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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I see it has even some older version of gamelib integrated I found some useful classes there, which I can integrate into gamelib also.
  2. The web page is too wide (960px should be max width when using fixed size web pages), and it doesn't even scale in width, but only in height when I use Ctrl-- and +.
  3. Ah yes, the lightmap is saved into the 3dw. Export to B3D to get the lightmap as a seperate texture.
  4. You could try it out to find out.
  5. You get the lightmap when you save the map.
  6. That's where you need intelligent game design. You can't just throw all arbitrary ideas into a game and expect that they work. About 90% of every game is faked, but faked so well that people don't notice it.
  7. I think you still need physics objects when you want to make rain which doesn't go through houses.
  8. Everyone can make their own trusted authority also. I don't trust the existing ones, because they charge money for their certificates.
  9. Works fine with gamelib also. Gamelib does a few billion things to get the Editor scene loaded right, so I'm not going to guess what it could be
  10. Yes. Unless it has changed since I last tried it, but I doubt that. EDIT: I tried it again, still doesn't work.
  11. No, you need to create an own world for each transparent object, unless you want multiple objects to have the same transparency. The actual transparency is controlled with the alpha value of SetColor when you draw the rendered image on screen.
  12. It can't flicker because there is no rendering between Hide and Show. Only the final state is rendered.
  13. Any language which can load a dll can use leadwerks engine.
  14. Here's a quick fix: inline void Framework::Free() { if ( m_entity && g_engineLoaded && !mIsReference ) { ::leFreeFramework( m_entity ); m_entity = 0; renderer.Free(); background.Free(); main.Free(); transparency.Free(); listener.Free(); } }
  15. You could write a LE like engine using XNA, so that it has all the same commands and features as LE has. Then you can use the same game source code for PC and XBOX.
  16. Yay, finally OpenGL is 64-bit! That alone should make it run 5 times faster than 32-bit OpenGL. Plus there will be no more shadow leaps in far distances, which were caused by the lack of high dynamic number range of 32-bit floats (accuracy + big numbers combined was impossible, it was always either or).
  17. It should be a 3D logo though. Preferreably even with animated cogwheels. And 8.0 speaker (or headphones) 3D sound. And physics. Kinda like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sboWPOyZ6XY&fmt=22 Or this: And of course this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLJmhNxBYmI&NR=1&fmt=18
  18. The problem with making console games is that it's almost impossible for indie developers to get the permission from sony or microsoft to publish your game. Even this microsoft casual game request form doesn't sound like they accept all kind of indie games: http://zone.msn.com/en/microsoftcasualgames/submit.htm However then there is also xbox LIVE indie games, which seems to have all kinds of indie games also: http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/games/catalog.aspx?d=7 And it seems you can make good money with $1 games too: http://xbox360.gamespy.com/xbox-360/i-maed-a-gam3-w1th-z0mb1es1/1063716p1.html
  19. As an indie developer I wouldn't think about things like market shares and money, but rather focus on doing something unique and innovative, because that's what only indies can do. It's the big game companies who don't have time for quality, innovation and ideas, because they need to make money for their shareholders. I think an AAA game for Linux or NetBSD would be more unique than a game on mac, although it would run on a mac also, if it runs on those first two.
  20. I get the same result as in Editor: #include "gamelib.h" int main() { Game game(CREATENOW); RegisterAbstractPath("c:/program files/leadwerks engine sdk"); game.Initialize(800,600); game.scene.LoadMap("abstract::mappaprova2.sbx"); TPlayer player; player.Create(); game.scene.player["joe"]=player; game.scene.SetCurrentPlayer("joe"); while(!KeyHit()) { game.scene.Update(); game.scene.Render(); game.scene.Flip(); game.MouseLook(game.scene.cam); } }
  21. Too much guessing, maybe you could post the terrain files and sbx file.
  22. That's called physics sounds. It's quite easy to make, and you can define different sounds for each material and their impact velocity (also high velocity without high impact force (like strifing) makes a different sound).
  23. Maybe you have Bloom and HDR enabled in Editor?
  24. You don't have to do everything in Lua, and you don't have to do everything in C++ either. Just use them where each language fits best. My approach is to make the main program in C++, and all the model scripts in Lua, so that I don't have to code them in C++ and it's easier to code model relations in Lua.
  25. It seems the problems I originally heard of are now solved. One problem was that Windows Journal conflicted somehow with Wacom which caused Blitz3D IDE also to crash. Another problem was that the GetRight download manager downloaded the Blitz3D updates corrupted, and Windows 7 thought it was a 16-bit app.
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