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You could also use Masterxilo's 3D OpenGL mode, and use a forward rendered transparent mesh. The benefit is that they are really transparent, and even shadows and post-processing effects can be seen through them (doesn't work with LE's normal transparent meshes, since they are deferred rendered). The bad thing is that they don't cast shadows, but often you don't even need shadows from transparent meshes.
I meant UpdateMesh().
Your player model collides with the controller: body.SetPosition(playerpos); Set the player model to type 0, so it doesn't collide with anything.
It seems to be possible, I've tested it a bit with a Lua script. To make the mosaic seamless you need really big resolutions, because at lower resolutions the turning of the camera causes nasty distortions. Currently I'm testing with a 9000x3000 virtual screen resolution, and it looks pretty cool, but I still see some few pixel distortion. I think when I try 18000x6000 it will look pretty smooth, and then 36000x12000 will be no problem either. Finally 36000x24000 or 36000x36000 should be good enough for most exhibitions. 9000x3000 scaled to 1200x400: 1200x400 unscaled:
Click on the link on my sig
Check for errors in the engine.log. LCP1 has also an installer, you can download it and see how it's done there, and what folders and files it needs.
That would be 8.09 English pounds.
Any drink which costs 9€
Have you tried UpdateNormals(mesh) on the gun mesh? When normals of a mesh are not correct, it will also randomly disappear from view.
Using Josh's screenshot script, I can only make 3840x2160 (= 1920*2 x 1080*2) screenshots, since it's depending on GPU memory. I think I'll try to make the mosaic screenshooter next, which combines for example a 19200x10800 pixel screenshot from seperate screenshots.
Isn't there going to be any web page where we can see the progress and join?
Yes, but it's a bit different than in LE 2.3, since it's made with C++ source files.
You should use Framework, the tutorials are meant to understand how the engine works internally, but not meant for real games. The texture slot meanings have also changed since the tutorials were written. So your code using Framework would look like: #include "engine.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { Initialize(); RegisterAbstractPath("D:/Leadwerks"); //Create a graphics context Graphics(800,600); //Create a framework TFramework fw=CreateFramework(); TCamera cam=GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0)); MoveEntity(cam,Vec3(0,5,-5)); //Create a directional light TLight light=CreateDirectionalLight(); RotateEntity(light,Vec3(45,45,0)); LoadScene("Scenes/scene.sbx"); SetSkybox(LoadMaterial("abstract::skybox.mat")); SetSSAO(1); AmbientLight(Vec3(0.5)); EntityColor(light,Vec4(0.15)); TVec3 camrotation=Vec3(0); float mx=0; float my=0; HideMouse(); MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2); //Main loop while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)) { //Camera look mx=Curve(MouseX()-GraphicsWidth()/2,mx,6); my=Curve(MouseY()-GraphicsHeight()/2,my,6); MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2); camrotation.X=camrotation.X+my/10.0; camrotation.Y=camrotation.Y-mx/10.0; RotateEntity(cam,camrotation); UpdateFramework(); RenderFramework(); Flip(0); } return Terminate(); }
Final version is ready, now it supports the following features: Automatic optimization of full byte range for unicode characters ASCII letter range unchanged, so that the Font Studio font works also with normal 8-byte text Drag and drop support: simply drag the Font Studio ini file over the fontstudioini16to8.exe and it creates the index (.idx) and new ini file (.ini.new) which you can then safely rename Conversion of country specific decimal signs to global standard format ("," -> ".") Works with any project which uses Font Studio fonts, not only LE projects. Price 9€ includes full source code of converter and C/C++ header files for the runtime Demo: #include "engine.h" #include "fs16to8.h" int main() { TFontIndex cyridx=LoadFontIndex("cyrillic.idx"); TFontIndex araidx=LoadFontIndex("arabic_arial_19.idx"); wchar_t *s1=L"Test Cyrillic: Привет медвед!"; wchar_t *s2=_wcsrev(_wcsdup(L"السلام عليكم :CIBARA TSET")); Initialize(); RegisterAbstractPath("c:/program files/leadwerks engine sdk"); Graphics(); CreateFramework(); TFont cyrfnt=LoadFont("abstract::cyrillic"); TFont arafnt=LoadFont("abstract::arabic_arial_19"); while(!KeyHit()) { UpdateFramework(); RenderFramework(); SetBlend(BLEND_ALPHA); SetFontIndex(cyridx); SetFont(cyrfnt); DrawText(1,50,str16to8(s1)); SetFontIndex(araidx); SetFont(arafnt); DrawText(1,70,str16to8(s2)); SetFont(cyrfnt); SetBlend(BLEND_NONE); Flip(0); } Terminate(); }
Those errors come from the old LEO files in LE 2.31, to fix it see this post: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1271-2-31-does-not-work-with-gamelib/page__view__findpost__p__11723 Character set should be always: Not Set.
