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Everything posted by Canardia
Well one thing which doesn't work is the correct naming of the log file (it is created as "Sokoban 1.log"), since Josh looks for the first dot in the filename (filenames can have multiple dots, which is standard in almost all OS except Windows also), so he should always look for the LAST dot (using RInstr() or something) to determine the filename and extension. Multiple dots in filenames are used for nested extensions, like filename.tar.gz, which is a gunzip packed file, which was first tared. Of course tar -xf filename.tar.gz works also, since the inner extensions can be supported by the tools if they supported the outer extensions too (which tar does, since it calls first gunzip if the outer extension is gz).
Not all games use terrains or animated models. So it should still run for those games, which are explicitely designed not to use SM3 features.
Yes, GameLib Lua will come also, and it seems Rick has done the most part of it already. It will be based on thingoids and model scripts. So you could just use what Rick (and others) have done, before the folklore collector comes and makes it a published package (like what happens with all human languages also, townpeople people invent them, then someone collects them together and makes them available for all in a standardized, unified fashion). That's how GameLib C++ was also made. Although Rick's scripts are branded as Pi, so I must ask him if Pi can used by GameLib (plus other non-Pi scripts of course).
Josh hasn't updated the Windmill Lua script to work with the engine, but you can find here the updated Windmill Lua script: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/tracker/issue-49-windmill-script-is-not-updated/
For server, also a Linux version is a must!
I think it goes like this: SM2 = DX7 = OpenGL 1.0 SM3 = DX9 = OpenGL 2.0 SM4 = DX10 = OpenGL 2.1 SM5 = DX11 = OpenGL 3.0 SM6 = DX12 = OpenGL 3.2
If you don't have any models, you need a 3D modelling program like Blender (it's free) to make them yourself, or you can buy them from Dexsoft (or any as good or better 3D model shop). Leadwerks Engine comes also with a lot of free models (free for games made with LE only). You need also Leadwerks Engine to place the models and the room parts into a game, and to write the game.
But then it would be like electronic language (e-language) I've thought also of other names for it, like: Phasic (a bit wierd) Generic (quite ok) Human (actually I have plans to make a real Human language too, so this should be reserver for that) C+++ (too long) C* (quite ok, since C# is also a mix of BASIC and C++ ) C+- (a bit indifferent) XD (kinda like a extra version of D, but maybe too funny also) Strict (maybe too strict) Formal (maybe too boring) Pseudo (would make sense since it works from many langugages) Abstract (not very descriptive for the language, but not bad either)
LE won't look very good with Shader Model 2, because it's not designed to do that. It will lack of baked shadows and other things which make Shader Model 2 games look good. But if it works, it's still better than not working at all. Josh could make completely seperate Shader Model 2 code too, but it would bloat the engine (especially since BlitzMax has no #ifdefs to compile different versions of the engine), and cause many new bugs. So I would prefer just to have a pure Shader Model 3 and up engine, and a fallback mode for Shader Model 2 cards, which is more like a debug mode, and not really intended to make games. If you really want to make a good looking Shader Model 2 game, then you should use another engine. There will be always people who complain that the engine is using too high end graphics, and people who will complain that the engine is using too low end graphics. I just think the people who complain about too low end graphics have more money, and actually are willing to pay to support the engine, and pay for games made with the engine Why support people who don't support you either?
Variadic Macros can be used for certain things, and even Boost uses them, but in a way that it doesn't break the C++ language, so type checks still work.Easy is just an approach to make a generic language which is as powerful as C++, but easier to code with. A possible successor of C++ could be D, but it's not official, and also just a one man invention.
There should be an option to disable the shader check when the engine starts. But it should an unsupported option then, which means that only when the option is not changed, you can post a bug report. This is because the engine is designed to work with Shader Model 3 and up, but it still might work with Shader Model 2 when you make very simple graphics. I think it's better to be able to play a game, even with no textures and shadows, than not to be able to play it at all. After all, graphics don't make games, but the game idea and logic makes them. Graphics only makes Virtual Reality Simulations and AAA Games.
TNetworkNode is good, since LEO uses also Node as base class for all entities, and TNode would match that, so TNetworkNode is needed then for network based nodes.
Didn't even think of that Well, it works, kinda. I had to rename the exe to "Sokoban 1.0.exe" to get the window title I want.
I need the AppTitle() command in Lua, else I can't make windowed games, since it always says "Engine" in the window title.
Modern 2D games have always a little 3D effect in them too, look for example how Little Big Planet was made. It's basically a 2D platformer, but you can sometimes move 1 meter in Z-direction too, for example when climbing a stairway up. That can be done in Leadwerks without any special tricks, you just make your level 2 meter deep.
A bug in ATI or nVidia drivers has really nothing to do with the engine. The same bug will occur in other engines too, when doing things the same way. There are new drivers for graphics cards every few month, and sometimes new drivers also cause old games to crash, which worked fine before. And then there comes also new Windows versions out every few years which cause also games to crash which worked before.
Hey guys, at least I said it right when I said "massive vegetation system". I can't even start to imagine what your responses would have been if I would have said "massive vegetable system"...
