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Some more architecture
flachdrache commented on Flexman's blog entry in CombatHelo Blog (RSS Import)
Whoa -
Hmmm, thanks for the head up but the child models are actually not needed since i load them into a "dummy" model (the parent). However, i guess i cant exclude them from the list of available models. I would like to pass "COLLISION_PROP" to the child models, so i can let a small house float in a river but using a pivot might be better anyway. I tried "CopyEntityKeys" and such but w/o effect - changing color, hide/unhide gets translated to the child(s), however. I guess ill go through your how-to`s and read a little more and see what i can gather, Aggror.
Ermmmm - ok, since this will allways be scene collision i added object.large01_quad_high_base :SetCollisionType( COLLISION_SCENE, 0 ) object.large01_quad_high_green:SetCollisionType( COLLISION_SCENE, 0 ) and it seams the loaded phy will indeed be used. However, any takers on the OcclusionCulling part i.e. will the ground level apartment be occluded if the player is on second floor ?
Hi, i have some single objects i like to load into a lua class to assemble level geometry. The hope here is to let OcclusionCulling remove child parts of the assembled parent (?!) and to be able to "fade out" parts of it by camera distance (top-down or iso-camera). The single objects do have an offset relative to each other, so itll fit well together. As far as i understand, i do need to write an update function to roatate/position the model in one piece (using a dummy model as parent). That works quit well - The issue now is (with my current code) that the loadModel does load the correct phy objects, though - but the physic keys, i set on the parent (dummy) model, aint passed to the child object(s). function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) --Load all the parts for the models object.large02_quad_high_base=LoadModel("abstract::gTown_AddOn_FlatGreen_large02_quad_high_base.gmf") object.large02_quad_high_green=LoadModel("abstract::gTown_AddOn_FlatGreen_large02_quad_high_green.gmf") --parent all parts to form the model object.large02_quad_high_base:SetParent(object.model) object.large02_quad_high_green:SetParent(object.model) --object handling will now be performed relative to its parent object.large02_quad_high_base:SetPosition(object.model.position, 1) object.large02_quad_high_base:SetRotation(object.model.position, 1) object.large02_quad_high_green:SetPosition(object.model.position, 1) object.large02_quad_high_green:SetRotation(object.model.position, 1) --[[ function object:Collision(entity,position,normal,force,speed) end ]]-- function object:Update() object.large02_quad_high_base:SetPosition(object.model:GetPosition(0), 1) object.large02_quad_high_base:SetRotation(object.model:GetPosition(0), 1) object.large02_quad_high_green:SetPosition(object.model:GetPosition(0), 1) object.large02_quad_high_green:SetRotation(object.model:GetPosition(0), 1) end function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end end How do i get physics interaction on the child models ?
Well, i can only guess ... up to your transparenz or AF driver settings.
I posted before in the other topic about saving ( meaningless info about save 1,2,3 in a row - atm i guess you possibly overlooked some files during an update or (in this matter) the update of terrain informations, like the position of foliage (for its billboards), aint happened well or not at all.
How to reveal NPC´s floor-by-floor indoors.
flachdrache replied to flachdrache's topic in Programming
thx guys - makes me think of a more cinematic approach iam just playing with atm. Instead of just hiding stuff top-down, i could track in which area the current alter-ego is and hide whats on the list to be hidden. Maybe even provide both, a camera pivot for the controller in question for the action sequence and a "outside" iso-perspective for the turns - way better then my initial idea of a "model viewer". -
Hi, iam trying to figure out the best possible approach how to "reveal" (make visible) fighting NPC`s or bot`s in an "RTS" game. Lets assume we have a game like the old fallout (round based with action budged) - some comrades are on ground level but some allready entered the staircase to first-floor. If we now circle the camera around the building`s center - how to blend-out the building floor-by-floor? The building might be allready separated in groundfloor, groundfloor-walls etc. so, In LUA i might would load the building floor-by-floor and jump from pivot-to-pivot vertically while using show/hide. How would other, solid ways to handle such look like ? Iam interested in all kinds of ideas. tia, JT
Its everything the same basically - so you could wade through tutorials about Worldcraft, UnrealEd and/or the qRadiant (the more early though). The real advantage you might gain, is how one has to processes the world model(s) and thats something which can only be "figured out" by the time you (can) spend with it.
