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  1. Well you mentioned earlier that it would be theoretically possible to do in a separate world. In my case, I'm doing it at game start when the world is completely blank. IMO something like this needs to be possible going forward or I just don't see any way in which we load a large number of resources efficiently. Sorry to reiterate but I feel very strongly about this.
  2. I only ever load one copy of each model, and each model is inserted into in an unordered map in a thread safe manner. If by use of the unmanaged flag, the function does not touch anything in the engine internals, then I'm not sure how this would cause a crash.
  3. Why is that? I thought this was the idea of it being unmanaged; basically just giving me an isolated copy of what I have loaded?
  4. Also, its good to know that the unmanaged flag appears to be working as expected. I've had some good results with loading multiple weapon models on separate threads via a thread pool.
  5. Thanks I didn't see that function as its not documented.
  6. What is the correct way to delete an entity from the world? (Ingame, not in the editor)
  7. @Joshso while that fixes emitted sounds, it appears to break standard sounds that are just played by calling the Play() function. Its like as though my camera has now spatialized a sound that should be heard directly by the player, such as weapon reload. If I reload my gun, I can hear it mostly in my left ear, and then as I turn my player around I can hear it in the other ear. Is there something else here I have missed?
  8. Ok - Just ran a quick test after converting all the weapon textures from from PNG to DDS and it loads insanely faster. Thanks for the tip. I also forgot to get back to you; release mode didnt make much at all differences; I guess it is due to the texture load times. I'm still yet to try loading unmanaged models though. which is something I will still do despite how fast the DDS textures load.
  9. Can we have a way to set the lifetime of particles in the editor? It doesn't make sense to me that I would need to up the particle count in order to extend the lifetime of the particles. If I wanted only a few particles with a longer life, I'm not sure its possible.
  10. I think an option to hide the terrain in the editor would be useful, specifically in the 2D views when you are trying to create primitives, as there would be a whole lot less 2D faces in your view.
  11. I'll see what I can do. Also, I was not changing the FOV, for zoom I am using Camera::SetZoom()
  12. Using Entity::EmitSound() I am not hearing the sound as a 3D spatial sound - it is very weighted to my left ear, no matter which direction I face, or how close to the entity playing the sound I am. Is there something I could be doing wrong? Essentially my component that is attached to an entity in the world calls GetEntity()->EmitSound( .... ). Tested on latest dev branch.
  13. It would be useful to be able to specify additional directories for components, perhaps in settings. My core game functionality resides in a library, along with the components, so I'm not if there's a way for me to place them in the editor. Maybe it can be done by just copying the json files over to that directory but I'm not sure. EDIT: It seems that if I just copy the json to the main game project directory's source/components directory, everything works as expected. Maybe this isn't necessary unless you get real bored.
  14. I'm trying to understand when a component is required. I have many objects in my world that I create dynamically (not in the editor). These objects have logic that needs to be checked each frame. What would be the difference between me instantiating this object as a derived class of BaseComponent (add component to entity), that has its Update() function called by the engine each frame, as oppose to me not deriving BaseComponent, and calling Update() for this object on each game frame myself. Is there any difference here?
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