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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Yes, that's true, and it was done on purpose. After LE 2.23 the demo content was removed almost completely, since Josh wanted to focus on the engine updates itself. So LE 2.28 is mostly just the raw engine, but that's not bad since you can use the demo content from LE 2.23 also. The idea was that you don't have to download over a hundred megs each time. In LE 2.3 there is a lot of new demo content again, plus there are incredibly much free assets in the community downloads too.
  2. I want also OpenGL 3. Why should I not, my 3 year old GPU supports it, and a 2nd hand OpenGL 3 CPU can be as cheap as 8€ from ebay.
  3. Don't worry, I have a Smart car.
  4. I'm updating LEO, that should make you more nervous! Roland wrote LEO originally, and he gave me the task and honor since he wants to spend more time on his heir, and he has said to me that I've not done a bad job expanding and updating it so far.
  5. At least you should LEO. I prefer to use gamelib on top of that, since I don't want to write the same code each time again. But since gamelib is still in a early stage (not even 0.1 yet), you could as well just copy parts of it and make your own library for now (I think that's what many people do, from what I've seen and heard). Gamelib needs to be modularized more, so that it can be used in parts. I'm trying to split it up into more and more seperate classes, which can be difficult at times. Today I added a Window class, which handles stuff like window control buttons, window icons, etc... Documentation for gamelib is available in 4 places: 1) wiki 2) gamelib demo 3) power tutorial 4) game distribution tutorial (not published yet)
  6. If you would send the chocolates to Josh, he might give you the 2.3 upgrade for free!
  7. I just heard from wh1sp3r that is was a question, not a fact! Can I sue him for asking wrong questions?
  8. Ah ok, I just heard from wh1sp3r today that his "global" variable was only per-model global. I need to sue him for giving me wrong information!
  9. I hope you're not using Ubuntu, since it has lots of problem with wine and other computer programs. Under openSUSE and Debian LE works fine, I've tested it many times even with gamelib, which does a lot of ProcessScene. It might be that the ProcessScene in the tutorials has some bugs too, as I've rewritten it also. What would be really good at this point, would be an uptodate C++ game demo using LE 2.3. I don't have any at the moment
  10. You could write in the game manual that when using Windows 2000 theme under Vista, your game will run 6 times faster in certain circumstances.
  11. SetGlobalNumber( "variablename", value ) should do it. Omitting the Local keyword inside Model scripts makes them only global per model, but not for the whole Lua scope.
  12. No, it's because you use the quick hack (GetParent()), instead of the correct GetMeshModel() function from gamelib.
  13. Your name is a C++ object, and not a text. The C++ object of the string class can be converted to text using the c_str() method: DrawText(0,116,"%s",(str)name.c_str());
  14. You could for example make a big mesh, which has a convex physics body, and then scroll the texture while the physics body moves, so that the texture slides "faster" than the actual body. Also make the mesh go inside the terrain, so that there are no gaps:
  15. See example.bmx in LE 2.23.
  16. Looks to me that you exported it wrong from UU3D, don't export bones and animations if there are none.
  17. You are picking the mesh, not the model. See gamelib's PlayerShoot() function how to pick models. A quick hack would be this: name=GetEntityKey(GetParent(pick2.entity),"name");
  18. Sounds to me like you are rewriting the global Update function instead of adding a model's own Update function.
  19. Yes, the abstract file system doesn't care if the files are in a pak or not.
  20. You can use meshes in addition to terrain deforming.
  21. You need to do smooth deform, it will look ugly in any resolution if you move single vertices only.
  22. You need to render to a smaller buffer and display the buffer either as 3D texture or also with DrawImage. You can scale the image using it's height and width parameters.
  23. Finally I got the newest Quickr version to work together with the newest Domino version.Before the last version update, I was running Quickr and Domino 8.5.1 and it crashed almost daily.Domino left a 0 byte NSD file behind each time it crashed.Now it hasn't crashed once yet.All SNAPPS apps are also installed and working fine. Source
  24. Actually LE is an operating system for games. You can't run your games without LE.
  25. Yes, fw.main.camera is always available, since fw is the global framework object, which Editor also uses for all the post-processing effects, water, etc....
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