Coming from the modding-community i know exactly what its like to "stand-alone" - all i can say, right now, is that we have something in the making to support independent game development or self-learning hobbyists. http://www.manablue.org/ http://www.managreen.org/ You might notice that these are ******* twins and incorporating an .org domain ... and that my origin is located in the realms of "game" artwork. However, iam currently moving and my "real-life" work comes first, "free" support comes second but i have art-assets to be released on the market, with a reasonable pricing model. With that being said, ill take care that releasing supportive work (which comes with source) aint getting in the way of ones business interests - which means [somewhat] restrictive licensing for the "free" content.
great, thx for sharing. FYI - need to change for le 2.31 require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:InitDialog(grid) self.super:InitDialog(grid) group=grid:FindGroup( "Appearance" ) group:AddProperty("castshadows",PROPERTY_CHOICE,"Disabled,Dynamic,Static,Dynamic + Static,Dynamic + Static + Buffered","Cast shadows") group=grid:AddGroup("Light") group:AddProperty("shadowresolution",PROPERTY_CHOICE,"256,512,1024,2048","Shadow resolution") group:AddProperty("linearoffset",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"0,1,2","Linear offset") group:AddProperty("Range",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"1,100,0") group:AddProperty("coneangles",PROPERTY_VEC2,"0,180","Cone angles") group=grid:AddGroup("Rotation") group:AddProperty("rotationspeed",PROPERTY_VEC3,"Rotation Speed") group:Expand(1) end function class:CreateObject(model) local object = self.super:CreateObject(model) local lampPivot = CreatePivot() --MoveEntity(lampPivot, EntityPosition(object.model)) EntityParent(lampPivot, object.model, 0) object.light=CreateSpotLight(5, lampPivot) object.light:SetShadowMode(1+2+4) object.model:SetKey("rotationspeed","0.0,1.0,0.0") function object:SetKey(key,value) if key=="shadowresolution" then if value=="0" then self.light:SetShadowmapSize(256) elseif value=="1" then self.light:SetShadowmapSize(512) elseif value=="2" then self.light:SetShadowmapSize(1024) elseif value=="3" then self.light:SetShadowmapSize(2048) end elseif key=="castshadows" then local mode=tonumber(value) if mode==0 then self.light:SetShadowMode(0) elseif mode==1 then self.light:SetShadowMode(1) elseif mode==2 then self.light:SetShadowMode(2) elseif mode==3 then self.light:SetShadowMode(3) elseif mode==4 then self.light:SetShadowMode(7) end elseif key=="coneangles" then local angles=StringToVec2(value) self.light:SetConeAngles( angles.x, angles.y ) elseif key=="range" then self.light:SetRange(value) elseif key=="castshadows" then -- local mode=tonumber(value)--+4 -- self.model:SetShadowMode(mode,1) elseif key=="multoffset" then self.light:SetShadowOffset(self.light:GetShadowOffset(0,0),value,0) elseif key=="linearoffset" then self.light:SetShadowOffset(value,self.light:GetShadowOffset(1,0),0) elseif key=="rotationspeed" then self.rotationspeed = StringToVec3(value) else return self.super:SetKey(key,value) end return 1 end function object:GetKey(key,value) if key=="linearoffset" then return self.light:GetShadowOffset(0,0) elseif key=="castshadows" then local mode=self.light:GetShadowMode() if mode==0 then return 0 elseif mode==1 then return 1 elseif mode==2 then return 3 elseif mode==3 then return 3 elseif mode==7 then return 4 end elseif key=="multoffset" then return self.light:GetShadowOffset(1,0) elseif key=="coneangles" then return self.light.innerconeangle..","..self.light.outerconeangle elseif key=="shadowresolution" then resolution=self.light:GetShadowmapSize() if resolution==256 then return 0 elseif resolution==512 then return 1 elseif resolution==1024 then return 2 elseif resolution==2048 then return 3 else return -1 end elseif key=="range" then return self.light:GetRange() else return self.super:GetKey(key,value) end return value end function object:Update() -- Le 2.32 uses Draw() ?! lampPivot:Turn(self.rotationspeed,0) end end
Or do it the other way around - .pick random surfaces in camera view .if it hits the skybox/skysphere while shooting up .allow a raindrop fall at that target pos .if raindrop is done spawn a decal at picket target could be any surface even npcs ( ignoring different worlds atm though ). with a "solid" system this could be used for ricochets, lightning strikes etc. [edit] ... n/a
Le`s gmf just looks for material names like "theWild_door2Clean" doesnt matters if bmp or dds ( or some other 3dws supported ) - however, dds alpha channels will show up as transparent, so it might be wise to keep the dds files in the leadwerks project and just use jpg within 3dws. Before i start to texture my level geometry i paint every surface with a invisible.jpg, with the hope that ill get no unwanted/overlooked surfaces casting shadows. There is a secret i cant share atm though - basically i can output hundreds of highres textures a day.
