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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I think I will propose to Josh to have the C header lua functions renamed to upperinitials, like Lua_PushObject() instead of lua_pushobject(). Then the pure C coders are happy too, since I don't use namespaces.
  2. That sounds like it would be better to rename the LE lua commands so that they don't collide with the official Lua C API commands when the Lua C API is used directly from C++. Another way would be to embed the C headers into a namespace, but that would make it another step away from real C. There are one or two users who want to have the procedural C++ headers to be real C, which would require the references to be removed from the parameters. Removing references would also slow down the engine, but I guess C programmers don't care about speed so much as real C++ programmers do
  3. So far Josh has implemented only 4 lua C API commands in LE. You would need the lua_call command (and a few others to support it) to call Lua functions from C++: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#lua_call'>http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#lua_call See the whole list of Lua C API commands here (those which are named lua_xxx): http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/
  4. I have been able to load multiple terrains, haven't checked if it still works, but it worked in LE 2.28. I also don't know if they really work properly then, other than just being loaded and visible.
  5. No, you can do it like gamelib's ColorCube() function, which vertex paints any cube so that one face is of color1, and the opposite face is of color2, and it smoothly gradiates from one color to the other. But instead of vertex painting, you want just the surface, so you can paint it with a texture.
  6. But you can download LE 2.29.
  7. If your pivot is not at offset 0,0,0 from the model, then you would these kind of results.
  8. Of course you get different camera positions, since in C++ the camera starts from 0,0,0 when you create it, and in Editor it starts from where you left it in Editor.
  9. Can you paste the code for the light in sbx?
  10. I fixed the Windmill script: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=tracker&showissue=49&view=findpost&p=201
  11. You can copy the playerstart marker from Sandbox to Editor.
  12. No, that only sets an object called fw, it's not the same as a Lua variable.I don't think this is documented in the Wiki yet, but you find several examples which do this.
  13. Seems that you are not setting the fw variable. See gamelib's TGame::Initialize() method how to set it: luat.Create(); // create the LuaTools object luat.SetScriptObject("fw",scene.framewerk); // set the Lua variable fw
  14. Canardia

    lua to C++

    I haven't tried it yet, but I would use the GetGlobal[string|Number|Object]() functions.
  15. You can, but why would you do that?
  16. Canardia

    Lua Issues

    Yeah, something wrong with the script editor, it's the only part of LE which fails to run on Linux also, because of some riched20.dll.
  17. Canardia

    Lua Issues

    What happens if you don't compile the file, but drag the .lua onto the engine.exe?
  18. I had the same problem, and the player controller went inside objects and then was thrown out. I found some fix, but can't remember right now what it was. Trying to remember now... EDIT: Ah yes, now I remember. I made a pivot child of the controller, and that messed everything up. So now I don't child anything, but only move and rotate "childs". A similar problem happened earlier also with animated models, and the fix was the same.
  19. The gamelib demo is in the wiki, if you follow the link to:http://forum.leadwerks.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3628 But it's a bit outdated, and needs to be updated for LE 2.3.
  20. Canardia

    Lua Issues

    Graphics(1680, 1050, 32) I think this will make graphics window which is covered by the upper part of the Vista Start button. That will cause random behaviour in 3D apps, some may be depending on idle timers, and it might mess them up. Try to make a smaller window, or use fullscreen, so that the Vista Start button does not overlap on your graphics window. You could also use Windows 2000 theme to get some additional FPS in 3D games, and to avoid this Vista bug too. They "fixed" this Vista bug in Win 7 by making the start button not come over the task bar.
  21. If you setup the terrain to 4096x4096 with 10 meters per polygon. You would have a 40km x 40km area. Actually I think that you can load also multiple terrains, and then move the other terrains to make a continuous 3x3x4096x4096 terrain combo. You could probably even load then also 16, 25, 36, etc... terrains and have a 1440 km x 1440 km mega terrain.
  22. But a sphere has 3 diameters, one for each dimension.
  23. There was a discussion on flightsims in the old forum:http://forum.leadwerks.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6037&start=0&hilit=canard
  24. You only need LE 2.23 for the demo content (or LE 2.3 respectively). You can then use the LE 2.28 engine with that content, although you need to recreate physics bodies, since the newton format changed.
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