angles in X-Y axis) With 2nd trailer(TrailerDolly) the vehicle behave the same at the opposite directions(+X) (from 180 to 360 in X-Y axis) with 3rd trailer(ContainerDolly) the vehicle behave the same with "BaggageTruck" The map is all flat. 0 difference in z direction. And when i hitch the TrailerDolly and ContainerDolly together, the vehicle speed is not capped to 28 km/h for +X direction but with a much smaller acceleratio in the given map. Tho it can go up to the same values in a much larger map. I ve done a lot of tinkering with the classes and phy files. The only thing that gets me closer to solution is following: When i change the RollingResistanceCoefficient from 0.1 to 0 in BaggageTruck .phy file, the trailer(BaggageTurck) is working as intended. The same thing doesnt solve the problem for the other 2 trailers which is just stupid imo. It is already too long for a post, so i am cutting this here. But if some of you guys need some further information to help me out, i will be around here to give you as much info as i can give.
  2. First of all, thank you all for your responses. @macklebee, I dont have any particular reason to use 2.3 for my work other than i jsut guessed a lot should ve been changed from 2.3 to 4.1 So using the older project's version (2.3) should be easier. However i couldnt find a proper workaround to just change the models on the map yet. I already bought 4.1 version 2 days ago, looked around and immediately noticed a more user friendly viewport. Do you think implementing the old (2.3) DDS, IOS, physics etc to 4.1 is easier? Can one just use the same (or very similar) code lines to make it work on 4.1? @Josh and @diedir thank you ver much for the links.
  3. Hello everyone, I ve got an old project (a pushback vehicle simulator). I want to change the airport map to another one. First things first, i wanted to export a model from 3ds max to leadwerks. However exported fbx or obj files need to be converted to gmf files as it says on the forums. As i read more i found out that i need to use a tool to convert those files. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/141-leadwerks-tools-22-for-3ds-max/ in above link "arbuz" posted a 3ds max plugin which automates the process. I buyed another license ( i dont know where to old licenses are) just to log in and download this. But when i logged in via steam, i found out that the link is dead proly because now 4.1 is live and no one else is using this tool. To sum up, i am using leadwerks 2.3/2.5 and i am in need of a workaround for converting objects(which are created in 3ds max) to gmf files. and also i want to get an advice for the following as well. What changed 2.3 to 4.1. I mean we have a working system using leadwerks 2.3 now, can we use the physics, codes,etc to build the same thing in 4.1?
  4. Hey everyone. I know it is a 5 year old topic. But i am stuck and in need of help. A while ago (like 5-6 years) some guys in my company used leadwerks 2.3 to create a simulator. I need to update the map for myself right now. (to another airport model). But i am stuck. I have a lot of experience in unreal engine 4 and 3ds max. But i cannot even upload an object to leadwerks properly. The link for the plugin is dead right now. Could anyone have the plugin or could you suggest me a workaround? a note: i need to use leadwerks 2.3. Dont want to work on the physics from scratch.
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