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Everything posted by Volker
Test it yourself. There is a free version available. For myself it's like the difference between bicycle and motorcycle. With both you can reach your target..
Shouldn't 3D lines be part of the engine?
I thought similar, but ran over this: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/145-newton-stacking-objects-strange-behaviour/page__p__1190__fromsearch__1entry1190 The behaviour of newton is strange. Until this is solved, LE is IMHO unusable for a stacking game.
Another thumbs up for INNO.
Yep. They use antigravity for their wash-bowl. Very trendsetting.
With this skin the forum remembers my sign in. With the other ones I always had to redo it after a browser restart. Something with the cookies?
There are no images in it. May be it's made in MS office. Your are right, PDF would be the best way to go.
If I would have seen this before purchasing LE, wouldn't done that Looks a bit frightened at the first look, but it is very helpful, logical and well structured. Btw: I can't open the file with firefox (3.6), only with IE. And IE wants to install an Microsoft Office Add-on.
Staticfriction and kineticfriction.
Set game path to the directory where your project is stored. The editor scans it and editor has access to all gmf (and corresponding .ini, .phy, .lua) files in it (includes all subdirectories). To get your meshes showed sorted in the righthand view of the editor (for example all your rocks): - create a sub dir "Rocks"; put your rock meshes in it - rename your meshes in the directory with the prefix "Rocks_" The folder "Rocks" can be under another directory like "meshes" or "models". Sorted view stays. Take a look at the models folder in the SDK to see how Josh did it.
This question was asked in the old forum here. I limited the movement to 2D with the code posted there which works fine. For the rotation I found no similar way, so please let me know if you solve it. To limit the rotation I'm using two big boxes between which my ship moves. I had to adjust the body damping, so that the boxes don't decelerate the ship to much. Yes All my ships will have the same z-size to avoid this trouble. Especially in Multiplayer using multiple planes/boxes. Julio (the newton maker) wrote that he is working on something to limit movement to 2D. But I don't know how far he is. Btw: Which newton version is LE 2.3 using?
For your graphics card.
Create a folder outside "program files". Let's say d:\test. Copy materialeditor.exe, shaders.pak, newton.dll from Leadwerks directory to it. Try to run it. Or try a fresh install of Leadwerks to a directory outside "program files" like "c:\Leadwerks engine SDK" and then try again. No more ideas from me at them moment.
Ok, I see You can try to execute the editor as admin and in xp compability mode.
Which operating system are you on? Windows XP? Are you using an admin account? Would be nice if you put informations about your system in your signature for the future.
It should be in the directory of your Leadwerks Engine, normally "C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK". It's named "MaterialEditor.log" and created if your start materialeditor.exe. It can be that the editor crashes before creating the log file. Start the modelviewer.exe. Does it create a ModelViewer.log?
No need for that. Just install all programms to c:\ Run them alway as admin. Run them always in xp compatibility mode. Then UAC is fine; so far.
Ok, this was clear. Thanks.
Wouldn't local oldcolor:vec4=Getcolor() SetColor(Vec4(1, 1, 0, 1)) DrawText("Hello World", 10, 50) SetColor(oldcolor) have done it? Thats the way I did it in Max2D. I'm still a little confused. Thought Setcolor() affects only 2D drawings, not the rendering.
For the Blitzmax users I can recommend FryPad. "..is a free module that provides an abstract control interface that sits between your game logic and the various control systems (keyboards, joypads etc.) the player wishes to use."
Wow, and the font drawing is solved too. Nice. If there would be a Getcolor(), I could have done it. Now finally it looks like I can go back to leveldesign.
One more thing. Activating the skybox via framework.bmx and a setcolor() before flip makes the everything drawn tinted. Without skybox it's ok. 'Import "framework.bmx" RegisterAbstractPath(AppDir) Graphics(1024, 768) Global fw:tframework = CreateFramework() If fw = Null Then Throw("no framework") GCSetMode(2) ' Local camera:TCamera = fw.Main.camera PositionEntity(camera, Vec3(0, 0, -2)) Local light:TLight = CreateSpotLight(10) RotateEntity(light, Vec3(45, 55, 0)) PositionEntity(light, Vec3(5, 5, -5)) ' ' Local mesh:TMesh = CreateCube() ' SetSkybox(LoadMaterial("abstract::FullskiesBlueClear0016_2_L.mat")) While Not AppTerminate() And Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) fw.Update() fw.Render() SetColor(Vec4(1, 1, 0, 0)) ' deactivate this and everything is rendered fine. DrawText("Hello World", 10, 50) Flip(0) WEnd
Sorry, I don't wanted to be offensive. But this one really made me thinking about giving up. It's not always easy to strip down the code for the forum. And I see no solution to prevent something like this in the future. Perpaps it's a way to be more OOP, so I can disable big chunks of code for testing. Will sleep over this. Thanks for your (very fast) help, guys.
In my project the plane is created every 300 millsecs. I thought GCCollect() is automatically called every Updateworld(). So it must be called minimum 5 times before a new plane is created. How the hell should I have the idea the garbage collection mode does that? And how did you got on this? I see the project wizard in 2.3 creates files in which GCSetMode(2) is already done. Thats good.
Ok, 2D, that was something I could work with. In my project all 2D-rendering is at the right place, but something else is different. New crashing code: http://www.skopia.de/forum/glinvalid2.rar Framework leadwerks.engine Import "framework.bmx" RegisterAbstractPath AppDir Graphics (800, 600) ', 32) Global fw:tframework = createframework() Local game:TGametest = New TGametest game.Init() game.Process() Type TGametest Field camera:TEntity ' Method Init() fw.SetStats(2) ' set this to 0 and code works, 2 produces crash fw.Main.world.size = Vec3(7000) ' fw.Main.world.SetGravity(Vec3(0, -0.75 * levelscale, -0)) ' a light Local light2:TLight = CreateDirectionalLight() TurnEntity(light2, Vec3(270, 0, 0)) ' cam Local camera:TEntity = fw.Main.camera Self.camera = camera ' CameraZoom(TCamera(Self.camera), 1.90) PositionEntity(Self.camera, Vec3(0, 0, -10)) CameraRange(TCamera(Self.camera), 1, 200) End Method Method Process() DebugLog("Press ENTER to produce error!") While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) Global plane:tmesh = CreateSphere () If KeyDown(KEY_ENTER) DebugLog("pane removed and new created") FreeEntity(Plane) Plane = CreateSphere() 'Delay 1500 'flushkeys() End If fw.Update() Self.Render() Local Vec:TVec3 = Vec3(10, 10, 10) Local text:String = "camera" DrawText(text + vec.x + vec.z, 100, 10) 'fails DrawText(text + vec.x + vec.z, 10, 10) ' fails DrawText(text + vec.x, 100, 10) 'works DrawText(text + vec.x, 100, 10) ' works ' comment the draw texts above OR the drawvector below out and code works DrawVector("camera", Vec3(10, 10, 10), 200, 10) 'EntityPosition(fw.Main.camera) Flip(0) Wend End Method Method Render() fw.Render() End Method End Type Function DrawVector(text:String, vec:TVec3, x:Int, y:Int) DrawText(Text + ": " + vec.x + ": " + vec.y + ": " + vec.z, x, y) End Function