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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. AmbientLight(Vec3(1)) is for sure wrong, try rather AmbientLight(Vec3(0.1)), or whichever setting you have in Editor. I use usually AmbientLight(Vec3(0)), since I want also completely black areas in my scenes. Then I just add some pointlights where I want some light bouncing from the directional light.
  2. After buying it, remember also to inform Leadwerks so they can upgrade your Forum account to full access: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/127-if-you-need-access-to-the-forum/
  3. Seems the Leadwerks front page is a bit under construction because of the GDC 2010 event. Here's a link to a post from Josh which has a link to the PayPal upgrade method: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/358-paypal-link/page__p__2950entry2950
  4. How is it too much? It's just a simple command: AddNameTag(entity,"somename");
  5. With GameLib you can just do SetEntityShadowMode(scene.scene.terrain,1); when using scene.LoadMap() instead of LoadScene().
  6. You need to enable terrain shadows. The terrain is a child of the scene entity.
  7. The shore in the picture with the water looks amazingly realistic, better than in Crysis! Finally I see some texture which has some good dynamics in light and shadows.
  8. They should really put a warning on nVidia's home page, else people will destroy their cards for no reason. If nVidia thinks it gives them a bad image to have a fatal warning on their home page, then it gives them a much worse image when NOT putting that warning up and destroying people's cards.
  9. My laptop card nVidia FX 570M has only OpenGL 2.1 and GLSL 1.20, and LE 2.3 works fine, even pretty fast. I think GLSL 1.3 comes with OpenGL 3.0.
  10. All Macs with a GPU have OpenGL 2.1, only the Intel GMA chips have 1.4 or 2.0, but they won't run LE anyway: http://developer.apple.com/graphicsimaging/opengl/capabilities/ LE is using GLSL 1.20. GLSL 1.4 belongs to OpenGL 3.1.
  11. Canardia

    Fresh Blood

    Welcome Dave! I personally never got the visual kick from STALKER as I got from Crysis. But when you put your arts into LE, I'm sure it will look more like Crysis.
  12. It's a bug in your Anti-Virus software. I had also AVG, and it was good until version 7, after that it was ****. Other people have changed also to better alternatives like ClamWin or Avast.
  13. Just use ClamWin, it doesn't take any CPU load and detects all viruses correctly. It's also the standard on all Linux machines, where it's called ClamAV.
  14. You shouldn't need to define any codes, but just write the text as it is. You can write unicode russian, arabic, hebrew, etc... Then you just give your string as a parameter to a function like str16to8() and it will convert it to ascii characters which are matching the Font Studio dds file. When I wrote the arabic text, I had no idea or need to know what codes they actually are, I just wrote the text in english and used google translator to translate it to arabic.
  15. I invented a new marketing trick: Say on the box: PG-18 and PG-SM4 You need to explain it also: This product is not allowed to be sold for people under age 18 and for people who don't have a SM4 capable video card. And suddenly everyone wants to have a SM4 card, because they want to be cool and adult!
  16. Yeah but when you start to make your own kernel, you'll end up sooner or later with the exactly same code as the linux kernel, since it's optimal. Unless you make some mistakes and don't come to the optimal solution.
  17. You could make the window start up minimized with a setting in the Shortcut icon on Desktop. Or you could use some Windows API calls from Lua which hide the window.
  18. You need to define a cross-reference table which associates unicode characters (value > 255) with ASCII characters. I've done that already for C++, and I could also add Lua version. Note that the arabic text is a right-to-left font and writing (it even reverses the cursor left and right keys in VS): http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1338-make-cyrrilic-font-in-le-solved/page__view__findpost__p__12508
  19. Graphics(1680,1050,32) -- or whatever your LCD's native resolution is
  20. How do artists define then the default values for models which they drag into Editor? I don't suppose they have to learn Lua?
  21. No idea, I just remember that this happened when I tried different skybox sizes. It was way back in LE 2.0 though, maybe it behaves differently today.
  22. You need to post some example. Nobody has ever heard of that kind of problem before.
  23. Well you could start with the Linux Kernel, it just takes less than 1MB on disk. Then you need to add some X-Windows core, where you can load your nVidia drivers. Now you're basically ready to write your own OS on top of those, with GNU C++ and LE it can be done.
  24. I remember reading something like in average for each 10 DirectX commands you need only 1 OpenGL command (reminds me of the Intel vs Motorola command set, where Intel needs 16-32 commands to represent 1 Motorola command (due to its superscalarity (2 commands at once) and vector mnemonics). That makes the speed difference, since OpenGL has 10 times less code to execute to give the same result as DirectX. But of course the fact that OpenGL can access the hardware directly, while DirectX needs to go through a software layer first, make also some additional difference.
  25. Old high-end hardware is still better today than new low-end hardware, and I don't think this will change in the next 5 years. Office laptops, there can only be one, lenovo T-500 has actually finally a better GPU than my old lenovo T61p. Mine has a GeForce FX 570M (better than GeForce 8600M, but worse than a real 8800), and the new T-500 has a Quadro NVS 3100M (runs Crysis with 11 FPS in Very High mode (which is quite good!) ).
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