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Everything posted by randomdude

  1. Its one, I just made four different varations of it. function Script:UpdatePhysics() local window = Window:GetCurrent() local context = Context:GetCurrent() local cx = context:GetWidth()/2 local cy = context:GetHeight()/2 local newmode local animmode=0 if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false then if window:KeyHit(Key.E)==true then newmode = "Idle" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Idle",0.035) else newmode = "Sit" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Sit",0.035) end end I thought the GetAirborne does interfere so I changed it to this. Documentation says " Returns true if the specified key is has been pressed since the last time it was checked, otherwise false is returned." Maybe its this? The dude goes up a bit but gets down if you release the key. It works with KeyDown but I dont want the key pressed all the time.
  2. None of this is working. Why? The code does it for KeyDown but not for KeyHit. What is the difference then? if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and window:KeyHit(Key.E) then newmode = "Idle" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Idle",0.035) else newmode = "Sit" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Sit",0.035) return end if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and window:KeyHit(Key.E)==true then newmode = "Idle" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Idle",0.035) else newmode = "Sit" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Sit",0.035) return end if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false then if window:KeyHit(Key.E)==true then newmode = "Idle" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Idle",0.035) return else newmode = "Sit" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Sit",0.035) end end if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false then if window:KeyHit(Key.E)==true then newmode = "Idle" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Idle",0.035) end if window:KeyHit(Key.E)==false then newmode = "Sit" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Sit",0.035) end end
  3. Hello Guys, I try to make a the opening scene/intro, the most of you know I suck at coding and need some help here. Its probably very easy to solve. So I decided to make a thread where I can ask things about the coding problems. I don´t spam with a lot of threads and I get my things solved. So here we go. I linked a video to the intro, its not finished, so far but I want to get this coding stuff done before I add more details. (18+,mature content) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/168041356 The Dude don´t want to stand up I tried a lot of variations but it wont function. He has extra animations for standing up as well but it would be nice if he just get into the idle position. function Script:Start() if self.entity:GetMass()==0 then self.entity:SetMass(10) end self.entity:SetPhysicsMode(Entity.CharacterPhysics) self.camera = Camera:Create() self.angle = self.entity:GetRotation().y self.cameraangle = self.angle + self.entity:GetCharacterControllerAngle() self.startposition = self.camera:GetPosition() end (..) function Script:UpdatePhysics() local window = Window:GetCurrent() local context = Context:GetCurrent() local cx = context:GetWidth()/2 local cy = context:GetHeight()/2 local newmode local animmode=0 if self.startposition and self.entity:GetAirborne()==false then newmode = "Sit" self.entity:PlayAnimation("Sit",0.035) end --if self.startposition==false and self.entity:GetAirborne()==false then --newmode = "Idle" --self.entity:PlayAnimation("Idle",0.035) --end It´s the normal thirdperson script. In this variation I tried setting self.startposition true and false, but it does make it worse. xD I try to make the animation dependent on the cameraposition. but I could be wrong. I have really no I idea to get this done. If a skilled programmer wanna join my project, it would be better. I hate this coding stuff. I have so many great ideas and already mapped the main location, this is just side stuff because I wanna enjoy myself with doing this graphic things, coding just blocks my workflow.
  4. Thank you both for the hint. I´m gonna skip this for while, I wait for the script you want to make and will try it again with it. I have just no motivation for that at the moment but enough of other things I want to make so, there is no rush.
  5. Then sorry, I have no clue. For me projectstuff is located in an extra folder. But its impossible that lw is not working after a complete delete and reinstalling. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Leadwerks" Thats my location of LW. maybe you delete this, reinstall it than you open a new project, check if it is working after that you copy only your material,model and level folders into the new project.
  6. oh man, try verify data in steam. or try change to an older version of LW. If this not working, deinstall and delete the whole folder in C:/steam/app and download it again.
  7. Go on file/project manager. than add a new project. Have you tried just to drag and drop the fpsplayer from the prefab folder?
  8. Yes I tried it but it seems the use function is based on the camera, like if the object/entity is in the center of the camera the hand symbol shows up. Maybe I just have to try it harder to solve this. Anyway thanks for your work so far, look good.
  9. I´m in need for such thing and would pay for that. I dont know if it is possible but I have seen in the FPS script that using item buttons etc. is based on the point where the camera is looking at. If it would be based on a block in front of the player it would be better it is then useable for more gamegenres. I´m thinking about this for longer, so I share my thoughts on that. A invisible rectangle or box in front of the player that collides with an Item or button or person of interest and then shows the "hand" symbole. it would make it more universel for use. So you only need to use different kind of scripts for the entities to attach. It can make things easier. Best would be if the position of the box would be defined by the pivot that can be attached so its not nessesary to use the model axis which are often complete different.
