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  1. You can try these materials. A brick and a rusted metal. PBRs.rar
  2. You are absolutely right. PBR is the nextgen rendering solution and it is more realistic than traditional rendering. This is a nice page to compare them: https://warthunder.com/en/devblog/current/806 Slide the red line in the middle of the pictures below right and left to see the difference both them.
  3. Controls are great! I like it. Edit: I was already following your devlogs on Youtube. You are really professional developer
  4. Turkish İıÖöÜüŞşÇçĞğ
  5. Steam Profilim: http://steamcommunity.com/id/berkenpasa09
  6. Selam, bende Türküm. Leadwerks topluluğunda, Türk arkadaş bulmak iyi oldu. . (Hi, I'm a Turkish. It is good to find Turkish friend in Leadwerks community.)
  7. I want to use multiple scripts in my character, but I don't want to change the FPS script. I hope this feature will be added in the future. Leadwerks / Unity Thanks Josh..
  8. Thanks. No longer, I can change my signature
  9. You are right but my computer totally old; So, I am not only upgrade GPU. I need totally new computer.
  10. Thanks for info Already, I going to buy new computer in June, July.
  11. I found this -> http://urun.n11.com/masaustu-bilgisayar/amd-a10-4-cekirdek-8gb-ram320-gb4gb-ek-kartigta5-oyun-bilgis-P123725149?cid=604001 Is this good?
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