I think additional platform support comes only with 3.0, unless Josh makes a BlitzMax only Mac and Linux version meanwhile. But I doubt that, since it would be additional work and it's coming in 3.0 anyway for all languages. As a sidenote, Mac users should rethink what a Mac is, is it the hardware, OS, or both. Is a Mac hardware running Linux still a Mac? Is a PC running OSX still a PC? Is a PC running outdated hardware and old drivers an Apple? I think the term Mac alone doesn't tell much, and there should be more detailed names.
2.32 has at least some important things fixed, like the DoF and disappearing shadows when camera is turned (see bugtracker).
Josh wrote in his blog ( http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/blog/1/entry-187-improvements-for-232/ ) that it would have more FPS too, due to the internal optimizations of the vegetation system.