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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I would use a blue skybox with few clouds.
  2. You could try to import from another format, like FBX.
  3. It's exactly the opposite of stealing business by showing other tools, because then wh1sp3r can make his tool even better and beat all competition!
  4. When using 3D OpenGL commands with LE, it works fine as long no post-processing effects are used. When post-processing effects are used, then the occlusion culling breaks in the 3D OpenGL commands, and they all draw in front of all other objects. To fix this problem, there should be an optional parameter to RenderFramework(), which tells it to render only geometry and lights, or only post-processing effects: RenderFramework(1); // 3D OpenGL commands go here RenderFramework(2); The default parameter would be 0, and do the same what RenderFramework() without parameters does now: it renders the geometry and lights, and then the post-processing effects. With this finer granularity control, we can now place 3D OpenGL commands between RenderFramework(1); and RenderFramework(2); and they will be rendered correctly.
  5. Just don't draw them. They will disappear after each frame unless you redraw them.
  6. wh1sp3r is selling his sync tool for 9€ including full source code I think you also get free upgrades, since for the LCP1 launcher he has made a lot of improvements.
  7. If it's only vertex colors, it could be done in realtime too.
  8. I like the fun feeling of that car game. Real cars (except Smart) are boring because they break when you want to have some fun.
  9. Ultimate Unwrap V2 and non-pro does not export gmf files correctly. You need Ultimate Unwrap V3 pro to be able to export gmf files correctly.
  10. Multithreading is just 1 line of code ( _beginthread(func, NULL); ). I meant that you don't have to rewrite the whole LoadScene() function. With multithreading you just need few trivial lines of code, which can't be really counted as code anyway since they just draw a rectangle on screen, it's really more programmer's art than code.
  11. I still think my approach is better. No coding needed, and progress bar moves smoothly and accurately after 1st time game was launched. First time can be overloaded with some "optimizing game settings for best performance" messages (which it actually does). Or you could just use the default timings on 1st run, nobody will notice. Or you could skip the 1st run of the game completely, and get the timings during installation phase. You would just have an additional "optimizing" phase during install. For LCP1 I added a even simpler way to eliminate loading times: Game hides mouse and launches with black screen and a text fades in: "Day 2". When scene is loaded, it slowly fades out and game scene becomes visible. So it's like a movie chapter text which fades in, lasts for a certain time, and then fades out. If the displaying of the text takes too long compared to the amount of text, just add some more text for the user to read.
  12. If you get it working, it could be used also to read a scene from a SQLite database, and also used to write it back. Then you are quite close to streaming of huge scenes also.
  13. CameraPick returns also the mesh, like EntityPick. However, radius must be always 0 with CameraPick, not sure if it works with EntityPick.
  14. I think you need to rewrite the terrain loader also, else you get still stuttering in the progress bar.
  15. There's no difference in coding compared to CameraPick if you use the camera as source model for EntityPick.
  16. No, EntityPick doesn't use callbacks, it's just a simple function call and then you check the results: TPick pick; if(EntityPick(&pick,eyemodel,3)) { TModel model=GetMeshModel(pick.entity); if(model) { pickedmodel=model; SetBodyGravityMode(pickedmodel,0); } }
  17. As if progress bars ever progress correctly from 0% to 100% Write into a config file a precalculated loading time for the scene. Based on that time, let the progress bar raise smoothly from 0 to 100%. Once the scene is loaded, let the program write the new time it took to load the scene into the config file.
  18. Multithreading works fine with LE, you just need to keep all engine commands in one core. You can still do OpenGL commands on another core, like drawing a progress bar.
  19. I use always EntityPick instead of CameraPick, because then you can have FPS/3rd person camera with the same logic. Never had any problems with EntityPick. I think 2D decals are pretty useless, as they are just flat and don't give the look of a real 3D decal. Same goes for emitters. I will try to implement a 3D way for both, since smoke emitters need also collisions, so they don't go through ceilings, same goes for rain emitters.
  20. You need to add the fields which you want per model to the model's lua script. For example if you want a model to have additionally a sound key, you only need this script: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:InitDialog(grid) self.super:InitDialog(grid) local group=grid:AddGroup("Sound") group:AddProperty("sound",PROPERTY_STRING,"","Sound") end The minimum script every model should have is anyway: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:InitDialog(grid) self.super:InitDialog(grid) end So you only need to add 1 new line per new entity key, after you have added the 1 line for the group tab.
  21. I had today also an idea how to make a glass entity in LE, so that everything seen through it works, like lights, shadows, post-processing effects, etc... My idea was simply to add a placeholder entity to Editor, which is then replaced in code by a OpenGL transparent 3D rectangle. It would be what CryENGINE 3 does: a hybrid deferred/forward renderer.
  22. Framework resizes the buffers automatically, so all you need to do is to call Graphics() with your new size or fullscreen mode.
  23. Canardia

    Siggraph Contest

    We could make a SigGraph community project, which will use LE to the extreme with thousands of colored lights and shadows, 3D sounds and emitters, custom shaders, high poly 3D models, etc... It could run standalone as a rolling demo, or it could be manually played also.
  24. Masterxilo has written a function to make it possible to draw 3D lines (and other 3D shapes) mixed with LE's 3D shapes: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources?record=19
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