Leadwerks is the best game engine on the market. I wouldn't use it if it wasn't, and I have MANY engines laying around, waiting to get better (I thought it was a smart move to buy all kinds of engines, since then I get new upgrades for free or discounted prices), but Leadwerks always catches up and never lets others overtake. I don't see any size limit for games written with Leadwerks Engine, the practical proof is that you can always load a new scene when one gets too full, but that's not an engine limit either, as you could also remove models on the fly and add new ones, for example streaming from a SQLite database. The massive vegetation system is also amazing, you can literally have thousands of trees or other vegetables, and it runs at high speed. The same what you see in Crysis.
Here's another version written in the Easy language (which I invented a few hours ago): #include "gamelib.h" #include "easy.h" Begin Define( Engine, engine ) Call( engine.Create ) // Set graphics mode Define( TGame, game ) Call( game.Initialize, 1024, 768 ) If( Not Check( engine.IsValid ) ) ErrorPopUp( "Failed to set graphics mode." ) Return( 1 ) End // Get framework main camera Call( game.scene.framewerk.main.camera.SetPosition, Vec3(0,0,-3) ) Define( Material, material( "abstract::cobblestones.mat" ) ) Define( Cube, mesh( CREATENOW ) ) Call( mesh.Paint, material ) Define( Cube, ground( CREATENOW ) ) Call( ground.Scale, Vec3(10,1,10) ) Call( ground.SetPosition, Vec3(0,-2,0) ) Call( ground.Paint, material ) Define( DirectionalLight, light( CREATENOW ) ) Call( light.SetRotation, Vec3(45) ) While( Not Check( engine.IsTerminated ) ) Call( mesh.Turn, Vec3( RealTime*0.5f ) ) Call( game.scene.Update ) Call( game.scene.Render ) Call( engine.Flip, 0 ) End Return( Check( engine.Free ) ) End The source code for the Simple language is as simple as: // simple.h #pragma once #include "stdio.h" #define Begin int main(){ #define End } #define Print(f,s) printf(f,s); #define PrintText(s) printf("%s\n",s); #define PrintInt(i) printf("%d\n",i); #define ForInt(i,b,e) for(int i=b;i<=e;i++){ #define If(s) if(s){ #define While(s) while(s){ #define Not ! #define Return(s) return(s); #define RealTime AppSpeed() #define ErrorPopUp(s) MessageBoxA(0,s,"Error",0); #define Call(s,...) s(__VA_ARGS__); #define Define(s,t) s t; #define Check(s,...) s(__VA_ARGS__) Here are some benefits of this new language: - the Simple language is cross-language compatible (you can use the same source code of Simple programs in C, C++, C#, Delphi, Pascal, etc..., basically in all languages which support variadic macros (all real programming languages do that) ) - you can write short and easy to understand code, which everyone should understand without even knowing any programming language - it will run as fast as C++ programs when used with a C++ compiler - you can mix all your own language commands with it, so it works from the first version (which is this) on, to all coming versions - you don't have to use Simple syntax everywhere, you can always fall back to your own language at any line of code - it can be used as a pseudo, generic, universal, human understandable language, also in the tutorials, since then nobody can complain the tutorials are not written in his/her language (since Simple works in all languages)
I certainly hope that LoadScene() doesn't free anything, since it would break a lot of game logic and possibilies to use cascaded scenes (like a common scene, and differential scene).
I was assuming that FreeFramework() would actually free its worlds first, but perhaps it doesn't do that, so you would need to free the worlds manually before calling FreeFramework(), or maybe there is a fw:Free() method which you can call before actually freeing the fw object itself using FreeFramework().
Yeah, it must be a bug in engine.exe, if it works from Editor. There shouldn't be any difference how Lua scripts works in both.
If you want all programs to work, you need multiple OS and multiple hardware also. I need the following OS, programs and hardware: - XP to run Lotus Quickr, VNC server and OpenGL programs at maximum speed - Win 7 to run Flight Simulator X in DirectX 10 mode, and 64-bit programs which need more than 4GB memory, and DirectX 11 capable games (which don't support OpenGL 2.1 or higher) - Vista to run some device drivers which don't work on XP or Win 7 - Debian to run a Video Editing program (haven't found any free video editing programs for Windows) - PS3 to watch BluRay movies (my PC doesn't have a BluRay drive) - IBM System p to run AIX 6.1 (I need to test OpenGL cross-platform compatiblity in C++) - Win 2003 to run Lotus Domino Server (works better on Debian, but some servers need Windows because of 3rd party apps) - Symbian or Maemo to run OpenGL ES programs
gordonramp's code works fine, and I can switch between 2 maps. The error comes from the sbx file itself, which comes also when you load it first. The sbx file which causes this error is using some old model scripts which need to be adjusted to work with the latest LE 2.3. I think I will write a LE 2.3 fix pack 1, which fixes all model scripts and missing properties and all kinds of stuff which Josh forgot to do, or didn't have time. He doesn't want them as bug reports either
Then you need to create a Pivot and use PositionEntity() to place it to the Vec3 location. You can delete the pivot when a new waypoint is selected, or just keep them until the game ends. It would probably make more sense to use Pivots as waypoints instead of Vec3s, then you need also less coding and your program runs faster.