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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Ah, I think I remembered it wrong then, I "fixed" the files to work without engine.cpp, but that was then later on changed back in the LEO. So the project template files need to be fixed anyway.
  2. Canardia

    Design Problem

    I would just make an checkbox in Model Editor, which says: "Run Model Script when Loading Model", which the user can click on/off before loading a model. It should be possible to disable scripts in the engine anyway with a function like SetModelScripts(0), instead of having to rename the lua file for example to luax before the model is loaded.
  3. Ah, then you sent some old files, and destroyed my fixes I fixed it in the text files earlier, the exe was unchanged. You should always compare the latest LE version with your source, since sometimes LE has newer versions.
  4. It was fixed for the current ProjectWizard also long time ago.
  5. Canardia


    You can just completely forget about mp3, as ogg does everything much better. Smaller file size, better quality, no royalty fees.
  6. SeaMonkey stays in logged forever But make sure you have http://leadwerks.com/werkspace as bookmark, and NOT http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace If you use www.leadwerks.com/werkspace, it will redirect you to leadwerks.com, and then you are never logged in.
  7. FireFox has gotten almost worse than IE8. Use SeaMonkey.
  8. Maybe FlipMesh( terrain ); and UpdateMesh( terrain );?
  9. Canardia

    Easy language

    Yeah, I've been thinking about that also, because if you want to use a loop variable which has been defined earlier, it looks even more ugly: For( , i, 1, 10 ). I think the strict usage of the Define() command could be applied here, so it would then be like: For( Define( Int, i ), 1, 10 ) and when i was defined earlier: For( i, 1, 10 )
  10. Canardia

    Easy language

    Thanks Anyway when a lot of programmers don't agree, it may mean that I'm on the right path, since it's hard to convince them to change their habits. When additionally then non-programmers agree, then I know it for sure.
  11. In C++ it's '();' to call a function, and '=;' to define a variable. Sure, they are a bit shorter, but someone who has never programmed would not know what they mean.
  12. Canardia

    Easy language

    That may be well true if the macro language is not implemented in a strict and clean way. I'm trying to keep things clean, and rather project the C++ language than to redefine it. A simple projection can do no harm, as it's just a shorter way to write the same thing. It will of course make the proposed high end language not as simple as it could be, but that cost is well covered by the fact that the underlying C++ language is not broken, but only shortened. Easy is not harder to follow than C++ in error situations, since it's very clear what each command does. There are no complex preconditions, invariants and postconditions, but each command is directly projected from C++. That's what makes debugging just as easy as in C++.
  13. It's faster in that sense, that no C++ programmer would repeat the same code, but they would put them in functions instead, and that makes things a bit slower. Even if those functions were declared as inline, there would be still some overhead as compared to direct pasting of code. But of course in practice, you wouldn't notice the speed difference, it's more a theoretical thing, but still
  14. Well, so far it's much better than C++. It's faster than C++, and less to code. I will see if there will be any major barriers when expanding the language, but theoretically it's not possible, since you can always fallback to C++. What Roland doesn't realize is that macros are actually inlines. And standard inlines are not even close to the inlinability of Easy, since you can't inline everything in C++. That's why Easy is faster than C++.
  15. Canardia


    I invented a new programming language called Easy.It's faster than C++ (theoretically), since it inlines everything.I see no point programming in C++ without Easy anymore, since the same and better results can be achieved using this new language.It saves also a lot of time and costs when programming, and it should work also with other languages than C++, if they support variadic macros.Here's the Easy home page: http://www.siipi.com/easyEasy is still in version, but it will grow fast, as every new program I make will be written in Easy. Source
  16. The assets in the SDK are for private use only. The assets in the WerkSpace Downloads are normally for public use when used with LE, but always see the individual copyright notices for exceptions of this rule.
  17. I think FindChild is looking for the "name" key, and not the "class" key. GameLib gets the terrain entity correctly by looking for "class"=="Terrain". If you don't want to use GameLib, you could just copy the function GetFirstEntityByKey(key,value) from it, and use it as: terrain = GetFirstEntityByKey("class","Terrain");.
  18. It supports it partly, but not fully. You can't for example add or delete vertices, but only move them.
  19. I introduced my new language earlier in Roland's Wizard thread, so I thought I could explain it a bit more. Of course a new language is always seen a bit sceptically by people, and they wonder why is it needed, or what benefits does it bring. At its first version, Easy is still very simple, and based on Variadic Macros (macros which can take a dynamic amount of parameters), and I hope I can keep it that way, and not need a seperate preprocessor, since it would break some features, like direct compiling in Visual Studio and other compilers, and in other languages too. Although Easy is not always less to code than C++, BASIC or Pascal, it should be still faster to code with, as you don't have to type characters like "{", "}", "=", "<", ">", ":" and ";", but you always use only "(" and ")". So it's less thinking while coding (or looking up help files and examples), and it should get quite intuitive after writing your first few programs. Let's compare C++, BlitzMax and Easy code: C++: #include "stdio.h" int main() { printf( "Hello World!\n" ); for( int i=1; i<=10; i++ ) { printf( "%d\n", i ); } return 0; } BlitzMax: SuperStrict Print "Hello World!" For Local i:Int = 1 To 10 Print i Next Easy: #include "easy.h" Begin Print( "Hello World!" LineFeed ) For( Int, i, 1, 10 ) PrintIntLine( i ) End Return( 0 ) End As you can see, Easy has the least amount of special characters used, and everything is kept simple using a few characters: "(", "," and ")". It's also more readable (round brackets are reader friendly also in mathematics, as they do the thinking for you, when combining multiplication, division, powerization and addition in formulas), especially for persons who don't know the language in question (C++ or BlitzMax). The line feed handling is still something I'm thinking about, it could end up as: PrintIntLine( i ), or PrintInt( i, LineFeed ) The official Easy web page can be found here: http://www.siipi.com/easy
  20. Yeah, you're right. I was just thinking that for detailed models it would be better to use Blender, but actually you can do quite good details with carving in 3DWS too. 3DWS is the easiest to use 3D modeller (but it's missing animations and vertex editing, so you can use Blender for those cases), LE is the easiest to use game engine. It's a nice combo (triad).
  21. Canardia

    3D chat

    I can't interact with any objects either (but they push me though), and the physics debug mode is always on (can't press P key to enable/disable it), and the player model is missing also, so you can't even see other people.
  22. Windmill (my corrected version) and Firepit (LE standard version) works fine with GameLib, I just tried it.
  23. That is in GameLib's LuaTools class (which inherits from LEO's Lua class), but in a more advanced form which Josh posted earlier. I'm not sure if this new version is very correct, as it doesn't even check the current stack size. I need to ask Josh which version should be used.
  24. Yeah, it's not even something which I consider a bug, it's just fundamental wrong thinking, since I can't even imagine why people would assume that the FIRST dot seperates the filename from the extension (it takes also more CPU cycles, since the extension is in most cases shorter than the filename, so it's faster to start from the end of the string). Maybe people who never used other OS than DOS would I think the wrong thinking is caused by a BlitzMax function called StripExt() or something, so it might not even be Josh's fault.
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