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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Bullet has lots of options, so you can't compare it to newton with the default options. You should rather make 100 different tests with all option combinations.
  2. Aily's AntiAlias shader does a pretty good job - much better than the standard Leadwerks shader.
  3. Many games are more comfortable to play on smaller windows, to have a better overview, especially if the screen is over 22" in size. Mobile games have also around that kind of resolution, and they look pretty good. And hardcore gamers often quadbox WoW on one screen, so they have 4 windows tiled.
  4. GeForce 8400 should run fine in a 640x400 window (widescreen format). Even my GeForce 570 OC can't run over 200 FPS in FullHD. It's all about the screen resolution, the card doesn't matter so much.
  5. @shadmar: Yes, the setting is in editor also, under Tools/Options/Configuration/Anisotropic Filter: 16.0
  6. I have made already a Monkey target for LE2, and it can be done for LE3 also. With LE3 you then have different Monkey targets like "LE3 Windows", "LE3 Android", "LE3 iPhone", etc....
  7. LESDK.exe does not work with Windows 7 64-bit, even as Administrator. You need to use the C++ version of LESDK.exe: http://www.leadwerks...er-and-updater/
  8. @shadmar: You should enable 16x Anistropic and the screenshots will look much better, without those horrible squares
  9. For me 32k vertices is the limit also, above that I get those long triangle mess too.
  10. Yes, chunking seems to be important for mesh terrains. Damn, I knew Josh would delete my posts, because he thinks it's "derailing". I was aware of that, and tried to make an Article (=User Tutorial) about mesh terrains, but the damn IPboard software is always buggy somewhere. I noticed that with a single terrain mesh, the 4096 res is still not high enough, so one should use smaller terrain chunks, and maybe one global flat ground to guide the composition. EDIT: Hmm, I think IPBoard had some rollback, because also status messages were deleted.
  11. Yes, but what you see in Maya (and 3DSMax) is not what you get when you export. Maya and Max has this transformation history, which is probably useful for a detailed undo function, but when you export you should reset all transformations so that you get what you really see on the screen in Maya.
  12. For 1, Maya should have an option for edge angle smoothing setting, like UU3D has. There you can select at which angle edges are made soft and which are left sharp (default is angle 45).
  13. Texturing is really fun in Sculptris, because you can seamlessly rotate, scale and smear the texture, and also recolor it on top. I think this a good proof of concept that sculpted terrains work quite well, and bring more powerful features than 2D heightmap terrains. On top of that I think sculpted terrains even render faster, because you can occlude parts of the terrain by using seperate models:
  14. No, they are simple meshes made with Sculptris. Now I also tested terrain texturing and painting, and it's amazingly easy also to do, and you have infinite "terrain layers". The different terrain meshes melt quite nicely together, because sculptis uses very balanced triangle distribution, while leaving the polycount pretty low too: Interesting next would be to make some sculpted water object
  15. Cool, now we can have 3D ocean and 3D terrain:
  16. Canardia

    Amazing Tools

    I hope it can be disabled to ignore the child, because I would really like that if someone pulls on an arm, the whole body would follow the movement. There shouldn't be a problem when multiple force sources affect a body, because naturally all the forces just add/substract on the body.
  17. Leadwerks supports vertex coloring. I imported once a vertex colored car and it looked quite decent without any textures. Not sure what formats Maya supports, but with UU3D you should be able to get it right into Leadwerks.
  18. Unity is made with C# so it's a failure by definition. No serious programmers use anything else than Fortran, C or C++. Especially not ANY language with garbage collection. I mean have you seen Intel C#? No, but there is Intel Fortran, C and C++. These guys just know what kicks the power out of CPUs. Fortunately they work also on Linux and all CPUs via GNU compilers, which C# never will do.
  19. Make physics hull with phygen. Default physics hulls are immobile.
  20. That's why there are no good physics games made yet
  21. The black leg? It's from a prototype quadpedal T-600 series. Or maybe it's just a leg from a cheap 17€ 6-leg hunting seat
  22. Bullet has the same, and much more, and on all platforms. PhysX has lost the race, like DirectX has too.
  23. I don't understand why you even consider PhysX, it lacks of 2 major features: 1) Cross-hardware GPU support 2) 64-bit Linux drivers Bullet has them both, and with full source code.
  24. I was wondering if LE3D Episode 2 could support two cascading layers of shadows, like in this real life screenshot: I know I could do this with dynamic pointlights also, but sometimes it's hard to positon them right (need to move them along the sun-earth axis so that they are not inside other objects).
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