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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Power Tutorial falls into my responsibility, and I just uploaded the complete bamboocrate model to the end of the "Making Models" section: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Power_Tutorial#6.29_Making_models
  2. Everyone has the free will to choose whatever skin they like I use the IP.Board skin because it has nice blue and green tones (which are no complementary colors, but use a more difficult 7th dissonance (which is harmonic in itself though)), and makes you feel like you have room to breathe (it's wider, because it scales with the browser window, while the Leadwerks skin is fixed width). Also what I have learned is that only truly artistic skilled people dare and can make colored sites. People who can't find harmony and are very insecure about their artistic expressions, just use dull and gray tones. See Andy Warhol:
  3. The default suspensionlength in the headers will be half of the tire radius, as suggested by Josh.
  4. Cool, I wonder why the default parameters are so useless... I think they should be fixed to make a working default result.
  5. But shouldn't tires have somekind of effect on my cubic car? It just falls flat on the floor, although the wheel should be 1 meter to the left and 1 meter under the box, so the box should at least lay a bit tilted on the floor.
  6. Crashing stopped, but I can't see any wheels on my car: #include "engine.h" int main(){ Initialize(); RegisterAbstractPath("c:/program files/leadwerks engine sdk"); Graphics(800,600); TFramework fw=CreateFramework(); TBody fuselage=CreateBodyBox(); EntityType(fuselage,1); SetBodyMass(fuselage,1); TVehicle veh=CreateVehicle(fuselage); AddVehicleTire(veh,Vec3(-1,-1,0)); DebugPhysics(); MoveEntity(GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0)),Vec3(0,0,-10)); TBody ground=CreateBodyBox(1000,1,1000); MoveEntity(ground,Vec3(0,-5,0)); EntityType(ground,1); Collisions(); while(!KeyHit()){ UpdateFramework(); RenderFramework(); Flip(); } return Terminate(); } In MoveEntity, the Vec3 is declared as Float Ptr, why not in AddVehicleTire also? Function MoveEntity_(entity:TEntity,p:Float Ptr,glob:Int=0) "win32" GCEnter() ?debug If Not EntityExists(entity) RuntimeError "Invalid object." ? entity.move(p,glob) EndFunction
  7. Here's a fully working example: #include "engine.h" int main(){ Initialize(); RegisterAbstractPath("c:/program files/leadwerks engine sdk"); Graphics(800,600); TFramework fw=CreateFramework(); TBody fuselage=CreateBodyBox(); SetBodyMass(fuselage,1); TVehicle veh=CreateVehicle(fuselage); AddVehicleTire(veh); // crash here while(!KeyHit()){ UpdateFramework(); RenderFramework(); Flip(); } return Terminate(); }
  8. Why do we need an example? Just a simple: TBody car=CreateBodyBox(); SetBodyMass(car,1); TVehicle veh=CreateVehicle(car); AddVehicleTire(veh); Should not crash the engine, especially when veh is a valid pointer.
  9. Sure he will fix it, and I posted a bug report in the tracker also. I think Josh needs to dedicate a few days per month for bug fixing only. It would be nice to know beforehand when bugs are going to be fixed, for example every 8th day of the month
  10. It doesn't help to change the header, since the bug is in the engine.dll. It returns more bytes from the core engine to the dll, so it overwrites unallocated memory and crashes.
  11. There's a bug in the engine.dll, because AddVehicleTire returns an Int, although it should return TTire. So the engine crashes when trying to call AddVehicleTire.
  12. I think the lights are OK, but there is waaaaaay too bright ambient light. The level should be very dark, except for the spotlights. Do people actually ever tune their monitor brightnesses? It seems to me they have so dark monitors that they can't even see a difference between RGB(0,0,0) and RGB(1,1,1) (when values go from 0-255) colors Your monitor (and graphics card brightness) is tuned well, if you can barely see from a sideway view angle that the left side is black and the right side is darkest gray (at least you should notice a vertical line in the middle): Between 0,0,0 and 2,2,2 the difference is much clearer:
  13. Maybe the VS version could be a dialog field, so it wouldn't waste visual space on the Wizard. Then there could be 2005, 2008, 2010 in the dialog list. It would give a more professional touch to LE, since many 3rd party libs are still only available as VS 2005 projects. And since the dialog field takes only 1 line of visual space, there could be also more options: Visual Studio 2005 Visual Studio 2008 Visual Studio 2010 CodeLite GNU C++ DevShed C++ VisualAge C++ Borland C++
  14. Canardia


    This is quite good, although it's usually very hard to convince me about musics
  15. I wouldn't mind a completely graphicless skin, as long it has all functionality.
  16. People will start using VS 2010, no matter if it's any good, and alone for the reason that there won't be a VS 2008 for download anymore. So you could replace VS 2005 with VS 2010 in the Wizard.
  17. I have tested that 0.05 is not enough, but 0.055 is enough. 0.1 is way too much and makes the road levitate at 10cm height.
  18. Canardia

    OnLive Lives?

    The only real benefit in technology I see is that you can make games which use realtime raytracing, since they could put up a supercomputer to calculate the frames.
  19. I think a better way to fix the MessageBox problem is to set character set: "not set" in the project properties. Else you run into the same problem with all other Windows functions too.
  20. Canardia


    Here's a good review: http://vowe.net/archives/011210.html
  21. For a free program it's absolutely amazing. There are also lots of models and textures (with normalmaps of course!) included, and I suppose you can use them in your games made with Leadwerks Engine too. The Splines function is really cool too, as you can create custom models from vertices with it. And as you can export to csm, hl2 map, b3d, x, I think it's better than Blender for some quick models
  22. The main game script should not be used from C++, but it's meant as standalone lua main program when you write your game completely in lua.
  23. Examples are here: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/893-call-for-projectwizard-template-code/page__view__findpost__p__7945
  24. hydro.gmf is in the LoadScene tutorial (the whole scene is a gmf model). Ocean waves were in 2.23, however Josh said they might work in 2.3 also.
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