I think there's something special about the video. It's not like a normal hollywood movie, for example transformers or war of the worlds, because it wakes some feelings of deepest your nightmares of your childhood. One thing is that those spacecrafts shoot with miniguns at people in a city block, another is that those big robots join to form a nuclear bomb pressure chamber while one guy is watching it from a window just 10 meters away, the third thing is that people don't panic or get hostile before the aliens go hostile, but rather film and watch them. Hollywood doesn't do that, it's too real, too close, too touching. Rather they take distance and make mass killings of people look like a nice firework. Hollywood movies give people a chance, and predictably the people always win in the end. This guy doesn't, he shows clearly that people have no chance (you can't predict the end though). I just hope this guy can keep his style when the real movie is published, and it's not gimped by hollywood rules. Lucasfilm left hollywood for the very same reason, and made their own studios.