There's some challenges to master before you can write games on the PS3:
You must release a commercial game on the PC and convince Sony that you are a professional game developer
PS3 has it's own graphics API (PSGL 2.0), so Leadwerks Engine would need to be majorly rewritten to use that API (PSGL is similar to OpenGL, but not quite the same)
In addition Leadwerks Engine would need to be rewritten in C++, since BlitzMax does not run on its PowerPC CPU and the PS3 OS
PS3 GPU is quite low end, even CryTek had problems with it when porting Crysis 2 to it, and they said things would work better on PS4
I think before that happens, there will be some PC console out which can run PC games directly and support hardware upgrades also.
There's already the OnLive console out, which is much cheaper than PS3 and XBOX360, and it fits into your pocket, and can run games made with Leadwerks Engine directly.