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  1. And yeah. Also I discovered that there is Main.lua started. And what if I want to run my C++ code when push "Play" button in editor?
  2. Hello guys! I am newbie in this Engine. I would like to ask you for help. I set up small scene with editor where I put a camera and crawler. I have already done couple of tutorials of changing it run-time (and creating it actually runtime). But what if I want to manipulate with objects which I put on editor? How do I do it? And if you provide some links to resources where I can learn it deeply I would really appreciate it.
  3. Playing around with building project for LE under Linux I have discovered that libsteam_api.so file in Project's root directory is x86. Is there way to find x64 version of it? Where this library came from btw?
  4. Btw. Specific set of libraries for spescific compilers Like for vc10, cv12, vc14, gcc etc. Can be provided by DLC. In this case team which uses LE knows which compilers it will use. So they can download only required dlls and stuff. Yes. But there would not be room for real work if you will all the time learn something.
  5. Alright. At least set of libs and cmake for supported compilers. It is much simpler then strict developer with particular version of compiler. For instance Linux. Everything is compiled by gcc (even in CodeBlocks). Why should I learn how to use CodeBlocks if I use Eclipse or Qt for develop?
  6. Speaking about compilers I have came across about several examples how to start new C++ project with LE (but have not tried it myself yet). And the thing is that LE provides ready made project (VS or CodeBlocks). But the point is I guess all logic is still in Leadwerks lib and dll files. So there is no difference actually which compiler developer will use (I might be wrong, correct me if I am). Then it is good Idea to think about CMake project which can be configured under any platform and for all popular compilers. It this case you will have to provide only Cmake project directory. And you will not have to generate all this directories in Project directory like Linux, Windows, MacOS, etc.
  7. I want to add my work for VS2015. I think it is great idea to support this version since it almost fully supports C++11. Which makes easier to develop games cross platform. Since GCC supports C++11 several years.
  8. That is interesting! I will take a look. Thank you. Rick, Thank for you too. Seems it is possible. I will dig into it deeply when start learning about programming side of LE. This topic bookmarked
  9. I wonder will be it possible to assign (may be it already possible) C++ to program object behavior. As we can do it right now with Lua?
  10. Hello guys. Exploring information about LE Engine I have watched all videos on official YouTube channel and made playlist with tutorials only. Here is link: May be it will be useful for you.
  11. Yes. I am Linux user. So. LE is cross-platform, right? Than I can expect that all things will work similar in both platforms. Which means I probably should report a bug.
  12. Thank you for reply, Evayr! As I have notices. Whole project has all kinds of files (like materials) which actually text files. I have not checked whether map files is binary. Do you have any idea which files in project tree is binary? Since I know that storing binary data in git repository not a good practice.
  13. I wonder what the list of ignored files to store Leadwerks project in Git repository. And is there any suggestions how to organize team development of the project at all? Thanks in advance!
  14. Is there for LE some bug tracking system where I can apply bags or something?
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