I think it's bad artism to put many meshes into one model. Artists should make many small models instead (remember also to make models two-sided, so that they can be used standalone), then the occlusion culling works, and you can also dynamically move objects, and destroy them (when they are made of components, and then it's easier to destroy the components also). In your model you have many identical houses, so you could have only 1 model per house and use GPU instancing to draw 10000 more houses of the same mesh with not much FPS cost! Also the facades of the central tower should be all seperate models. And each pillar of the bridges should be seperate models.
I think the biggest improvement would be to have a simple way to eliminate shadow acne. It's a real problem for programmer's arts where I have simple 3DWS scenes with square constructs. It's not a problem of LE itself, but a general problem of shadowmapping.
You might have an old physics file of the oildrum. Make sure you have the physics file from LE 2.3/2.31. I think playermass should be also 60.
Kinda makes no sense for me, since facebook is for totally different things as game development. It would look wierd to post things about LE in facebook when nobody has a clue what I'm talking about. Also the other way around, if I post facebook topics and it would show in LE, people would think I'm crazy Also twitter is for totally different things than facebook or werkspace, there you usually post more serious and/or work related things. Then there is also LinkedIn and hatebook, but I rarely use those, as they are too nerdish and boring.
I noticed that Font Studio doesn't fill the char values very tight, so sometimes there are jumps in the series. I will write a more advanced tool and corresponding demo to maximize out the number of characters you can have in the byte range. Right now there are even some of the cyrillic letters missing, because they jump over 255 at the end, although there would be enough space to fit them all in (213 characters used).
The price is right alright! I'm happy to see how an useful tool can make "thanks" money, it gives all us indie developers some hope. You don't always need to write huge games, sometimes just little useful things make you happy!
Cyrillic letters work in LE! Here is demo program: #include "engine.h" typedef unsigned short int wrd; typedef unsigned char chr; typedef signed char byt; typedef unsigned short int * str16; int str16len(wchar_t *s) { int i=0; while(1) { if( s[i]==0 && s[i+1]==0 ) return i/2; i+=2; if( i>511 ) return 0; } } str str16to8(wchar_t *s) { int n=str16len(s); char *t=new char[n+1]; t[n]=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { wrd c=(wrd)s[i]; if(c>255)c-=1025+128; t[i]=(byt)c; } return t; } int main() { wchar_t *s=L"Test Cyrillic: Привет медвед!"; printf("****%s****\n",str16to8(s)); Initialize(); RegisterAbstractPath("c:/program files/leadwerks engine sdk"); Graphics(); CreateFramework(); SetFont(LoadFont("abstract::cyrillic")); while(!KeyHit()) { UpdateFramework(); RenderFramework(); SetBlend(BLEND_ALPHA); DrawText(1,100,str16to8(s)); SetBlend(BLEND_NONE); Flip(0); } Terminate(); } And the result: Note that you can have well 2 different language fonts at the same time, and also more since you only need to switch the font in realtime (no FPS cost): And here is the tool to convert Font Studio ini files from 16 to 8 bit: fontstudioini16to8.zip
No need for unicode for cyrillic. Font Studio uses 16-bit values for cyrillic letters, so all you have to do is to write a tool to shift the >255 letters into the byte range: I'm writing such a tool now
Try setting your camera near range smaller, for example CameraRange(cam,0.01f,50000).
It's an additional parameter in UpdateController: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Controllers#UpdateController