Yeah, same happens with DRM. The customers who never use pirated games and always buy their games, start now using also pirated games after they have bought the original game. It makes them feel that they have done nothing wrong, as they paid for the game, and I think that's how the game companies see it too. It's a thing you should not ask about, just do it, it's the right thing to do.
If you don't do it, you feel cheated for your money. Other people who didn't pay anything, get a working game. Even if the game happens to work sometimes (web server not down, internet connection not down, electricity not down (running on laptop accu)), you still can't play the game from your cottage in the forest which has no internet, and you wanted to have a single player game to play in the dark and rainy nights in the forest, and on the train on the way there. Or on a long 13 hour flight.
If you do it, you are a happy customer, and the game company is happy too since they got their money. No harm done.