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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Canardia


    Until Josh has uploaded the new shaders.pak, you can disable the _adjust shaders in Framewerk by searching for the line in Renderer.cpp which says postfiltername = "_adjust" and replace it with postfiltername = ""
  2. DrawShadowText is a standalone function since Framewerk 1.03.
  3. Canardia


    As far I know those *_adjust.* shader files have never been published yet, and even I don't have them, but Framewerk uses them. Josh just needs to upload them to the sync.
  4. Maybe the temporary files in your .bmx folder are corrupted and using code from the old 2.3 SDK. BlitzMax does that quite often. Then you can just delete the .bmx folder and have clean compile. Disabling the Quick Build mode in BlitzMax should do the same, but I trust more deleting the files myself.
  5. Maybe you have some hidden character between the "" which your BlitzMax IDE doesn't show. Try to delete the "" from both lines and rewrite it again.
  6. Why don't you print out the value of submersioncolor, then you see if it's empty or not.
  7. You don't necessarily need to load a sbx file, but you could also load the positions of the models from a sqlite database, then you would get also infinite streaming capability. But you should still delete and recreate the world when you switch from outer space to inside a space station.
  8. Multithreading can be cores times faster, or cores times slower, depending on what you do. Usually it's faster when doing some non-memory intensive things on other cores, and slower when accessing memory on other cores. A quaranteed benefit of multithreading would be to put disk I/O related stuff to another core, then it doesn't matter if they are a bit slower, since they don't block the main core anymore.
  9. You should just load different sbx files for each environment. The gamelib demo has an example how to switch between 2 sbx maps.
  10. I think there's something special about the video. It's not like a normal hollywood movie, for example transformers or war of the worlds, because it wakes some feelings of deepest your nightmares of your childhood. One thing is that those spacecrafts shoot with miniguns at people in a city block, another is that those big robots join to form a nuclear bomb pressure chamber while one guy is watching it from a window just 10 meters away, the third thing is that people don't panic or get hostile before the aliens go hostile, but rather film and watch them. Hollywood doesn't do that, it's too real, too close, too touching. Rather they take distance and make mass killings of people look like a nice firework. Hollywood movies give people a chance, and predictably the people always win in the end. This guy doesn't, he shows clearly that people have no chance (you can't predict the end though). I just hope this guy can keep his style when the real movie is published, and it's not gimped by hollywood rules. Lucasfilm left hollywood for the very same reason, and made their own studios.
  11. This guy made a 4 min video for a $300 budget on youtube and got a $30 million contract from hollywood 3 days later by e-mail to make a full movie of it:
  12. It doesn't really matter if the mesh translates during the animation, as you can translate it back to the mesh, and move the body instead. This can be done with a very simple function which calculates the bone movement and converts it into mesh counter-movement. Actually an animation which translates the mesh is even more useful, as not all movements are linear in speed, so you have more information in them as with a animation which keeps the mesh in the same spot.
  13. 1) Bags - Items have different shapes and sizes, you have to fit them in as best you can. In addition items have also different weights, so you get encumbered if you carry too much. The more you carry, the slower you move. To equip different item sets, you use some sketches (which are also items in your bags) which work like bags, except that they contain only links to items. If a link to an item is not in one of your bags, but in the bank, then it can't be equipped. You can also have mules and wagons, which can carry the bags for you.
  14. Actually the mouse itself can have like 1000 units per pixel, which you can test by applying a small force to the mouse, and after a while the mouse cursor will move one pixel on the screen.
  15. I think you get smoother movement if you divide by 2.0 instead of 2. Round() usually tends to round down when it should round up, so you might get irregular movements.
  16. Maybe you forgot to update some files, make sure you have the newest framewerk files, newest shaders.pak, newest graphics card drivers.
  17. You can see in the engine.log if there are any errors while loading the game.
  18. The map from the Power Tutorial works fine for me with GameLib with LE 2.3. There might be some issues with the LoadMap command since it was mainly developed with LE 2.28, but I don't know of any bugs at the moment. The mouselook is supposed to crash if no player entity is found in the map and if you don't set the player in code (like you commented the line out), I could add somekind of checking to it
  19. If you want no fog from 0-10 meters, then you should use Vec2(10,100). The distance between the values only means how rapidly the fog density should grow from 0% to 100% fog. You need also to set the FogColor, and control the translucency of the fog with the alpha value. Then there is also a FogAngle command, which sets how far the fog should raise above the horizon.
  20. It look somehow good, but it's missing a lot of stuff too which could make it look much better. It looks flat. Crysis still has these unexplainable highlights on tree leaves, which could be roughly described as 4 different brightness levels on the tree leaves:
  21. Canardia

    C# Framewerk

    If people would post examples what changes they need to do in Framewerk, those could be generalized and added to Framewerk. At least in the C++ version you could have callback functions and/or ifdefs which could plug-in any customization you'll ever need, and you can use always the original framewerk source code.
  22. Some specialist tip: use www.uu3d.com, as sometimes www.unwrap3d.com is down. Never had any downtime with www.uu3d.com
  23. Oh, american/british english strikes again In international english it is related to physics, like magician is related to magic, canardian is related to canards, or norwegian is related to norway. In international english, we call those who (often unsuccesfully) experiment with human bodies, doctors. They use doctrines based on mutual feelings and mutual information, without actually knowing how the human body or its DNA works. It's like a computer programmer who has no clue what processors, bits and bytes are, and just copy pastes code since it worked for someone else in a similar situation
  24. I see. It seems physicians are using the same name (Omega) for two different things. In velocity formulas it seems to be used for the angular speed, but in torque formulas it's used as angle of the force (or like I like to say: "1-wrongness of the direction of the force"): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torque
  25. Well, it's as simple as renaming the GetBodyOmega() to GetBodyAngularVelocity(). Currently it returns the angular velocity anyway (a Vec3), and not the Omega (which is the "1/cos(tan(wrong direction of the force))" or whatever the anti-sin(Omega) is), also a Vec3).
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