  10. Okay nice. This is working. Script.camera = nil--entity "camera" Script.cameraPivot = nil--entity "cameraPivot" function Script:Start() self.position = self.cameraPivot:GetPosition(true) self.rotation = self.cameraPivot:GetRotation(true) end function Script:SwitchToCameraPivot()--in self.camera:SetPosition(self.position) self.camera:SetRotation(self.rotation) end WIll play around with this and probably will have question again. Thank you very much.
  11. Okay Thanks. Here is a functional version of my first script with the Vec3. In case someone needs it. local CamRot = {} CamRot[1] = Vec3(0, 270 ,0) CamRot[2] = Vec3(0, 180 ,0) local CamPos = {} CamPos[1] = Vec3(5,10,-5) CamPos[2] = Vec3(-5,10,5) Cam1=1 Cam2=2 function Script:Cam1()--in self.Cam1=1 end function Script:Cam2()--in self.Cam2=2 end function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.Cam1==1 then self.entity:SetRotation(CamRot[1].x, CamRot[1].y, CamRot[1].z) self.entity:SetPosition(CamPos[1].x, CamPos[1].y, CamPos[1].z) self.component:CallOutputs("inPosition1") end if self.Cam2==2 then self.entity:SetRotation(CamRot[2].x,CamRot[2].y,CamRot[2].z) self.entity:SetPosition(CamPos[2].x,CamPos[2].y,CamPos[2].z) self.component:CallOutputs("inPosition2") end end Does not function. it says 1 : attempt to index global 'self' (a nil value) This would be much better because its pain to set up all the cameras in the right postion by typing coordinates.
  12. Hello, I want the camera to switch its position once the Player hits the trigger box. Like Resident Evil or PnC-adventures. So after 20+ hours polishing my coding skill (which are still below room temperature) I came to this point here. local CamRot = {} CamRot[1] = 0 CamRot[2] = 270 CamRot[3] = 0 CamRot[4] = 0 CamRot[5] = 180 CamRot[6] = 0 local CamPos = {} CamPos[1] = 5 CamPos[2] = 10 CamPos[3] = -5 CamPos[4] = -5 CamPos[5] = 10 CamPos[6] = 5 Cam1=1 Cam2=2 function Script:Cam1()--in self.Cam1=1 end function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.Cam1==1 then self.entity:SetRotation(CamRot[1],CamRot[2],CamRot[3]) self.entity:SetPosition(CamPos[1],CamPos[2],CamPos[3]) self.component:CallOutputs("inPosition1") end end function Script:Cam2()--in self.Cam2=2 end function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.Cam2==2 then self.entity:SetRotation(CamRot[4],CamRot[5],CamRot[6]) self.entity:SetPosition(CamPos[4],CamPos[5],CamPos[6]) self.component:CallOutputs("inPosition2") end end The problem is Cam1 and Cam2 is functional but if I add a connection with the FlowGraph it triggers only the last one. Someone with a solution? Maybe I can only use one UpdateWorld function? I would like to use the GetChild, GetPosition functions and cycle the Camera between the added pivots but I dont how so far. Self-trySetup; Triggerscript: Standard, Playerscript:Thirdperson(lockedcam), Camerascript: posted one local CamRot = {} CamRot[1] = 0 CamRot[2] = 270 CamRot[3] = 0 CamRot[4] = 0 CamRot[5] = 180 CamRot[6] = 0 local CamPos = {} CamPos[1] = 5 CamPos[2] = 10 CamPos[3] = -5 CamPos[4] = -5 CamPos[5] = 10 CamPos[6] = 5 Cam1=1 function Script:Cam1()--in self.Cam1=1 self.enabled=true end function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.Cam1==1 then self.entity:SetRotation(CamRot[1],CamRot[2],CamRot[3]) self.entity:SetPosition(CamPos[1],CamPos[2],CamPos[3]) self.component:CallOutputs("inPosition1") if self.entity:SetRotation(CamRot[1],CamRot[2],CamRot[3])==true and self.entity:SetPosition(CamPos[1],CamPos[2],CamPos[3])==true then self.entity:SetRotation(CamRot[4],CamRot[5],CamRot[6]) self.entity:SetPosition(CamPos[4],CamPos[5],CamPos[6]) self.component:CallOutputs("inPosition2") end end end Here is another approch to the problem. It triggers only once as well. A Screenshot of the scene for better understanding.
  13. Hello, I´m new to Leadwerks and its really great. In return for all the fun I have, I want to share this page with you. http://terrain.party/ You can download height-maps from around the globe and load it into your terrain editor. Maybe you have to adjust it a bit. Really crazy stuff for example the "sedan crater". Enjoy and post some fixes or creations. Greetings.
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