@ Eagle - i observed you name showed up in the old forum so i just wrote UU3D. Actually there is not much too it atm. 3dws Units to Le Units : exported from world studio and * 0.0078125 for Le (1:1) exported from world studio and * 0.0156250 for Le (1:0.5) etc. export [b]to[/b] 3D world Studio : use le world size (metric) inside UU3D and *64.00 before exporting. scale at UU3D world`s origin.
Ill post up my arch_pipeline with 3dws in my blog soon. Currently i use export to dbo/b3d, untriangulate ( maybe for collision mesh, dont know just yet ) and export to gmf within UU3D. The scaling was something i needed to figure out, plus b3d keeps everything intact so i dont export 'straight' with 3dw2gmf.exe.
Hmmm, the cubemap faces are fine. Replace to -- REALTIME CUBE MAP CameraProjMode(camera, 0) PositionEntity(cubecamera, camera.position) CameraProjMode(cubecamera, 1) its the upload through the material pipeline which isnt working as aspected. i.e. "SetShader(GetMaterialShader(mesh.material))" might be a little to lazy. PS: Hmmm, so we have to sphere map, the opposite direction that we are looking, to the mesh, through the material pipeline and have the cubemap rotate counterclockwise just so that it is not too easy, right ?
I have no idea - at first glance hide/unhide the entity which uses the cubemap but aint doing nothing so does switching materials from invisible.mat to cubemap.mat. What i didnt tried is to bind a dummy cubemap in the material and use kind of a FreeTexture before using cubemap.material or a freeBuffer on the cubemap buffers each pass. Cant give anymore time on this currently.
hope its a help to speed up developing of "demos" - not meant for large scaled game maps though. hf
Oh, this is open for business and not just a demo ?! - lets see with what you can come up then. I totally vote against any kind of dolphin however.
Id rather sleep at least half of a saturday :) - looks nice though.
Uploaded the project source. PS : any bug fixes, mainly for the sound issue, is welcome thx
File Name: win32Class with CustomBuffer File Submitter: JTimm File Submitted: 16 Jul 2010 File Category: C/C++ Code As promised here is the download link for the source from my "simple-rollingdemo". The most interesting part might be the customBuffer and the window class itself. filename : Win32GameClass.zip release : 07.2010 topic : Link Readme : // JTimm 07.2010 // W32GameClass, a windows class utilising render to CustomBuffer within leadwerks engine. // more info see "W32GameClass.txt" and the release topic. // PS : did not took the time to make this perfectly standalone. // -- // contains the implementation of // Theora (LGPL) by Niosop // openAL (LGPL) Audio implementation by paramecij // and the leGL tools written by Masterxilo. Please report any issues or fixed issues you encounter. hf Click here to download this file
see description - tia, JT
Ill have a source relase by the end of this week afaik (ca. 07.16.2010). [edit] just have to strip out redundant and w.i.p code, tbh.
I tried to look into my old x360 projects but the damn usb-stick keeps crashing. Found another one Here. However, in HL2 they use preRendered cubemaps with "samplepoints" along the track which is way cheaper on the hardware.