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Everything posted by flachdrache
He, i know that shader - a pretty expensive car effect paint. A good bunch of layers ... not just diffuse and cubemap. The cheap way is to use a "noise filter" on your specular map or to bake the effect onto the diffuse map (missing realtime specular reflections, though) maybe <<blender>> can do ?! http://matrep.parastudios.de/index.php?action=category&category=9-car-paint For the "realtime" reflections - and iam no glsl expert but that sounds expensive. Try to find the "Half-Life2_Shading.pdf" - there might be some info about this. I would say "fake it" or get an shader expert.
From the shader the EMBM should blend with the diffuse.w (alphachannel) but it seams not to do much. just replace the #LW_CUBEMAP in the frag with this #ifdef LW_CUBEMAP vec3 cubecoord = reflect( normalize( modelvertex.xyz - cameraposition ), normal * gl_NormalMatrix ); // diffuse = vec4( textureCube(LW_CUBEMAP,cubecoord).xyz, diffuse.w); float lerpvalue = 0.5; diffuse = mix(vec4( textureCube(LW_CUBEMAP,cubecoord).xyz, diffuse.w), diffuse, lerpvalue); #endif thats a "temp" solution. I do have the same issue with my shaders but only on *_cubemap_skin.vert shaders which seam to be rejected in r5 in a whole (special care with the nmat maybe) ... ill take a look into it. PS: The diffuse texture should be there no matter what - no need to pass it along with a 2nd "vec4 diftex". hth
right - guess i need a little sleep then.
Nope thats the old - pre 2.31 way to do it. Currently this (first post) descibes how-to position/dublicate entitys to a "picked position". tbh, control aint doing it with right-mouse button (the arrow just disappears) and written is "click" not "hold + let go" ... sorry for being that picky. harhar
If the artifacs appear on the train it might be "shadow acne" + quality of shadows are scaling over distance (for FPS) which can be visible. zFar and zNear (camera) values have to be usable for with your scene too e.g. worldSettings. As a 2.28 developer you should absolutely skim through the "old" forum at forum.leadwerks.com and download/read this one : http://leadwerks.com/files/Deferred_Rendering_in_Leadwerks_Engine.pdf hth
Hmmm, right-mouse is cameraView and left-mouse is selecting - control aint changing a thing here. All i got is a area-select for selecting multiple models. Which model am i supposed to select (from the list or scene)?
can someone please enlighten me -Ctrl key + right click in editor duplicates selection and positions it at the picked position. -Ctrl key + left click in editor positions selection at the picked position. How does this work e.g. mouse pointer is jumping around but aint picking/positioning stuff. tia
[offtopic] In my language "isidisi" means "easygoing" - yet, you keep wetting yourself. Here is my straight personal view ! Iam a very bad guesser. I cant say what kind of experiments you are trying and for what reason. Plus you are a 2.0SDK user - there possibly where bugs no_one remembers. [/offtopic] So let this be my last guess on you newbees. The modelscale should be choosen relative to the world and/or terrain size. It might be not wise to (over)scale lights nor to intersect pointlight volumes. -> choose a midway. The key here is renderpasses per pixel ( if its the same for a deferred renderer ) e.g. guessing. At least provide your system specs so one can exclude driver issues.
Usually - no , however if you want speed things up for a first pass i would suggest so. You can preview at different scale and "keep one eye" on the terrain at the same time. For a final, beauty pass you most likely want to know every brushstroke anyway - or let people find some "ugly" corner. better suggestions always welcome, though.
You should not have the need to change mesh.frag or other. At least not "clamp" values. You tried changing "gloss" and "specular" in the *.mat files, right.
use the preview window ?!
Hmmm, since you are new i try to explane better. Your setup in the picture, you posted, seams to be right but it also looks like you simply clamp the textures (or one of em) - its the x, y, z value below "image : cobblestones.dds". I can tell that normalmapping is going one because of a pretty vertical seam and POM because the aliasing of depth "cant" be anti-aliased - your screenshot is showing both effects. However, there might still be many, many, many other reasons why it aint looking like on the sample image. PS : LW_DETAIL is used like a switch and i enabled it for/on my POM shader - just had to note the fact.
Heh, ok - solved. My 3d headphone_soundcard aint having the sound issue but my old 5.1 soundcard has (yea, who would had guessed -> hardware). Beside getting rid of pre-rendered frames and optimisations ... disable "hardware acceleration" under the audio->system-property tab.
