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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. But Josh just said that 3 weeks will be probably enough time to buy LE2, and get the cheap upgrade to LE3. So LE3 might be released even earlier than 3 weeks.
  2. Intensity is just a fake setting which only multiplies the actual colors, so if you have colors of 240 or higher and then use a intensity of higher than 1, it will only overburn the colors making them all gray and white. There is never a need for anything else than intensity 1.0, because you can adjust the colors yourself much more elegantly.
  3. LE3 is only under bugfixing now, should be soon out I am also bugfixing things now, so things will work well together with LE3 when it comes out.
  4. I still don't think it has anything to do with the cube, but you should check why your knight is positioned where it is positioned. Maybe there is is a copy of the cube, since it's invisible as you said.
  5. Yeah, it's possible even with LE2. Basically how it can be done is like this: 1) first have the car made with a few big physics blocks 2) when a big enough force impacts on the physics blocks, remove them and replace them with little physics blocks at each vertex of the mesh 3) let the deformation happen automatically with the impact force the original big block experienced 4) compose some seperatable parts like doors and wheel covers with the same little physics blocks, but connect them with fixed joints
  6. Your cube was probably always at 0,0,0, and it actually never found the cube.
  7. Ramps work just fine, I think...
  8. I think that will cause ifstream internally to break it again down to some default size, which might be worse than 16384 (even bigger sizes can be slower, especially if they don't share a common divisor with the cluster size).
  9. You can't compare them directly, and when you use FILE* correctly, it is much faster than ifstream. I think ifstream has a default buffer size which is is bigger than 1, and if you use FILE* and read always 1 byte at a time, then your FILE* is slower. To get FILE* to maximum speed, you need to analyze the media's cluster size and adjust your buffer size to that. There are more things to consider also, like what the cluster size of the harddisk is and/or how the raid was setup. But a good default would be 16384, if you don't do any further media analysis to optimize the buffer size. Indeed, if you ever have setup raid disks, most OS will suggest a strip size of 16384, because it comes closest to the average file size on a file server, and the strip size should never be smaller than the cluster size on the harddisk.
  10. I have tested different ways to read files, to find out which method is the fastest. As a result, I was able to write a fastcopy.exe which was much faster than Windows' own copy command
  11. The 0 is the offset from either beginning or end. Just set it to length/2 if you want half of the file from the beginning: is.seekg (0, ios::end); // goto end of file length = is.tellg(); // get length of file is.seekg (length/2, ios::beg); // goto half of file http://www.cplusplus.../istream/seekg/
  12. Something like this should work: SetBodyOmega(barrelmodel,CalcBodyOmega(barrelmodel,Vec3(0,GetEntityRotation(barrelmodel).Y,0));
  13. The dll version can be used from C.
  14. C# has garbage collection, so you will get problems with games, which often require instant freeing of memory and non-interrupted time critical operations. For slow business applications like SharePoint it is "sufficient", although SharePoint is also horribly slow compared to Apache/PHP. C++ or SuperBasic (coming soon) is the way to go for games and all other apps.
  15. Mumbles my dear, are you feeling OK? You are such a Debian purist like me, and then you still use Microsoft Visual Studio, hello? Today I did some research on cross platform IDEs, and CodeBlocks still won the race.
  16. I think LE3 comes with official headers for C, C++, BlitzMax (procedural, not sure about OOP), C#, Lua. And for other languages you have to write them yourself, based on the C or C++ headers, depending if your target language supports OOP or not.
  17. The code is 86.73291% compatible between LE2 and LE3. Little incompatibilites are to be expected in the way how you could directly access attributes and methods of classes in BlitzMax, but it could be possible that Josh provides a OOP wrapper for BlitzMax too to even things out (or that the community writes one).
  18. Gimp can do tiled textures quite well too. Just select layer offset 50%/50% and correct the seam in the middle X/Y axis.
  19. Inkscape is not an image editing program, but a vector painting program. But I use it to make .svg and .ps graphics.
  20. Of course it is, because it has also resizable selections. In Paint.NET you have to try 1000 times to get a selection right and redo from start each time. Besides it's good to have the same tool on all platforms.
  21. Every engine is a programmer's engine, but Leadwerks has realized that from the start on, and focussed on making it much easier to the programmers than any other engine. Of course, BlitzBasic/Blitz3D from Amiga was the original idea. All ideas from Amiga were out of this world and billions of years ahead of today's ideas.
  22. I use GIMP for loading and saving DDS files. The newest GIMP has the dds plugin already built-in. The texture converer tool which comes with Leadwerks makes errors with certain resolutions, but with GIMP it always works. mat files are simple text files, and I use Notepad++ to edit them, for example a simple mat file for a texture looks like this: texture0="abstract::somefile.dds" The Leadwerks Wiki has a complete description of what mat files can contain, and the SDK comes with lots of mat file examples too. UU3D is the best tool to convert any model format to gmf. It has also edge smoothing and polyreduce so you can easily create all LOD models with it.
  23. It has been around since version 1 of Leadwerks There we had a nice .chm help file with all the info, which worked in harmony with 3DWS too. I think in LE3 we will have the good old style back, a game engine and a CSG editor which works together well. LE3 should be soon out, since summer is almost over.
  24. I remember 8 inch disks, but never actually used them, only 5 1/4 disks.
  25. HDR can for sure be disabled and enabled on the fly without causing any problems. Changing buffer resolution will cause the terrain to get flat as far I remember, so you would need a game restart and continue when you use terrain and change resolution (that's how WoW does it too).
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