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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. LE is a bit different from other game engines in the way that it's all colloboration based, even official parts of the engine are made by the community, everyone can edit the Wiki! I thought also this can never work, but it does
  2. I found Lua very effective for placing joints on models, because you see everything in realtime what you are coding. I even wrote a blog about this when I was making joints in my experimental airplane simulator.
  3. He's an old fart, and a cult figurine (mascot) in the Blitz3D scene, from which LE evolved also
  4. Just don't use terrains then Models can do the same and much more! It's still infinite since you load and discard models based on their distance. There's really no need for additional pre-load logic, as the same model will be cached and instanced anyway, so the engine only loads a new model once, which takes basically no time (we are talking about milliseconds). It's also a question of intelligent map design (this used to be most important with older game engines!) not to put thousands of new models in the same place, but let the stream flow smooth and let the engine load new models in a relaxed fashion.
  5. You're not dependand on the game map format which the engine provides. You could make your own SQLite3 based game map, where models are loaded when they're near enough. So yes, you can have streaming content of infinite worlds with almost no additional coding. You could still use Editor as the tool for creating finite worlds, and then have those maps injected into your SQLite3 database. That way, you have the best of both worlds.
  6. You can use UU3D Pro to convert any format to gmf. There's really not many tools a game developer needs, and they're not expensive if you didn't spend your money on useless stuff: 1) Leadwerks Engine 2.3 (150€) 2) Ultimate Unwrap 3D Pro (44€) 3) 3D World Studio 5.52 (37€) 4) Blender (0€) 5) Gimp (0€) 6) Paint.NET (0€) 7) Visual Studio 2008 C++ (0€) and/or Lua (0€) So for a total of 231€ you have all tools you need for even AAA game development.
  7. The BlitzMax tutorials would be identical to the C++ tutorials (or any other 350 languages you can use). The tutorials are only using LE API commands, which work the same in C++ as in any other language. C++: MoveEntity( cube, Vec3(0,0,1) ); BlitzMax: MoveEntity cube, Vec3(0,0,1) BUT also BlitzMax: MoveEntity( cube, Vec3(0,0,1) ); ' Same syntax as in C++
  8. Since LE can load assets from any URL (not only file://, but also http:// (including zipped files) ), your pipeline could look like: "Oooh, new model from my art team in the game! Wait a sec... It's alive, it's following me and shooting at me!" (The game loaded the model from a web site where there artist published his stuff (it would be also "cached", so when you start the game again, it will load from disk), and the game loaded also some info file where the model is to be placed in the game world. The model's lua file added some AI to the model.).
  9. You should use Mono, even on Windows! It has much less bugs than .NET.
  10. I'm not biased since I have 9 different engines I'm using LE because it's the easiest engine to program with, and it has all features a game engine needs: 3d graphics, 3d physics, 3d sound, 3d editor, networking, thousands of lights and shadows, post-effects, C++ support, Lua support, OpenGL, everything realtime, royalty free.
  11. You might have had the Y axis upside down in the texture. In LE you need to invert the green color, since most programs do it upside down.
  12. Sure, it's just different there. You need to press the "Select Instances" button, and then set the properties.
  13. Oh, you need to have LE 2.3 which has Editor. It's a improved and completely rewritten Sandbox from LE 2.2.
  14. I've seen PoM and Parallax shaders in LE, not sure how to use them or how to make textures for them. I believe both are special versions of a displacement shader.
  15. It's a bit complicated to get the terrain by default, you need to loop through all entites which are child of the loaded scene entity and search for an entitykey called "class"="Terrain". Gamelib does this automatically when you use game.scene.LoadMap(), and then you have the terrain entity in game.scene.terrain. To set the entitytype of all trees to 2, you just need to select all trees in Editor (root entity -> select all) and change their entitytype in the property box (it applies to all selected entities then). So it's just 7 mouseclicks (root entity -> select all, instance entity -> properties -> physics -> collision -> Apply) to change the entitytype for all models of the same class.
  16. You don't need any planes. Just draw the text, images, lines, or whatever 2D elements you want.
  17. 1. It will have in the next update. 2. There is no wind effect in editor. You can make wind by adding a force to all physics bodies. You can make it a simple function like DoWind() which loops through all physics bodies using ForEachEntityDo(..., ENTITY_BODY ). 3. http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Terrain#SetVegetationShadowMode 4. You need to assign a collision number to the trees, and tell the engine that this number collides with your player collision number (Commands needed: EntityType(), Collisions() ). 5. The best way to manipulate a sbx file is using Editor. The LoadScene() command loads a sbx file pretty well when you have the required engine folders in your project (entities, scripts).
  18. Puki you need to join Leadwerks Community Project 1, we have lots of assets you can rip and use legally in your own games And when you get LE 2.3, you get also tons of free assets from Werkspace.
  19. No, not completely sure. I am blonde which is a swedish syndrome. The native finnish people are black.
  20. A game company has workers who earn money. You work somewhere and earn money. You buy a game from the game company according to the description they gave you about the game. You notice that they committed a crime by not delivering what they promised in their description of the game. You have no power to sue them. You take self-initiative to compensate for the crime the game company did to you. You do this by using a pirate hack for your purchased game. Piracy is just a word, which can mean many things. It can mean stealing (bad), it can mean blackmailing (bad), it can mean justice (good). As long you use piracy as a tool for justice, you are good.
  21. You must call Graphics() before you call any Framework commands. You are calling 2 times Graphics() in the first example too. Remove the 2nd call. It looks like the string in LoadScene is also garbage, as it contains "*" characters.
  22. Piracy protection has never prevented piracy, not a bit, and never will. Actually DRM was hacked the fastest of all protections ever (within 24 hours), although it was marketed like titatic: unsinkable, unpiratable. Titanic sank the fastest of all ships (also within 24 hours). If you really want to prevent piracy, make the game so good that people really want the original game with all the original fan stuff, posters, pictures books, etc... In short: make the original game better than the pirated version, make it worth the money. People who always buy games, will keep buying the games, and people who always pirate the games will keep pirating them. Piracy is not a technical issue at all, it's a purely moral and phychological issue.
  23. Yeah, it's also less typing when you use vec3, since then you can put it in a variable: mesh::SetScale(a)
  24. Yeah, same happens with DRM. The customers who never use pirated games and always buy their games, start now using also pirated games after they have bought the original game. It makes them feel that they have done nothing wrong, as they paid for the game, and I think that's how the game companies see it too. It's a thing you should not ask about, just do it, it's the right thing to do. If you don't do it, you feel cheated for your money. Other people who didn't pay anything, get a working game. Even if the game happens to work sometimes (web server not down, internet connection not down, electricity not down (running on laptop accu)), you still can't play the game from your cottage in the forest which has no internet, and you wanted to have a single player game to play in the dark and rainy nights in the forest, and on the train on the way there. Or on a long 13 hour flight. If you do it, you are a happy customer, and the game company is happy too since they got their money. No harm done.
  25. You're not a pirate if you steal the pirated game from a pirate. Pirates are the ones who steal the original game from the developers.
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