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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. You should leave some free space between the fuselage and wheel, so that the wheel doesn't collide with the fuselage.
  2. It should work, since it works in gamelib too (and gamelib is using LEO Framework): from gamelib.cpp: luat.Create(); // create the LuaTools object luat.SetScriptObject("fw",scene.framewerk); // set the Lua variable fw // Structs int LuaTools::GetStackSize() { return GetTop(); } void LuaTools::SetStackSize( int size ) { int currentsize = GetStackSize(); if( size<currentsize ) Pop( currentsize-size ); } void LuaTools::SetScriptObject( const std::string& name, BP o ) { int size = GetStackSize(); PushObject( o ); SetGlobal( name ); SetStackSize( size ); } from gamelib.h: // Structs class LuaTools : public Lua { public: int GetStackSize(); void SetStackSize( int size ); void SetScriptObject( const std::string& name, BP o ); };
  3. Ah, then the reason is clear: You need to install Windows Platform SDK, since gamelib needs raw OpenGL commands also: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=C17BA869-9671-4330-A63E-1FD44E0E2505&displaylang=en This will install additional C++ headers to your Visual Studio 2008 C++, including the OpenGL headers.
  4. If you comment out this line in the demo code, it doesn't crash when the player collides with something: SetEntityCallback(myapp.zombie1->body,(byte*)EntityCollisionCallback,ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION);
  5. There is LEO, and it's officially supported also. When programming C++, you can choose whether you want to use the procedural C++ headers (engine.h), or the OOP C++ headers (leo.h). When you use LEO (the OOP C++ headers), you can still access the procedural C++ headers directly, since LEO includes also engine.h. Framework is available in both also, with LEO you just have an OOP style framework interface, but you can also mix procedural and OOP engine (and framework) commands if you like. Lua is used in Editor to make logic and actions to models, you don't have to do anything in C++ for them, they just works automatically like in Editor.
  6. The compiler error tries to tell you that it's missing some type definitions. So you probably didn't include some header file.
  7. The demo might need some files to be updated, I haven't tried it for a while, so I need to work on that next. Yeah, I was planning to make gamelib more C++, so the structs with methods will be classes also.
  8. You haven't done a OpenGL benchmark then, nothing else matters.
  9. Tyler, think deeper. What does DX mean. It means you can't run it on XP. XP lacks 2 versions behind in DX. OpenGL runs on XP, and all other OS. It should be actually much bigger weight than just 2, like you said. I think instead of installing Windows 7 for Crysis 2 (DX11), I rather don't buy the game at all. I don't want to be forced by Microsoft to spend money for a slower OS, and support a company which lies face to face about IBM also. Although both companies have done about the same amount of good products: Microsoft has done XP and Visual Studio 2008 C++ (+MSN), IBM has done Notes and Domino (+SameTime). I think all the rest of their products are ****, and there are much better solutions from other vendors, including open source.
  10. That's a typical reaction what most people have about the chart, but in the end they will all agree. I know it looks a bit biased at first (and LE was not #1 all the time, it just got there with Lua), but when you start to think about it deeper, and evaluate all the options, you will come to the same conclusion. Maybe the best proof is this: I wouldn't be using LE if it wasn't the best. I would switch to a better engine at any time, if such would exist.
  11. At the moment, there is no better engine on the market. Even CryENGINE 3 (which will be used for Crysis 2 somewhere in 2010) is not as good as LE. See this comparison chart: http://siipi.com/public/mika.nsf/0/2AAC3EECC888AC57C22575F7004ADC16 A similar question was asked yesterday also: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/727-i-stand-and-wonder/page__view__findpost__p__6409
  12. Yes, it works when you add those 3 lines to windmill, without all the other stuff you have, ESPECIALLY without parenting.
  13. It seems to me that :SetScale is doing ScaleEntity, which is usually the wrong thing to do. Lua seems to be missing ScaleMesh, which would do it right. As a workaround you can just do: object.body = CreateBodyBox(1,1,1)
  14. It should be the same size. EDIT: And I verified that it is, by adding those 3 lines to the windmill script (replace object with entity). The only explanation to your phenomena I can imagine is that you see only half of the mesh, since the lower half is under the terrain, since you created the mesh at 0/0/0.
  15. We have: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/741-video-playing-example/page__view__findpost__p__6579
  16. He's a coder, so I assumed he has problems with manual things, like using the mouse
  17. You must press the object rotation button to go into object rotation mode. Then you move the mouse over an axis of the object's axis display, and hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse forward/backward.
  18. You just need to switch to each world you want to operate on: SetWorld(world2);
  19. You can probably convert any video with the free NCH Video Converter ( http://www.nchsoftware.com/prism/index.html ), and you can download any video from YouTube.
  20. Make a LUA hybrid mode template also.
  21. Gamelib is now uploaded, and it should work with all kind of old and new and mixed sandbox/editor scenes. One benefit of its scene loader is that it optimizes the world entities a bit by removing unnecessary physics objects which are left behind when using LUA only. I think when you have many lights in the scene it should also bring some performance boost, but at least it's using less memory.
  22. You might run out of texture memory for no real reason then. So it might work, but it would be wasting resources. I would make the main menu rather a seperate an 2D/3D overlay, that's how many games do it (sometimes you can even see the game scene behind the menu, since they put a black rectangle to cover the screen, but a line of pixels is still visible.
  23. I haven't tried more than one, but why do you want two?
  24. Wow cool! I love how the brightness of the TV screen works as a light too, but a colored like Josh said would add a huge realism and should be quite easy to do too.
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