Dont clamp the textures - and it needs a high precision depthmap in the diffusemap`s alpha channel (which cobblestones have). For my maps a also changed the mesh.frag[/] to allow less precision, less deep surfaces. #ifdef LW_POMMAP varying vec3 eyevec; vec3 vLightTS=vec3(0.66,0.66,0.66); float depthP = .04; float nMinSamples = 20; float nMaxSamples = 30; //might scale this back, up to 50 #endif PS : the screenshot shows a added detail map with "LW_DETAIL" hth
Hmmm, right - doesnt thought about additional blend textures etc. - actually I call my own post effects right after RenderFramework got my postbuffer. [edit] Guess I misunderstood - you want framework and render your effects after SetHDR(1) etc. Iam not completely hooked but lets say i believe something like this would work. global : //Global variables - TBuffer postbuffer; TBuffer blurbuffer[2]; TShader ppnightvision; TShader ppdefaultvision; in the main loop : UpdateFramework(); // RenderFramework(); Render(); the render() methode : void Render() { SetBuffer(postbuffer); RenderFramework(); TTexture posttex1; posttex1 = LoadTexture("abstract::fx_screen_1.dds"); // post effect 1 - Blur TTexture blurtex; int bw; int bh; for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if (i==0) blurtex = GetColorBuffer(postbuffer, 1); else blurtex = GetColorBuffer(blurbuffer[i-1]); SetBuffer(blurbuffer[i]); bw = BufferWidth(blurbuffer[i]); bh = BufferHeight(blurbuffer[i]); DrawImage(blurtex, 0, bh, bw, -bh); } SetBuffer(BackBuffer()); // post effect 2 - nightvision if (switchScreen) { SetShader(ppdefaultvision); BindTexture( GetColorBuffer(blurbuffer[1]), 0); BindTexture( posttex1, 1); TTexture tex = GetColorBuffer(postbuffer); TextureFilter(tex,TEXFILTER_SMOOTH); DrawImage(tex,0,TextureHeight(tex),TextureWidth(tex),-TextureHeight(tex)); TextureFilter(tex,TEXFILTER_PIXEL); SetShader(NULL); } else if (!switchScreen) { SetShader(ppnightvision); BindTexture( GetColorBuffer(blurbuffer[1]), 0); BindTexture( posttex1, 1); TTexture tex = GetColorBuffer(postbuffer); TextureFilter(tex,TEXFILTER_SMOOTH); DrawImage(tex,0,TextureHeight(tex),TextureWidth(tex),-TextureHeight(tex)); TextureFilter(tex,TEXFILTER_PIXEL); SetShader(NULL); } // -- } Its a little fragmented ATM but should work. The "Post-Processing_Effects.pdf" and the "Rendering_Water.pdf" helped a lot flashing these out. hf
First of i would look into the "presets" folder under PostFilters - they basicaly work like the preprocessing for mesh shaders (with added specular, glow etc.). The same way you could "plugIn" your effect(s) imho e.g. not tested myself but it works. ... lets say you use frameworks distanceFog, bloom, ssao and hdr which would be a common combination. In that case, framework would not load every posteffects one by one but load the preset "postfilter_distancefog_bloom_ssao_hdr.frag" instead. If you want to add your posteffect to this preset (since its the one youll use in framework) youll do like to add yours with something like "#define LW_BLUESHIFT". The actaull call to every single shader happens in "postfilter.frag" which in turn calls the specific shader, like a "blueshift.frag". So you have to add your changes to "postfilter.frag" (if needed) and the call to ultimately your own posteffect. Take a look into "godrays.frag" and "hdr.frag" and youll find they get called in postfilter.frag and/or the related preset. hth
@omid3098 which comp in your sig ... cant think of any reason for just 6-7 FPS in fullscreen atm. [all] last try to fix the video_playback_speed w/o bugging the main loop too much FullscreenFix_Bin - latest release. However, please try the initial released ^Link^ first. thx, i was a little worried about the window and fullscreen switching - the actual scene and renderer features i have thrown in, to make it not too boring e.g. the lag you guys experience is because of how I added the videotexture.
Nope, - in the sample (not fullscreen) call up your taskMan with alt-stg-entf, find the sample`s process and just assign two cores to the app (by rightClick-assign). I assumed this is what windowsXP compatibility mode does but i might be wrong. [edit] any strange FPS drops with aero etc. ? Please report any other issue. thx
Jepp, right - reflaction is upside down like the curentRender, hehehe. As for the video rendering ahead - ill release the source soon and we can think about a solution later. @ MrIslomaniac - your specs please ... Sorry for the noise so far. Please report any other issue. thx
Please try again [edit] see first post for link Guess i need kind of an speedLimiter. The new exe "should" get rid of stuttering at least. If there is an windowsXP compatibility mode please test it. @ MrIslomaniac - fullscreen is now bound to 1280x960. The 1280x720 resolution should work too, tbh. Might be a driver issue. PS: save a currentBuffer to *.png with "ENTER". thx
Hey great - so i assume non issue on win7. All should run smoothly, though - please delete the openAL.dll and try again (left the dll for non leadwerksSDK users). If it still stutters, please download following exe, rename the old exe and copy the new one in the folder. [edit] see first post for link thx
Please take a look into this rolling demo and report back with your FPS + GFXcard. Turn your speakers down please features : -customBuffer in a window -video playback with -leGL drawing using -leadwerks framework downloads : Link, ca 36MB needs GeForce 9600 or HD3850 +. FullscreenFix_Bin - latest release. [edit] Controlls are : left/right arrows and mouse. [license] Art-assets i.p. and there copyright by them respective owners/artist. You are not allowed to dissect, copy or move any part of the provided self-extracting archive "Win32ClassProject_RollingDemo.exe" outside the initial installation folder. The archive/download is provided "as-is" with no additional support. By downloading/installing the program you declare that you understood and agree the license terms. tia, low
Cubemap projection - maybe as a shadowing pass.
misfortune ... too much text! The bad thing about you is that you pretend to need help only to start a flame war. GameOver for you. B)
So you simply should declare yourself better red ... and try a better style of writing your knickknacks.