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  1. I don't know.. maybe something to group the entity cull checks with. Of the total draw time of my scenes entity culling is always 95% - 99%. This is also a problem with models that are made of many smaller meshes, so you always have to collapse the models to one big mesh before taking them out of the 3D modelling software. All in all it's really the biggest pain I've had to deal with in Leadwerks.
  2. Entity groups seem to be broken at least in version 2.5. Any comments Josh?
  3. I don't see any change in the entity cull time using a group with all the entities in it. Am I doing something wrong here? I get 25-29ms entity cull time with and without a group. Am I doing something wrong here? TGroup boksit = CreateGroup(); TEntity boxarr[100][100] = {NULL}; TEntity box = CreateCube(); PaintEntity(box,LoadMaterial("abstract::concrete.mat")); ScaleEntity(box, Vec3(0.85)); for(int x=0;x<=99;x++){ for(int y=0;y<=99;y++){ boxarr[x][y] = CopyEntity(box); SetEntityGroup(boxarr[x][y], boksit); PositionEntity(boxarr[x][y], Vec3(x-50,0,y-50)); } }
  4. Woah. I've played around with Leadwerks for two years now and never heard of the groups. Great. Thanks Lumooja
  5. I also have the problem with high entity cull times. My projects tend to generate large world from 3d "tiles". When the tile count rises to tens of thousands there is a huge drop in performance due to the entity culling. Is there any way to group many entities under one cull check manually? Can such feature be added?
  6. It seems I missed your topic when I tried to search the forums for related topics. I'll continue this topic there, since we have the same problem.
  7. I've latelty been stress testing the engine with scenes that have around 50000 identical boxes cloned with CopyEntity. Even though I turn every entity's occlusion mode to 0 with EntityOcclusionMode and set OcclusionCulling(0) my world render time is 78ms of which entity cull time is 77ms. Why does the engine still do culling? Are entity culling and occlusion culling different things? Edit: ok, so it seems entity culling means "detecting whether an entity intersects the bounds of the camera frustrum". Is it possible to group entities so that only one check is made per say 100 specified entities? Or can this checking be disabled for specified entities?
  8. Yeap, it works perfectly now thanks. Edit: now only if it would remember the path after restarting the program!
  9. What I mean is that at the moment the only way I can get textures to show up on models in your program is to have the textures in a subfolder of it.
  10. I like it, though shouldn't there be an option to specify the path where it looks for materials and textures?
  11. Location: Finland, near Helsinki. 1) 1 MB/s stable 2) 500-990 kB/s unstable 3) 997 kB/s stable
  12. Kazar


    Thanks in advance
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