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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Somehow like (before the main loop): EntityParent(gun,game.scene.cam); MoveEntity(gun,Vec3(0,0,2));
  2. Actually hands work a bit different than player models (which gamelib already supports). Hands rotate with the camera, so when the camera looks down, the hands also look down. So you can just parent the hands to the main camera, and move them a bit forward.
  3. Well you can transfer 3GB per sec with text files, I think network is slower (if you have 1GBit per sec card). The 3GB limit comes from the SATA2 speed, so in SATA3 it's 6GB per sec.
  4. Use text files. Linux uses text files for the whole OS communication, and it's damn fast.
  5. I guess most commands will be the same, like CreateCube, MoveEntity, PaintEntity, etc..., but also internal functionality will be the same, since Leadwerks Engine is written with BlitzMax. The only difference is that Leadwerks Engine has more commands than miniB3D, because it has also more features.
  6. I would make actually four 4096x4096 textures to get maximum quality. Then you can also make low-end version of the game by replacing the 4096x4096 textures with 1024x1024 textures, and you don't need to change anything in code or assets for the low-end version of the game.
  7. When you change the Game Folder, you need to restart Editor also. I think I would restart it anyway, even if it would automatically do it, since I don't trust reinitializing code
  8. I think this is the best (and free): http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Download
  9. It seems to be compiled in VS2010, and I don't have the runtime. Last time I installed VS2010, it destroyed randomly files on my harddisk, because of a bug in .NET 4.0 Beta 1.
  10. It looks like you don't have the skin shader in the gun's mat file. See the gun.mat example in the engine how to use the skin shader. You can use class="player" for the arms, then it will become a controllable player in the game. At the momemt gamelib doesn't have visible weapon models yet, but I could add it for the next version.
  11. There are even artists who have bought expensive modelling software, and still use Blender because it can do more I use 3DWS, UU3D and Blender for modelling, although I'm a programmer and have only very basic skills in modelling.
  12. I think many programmers here are willing to exchange code for assets, and vice versa. Just ask! Don't really need a team, just do services and get services.
  13. Leadwerks supports 350 languages, well all which can load a dll file You just need to convert the C API headers to your language if you use a language which nobody has used yet, since so far people have used only C, C++, C#, Java, Lua, Perl, Basic, Pascal, Delphi. Python vs Lua is often a big discussion, and the answer is that Lua is better. Lua is the easiest way to use Leadwerks Engine, and it's all in realtime. You can also read this decent comparison of Lua vs Python: http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaVersusPython
  14. You can press Ctrl-G to start the default game mode, which is FPS. Alternatively you can also open the driver.lua script from the Script menu to start a car driving game.
  15. Maybe it's not in the demo, but that doesn't matter since you can also download it from Creative's web site, here: http://connect.creativelabs.com/openal/Downloads/oalinst.zip
  16. What is your graphics card vendor and model?
  17. There is a OpenAL installer in the SDK's Tools directory, it's called oalinst.exe.
  18. It is planned to make the vegatation collidable, and if I remember right, Josh had even an idea how to make them interactive, like in Crysis.
  19. Yeah, BlitzMax import/include files are very difficult to understand and to get to work. That's why I switched to C++, since it's so much easier there BlitzMax could be made much easier too, if it would have a decent header file for the engine.dll, and not trying to call mod files directly.
  20. I think you should use a Bezier curve, then you don't have to wait so long until /x is limes target.
  21. I had some funny idea again, and started to make Leadwerks Navigator. It's a simple web page which allows the user to choose different paths and areas of information about Leadwerks Engine. The deeper he navigates and into the more advanced topics he goes, the higher level he gets. I have no idea how useful this is, or if the Leadwerks web site will be easier to navigate, but at least it's fun to do! : http://www.siipi.com/leadwerks
  22. Realtime baked shadowmaps?
  23. Why not just set the name key in the thingoid's script (or .ini file (have people forgotten about those?)? I made also the name key editable for my models, since I want to be able to have more meaningful names than light_point_1.
  24. I think Lua expects a binary identical framework object, and when you put framework inside a class, it's not binary identical anymore.
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