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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I think it would be nice to have also a free alternative to RakNet. The best tools come as a free and commercial version, not only as commercial. Only as free works though, like cURL.
  2. You can make seperate lists for each class, that works fine, and makes faster code. Then you have can have one method which loops through all the class lists. Also for memory allocation you should never use "new" or "malloc"; but always "alloca", because it uses fast linear stack memory and not slow fragmented heap memory.
  3. You are wrong Roland. Virtual is never needed in C++, and it only creates bloated and slow code. I just tried this example and it works fine, it prints: Cow Horse #include <cstdio> class GUI { public: void Draw() { printf("Cown"); } }; class Child : public GUI { public: void Draw() { GUI::Draw(); printf("Horsen"); } }; int main() { Child tia; tia.Draw(); }
  4. Doesn't matter if it's at the beginning or somewhere else in the method, but yeah, usually it's in the beginning because of practical reasons, that the coder wants the base class done first and then only add his own stuff to it. Your question is a bit wierd, so I'm not sure if you understood my first answer. What I meant is that you have a child class method like this: class GUI { public: void Draw() { DrawBox(); } }; class MyChild : public GUI { public: void Draw() { GUI::Draw(); DrawCircle(); } };
  5. GUI::Draw(); When this is used inside a child class, it doesn't need to be a static method, but it will actually call the instanced base class' method (which is kinda not instanced alone, but fusioned into one instanced with the child class).
  6. Well, the problem is I have too much energy, so I start to make tons of ideas, but never finish anything But Fastnet is so simple and fast, so I really focus on this now.
  7. For the 3rd release of Leadwerks3D I want the following things: 1) Far range shadows without pixelation, and also with distance blur. 2) Sound collisions, reflections and refractions. Also doppler effects. 3) Mirrors and realtime cubemaps. Also wet shader using realtime cubemaps. 4) png support. 5) 7-zip support 6) incbin support, so that we can make single exe files 7) native 32-bit and 64-bit debian support 8) verlet physics based particles (although I think I rather make this myself)
  8. I hope the internal networking can be turned off though, because we want to use also other networking libs, and other physics libs. Or I can recompile it without the HAVE_LE3_NETWORK define Actually I was thinking, there should be a Leadwerks3D full feature version, and a Leadwerks3D core version, which has only the renderer. Technically it's the same source code, but the full version is compiled with all those standard HAVE_FEATURE defines.
  9. Amazing, it works! I found out a new way to make super fast C/C++ libraries for BlitzMax. You just create a static library in C++, and then you can use the arch file directly in BlitzMax: SuperStrict Module Siipi.Fastnet Import "libfastnet.a" Extern Function FastnetPrint:Int() EndExtern Type Fastnet Method Info:Int() FastnetPrint EndMethod EndType This has the benefit, that you don't need to write horrible dll wrappers, which don't support typedefs and other fancy C++ stuff, and your BlitzMax game is just one single exe, with no ugly dlls hanging around. Then your actual game uses Fastnet like this: SuperStrict Import Siipi.Fastnet Global net:Fastnet=New Fastnet net.Info Leadwerks3D can be used the same way directly in BlitzMax, without needing to use an engine.dll.
  10. I can make a wrapper for bmax too, it's still coded in C/C++, but BlitzMax can link arch files from C/C++. So it's not much additional work for me once I have the original C++ wrappers ready.
  11. How come it looks so diffferent on a Mac? The value up/down buttons seem to be missing too, or are they faded in when hovering with the mouse over the field?
  12. I started writing yesterday a simple wrapper for WinSock. Today I will make final overseas tests to see if I should use IPv4 or IPv6, or both, depending which is faster. Of course IPv6 support is a nice bonus, but it should not make things slower, so I might need to include native IPv4 code as option too.
  13. I played one 3D futuristic racer game an Android, and it was way better than any 2D game I've ever played on mobile. The touchscreen is quite horrible for games, so you should rely only on 3D tilt movements of the phone. My Galaxy S2 screen is also much too small to play games or piano or guiter decently on it, so games should be rather designed for a 10 inch Android screen. And the iPhone screen is even smaller.
  14. The market is full of 2D **** games, that's why nobody buys them. There is no engine on the market yet which can do decent 3D graphics on mobile, and that brings a new market opportunity.
  15. Leadwerks3D $1000, ShiVa3D $4000 (with server), Unity3D $5000. Then LE3D would be still the cheapest with the fastest and most advanced features.
  16. In Australia it's already Winter, and still no Leadwerks3D alpha for testing?
  17. Unity costs actually $5000, if you want all features enabled, so that it matches the features of LE3: Unity Pro = $1500 +Unity Android Pro = $1500 +Unity iOS Pro = $1500 +Git addon for Editor = $500 Total = $5000
  18. You can use the Blitz3D style entity movement commands like MoveEntity(box,Vec3(0,0,1)) or TurnEntity(box,Vec3(0,90,0)). Also PointEntity(box,lamb) comes handy, so you don't need mathematics when you want to move an object to the location of another object.
  19. You can trust Josh that the price will be right, not too cheap, not too expensive, but well thought about. Since the world is not in absolute communism yet, we people need money to buy food and to pay for electricity, networks, hardware, backups, even if we provide a free service.
  20. 1) Probably 2) The DLL can be used with BlitzMax, there are also headers for BlitzMax, because Editor is written in BlitzMax too
  21. I would prefer also the possiblity to switch to single viewport mode, and have CSG editing on/off via tab key (like in Blender where the tab key switches between vertex editing and model editing mode). And the floating number fields should have another field below them where you can set the increment for the up/down buttons. And of course no cutting of digits, but have it 64-bit double accuracy ("double" datatype in C++).
  22. Yeah I made the mistake to trust the testing build too much. While it worked fine as an upgrade on my gaming PC, it didn't work at all on a new installation on my W520 laptop. So as I'm standing, the stable 64-bit bit 6.0 (although the version shouldn't matter, because Debian stable is quaranteed stable at any time), is the standard solution to get a computer working properly. And regarding KDE, it seems Debian relies on GNOME on the default installation media 1. KDE might have looked more like XP, but GNOME just takes less resources, so I would say, use GNOME. You can configure GNOME to look like KDE anyway, and GNOME brings also all the good and fast tools like gparted. I know Linus Torvalds recommends KDE, but as he hates all the kernel bloating and ext3 and ext4, I would say that maybe he should revise his recommendation on GNOME too
  23. Differing opinions, but knowing Mumbles, she's a hardcore Debian fan (just like me), so the 3-1 opinion still stands that iPhone/iPad should count as only one feature in the comparison.
  24. Good point, I think when an engine runs on iPhone, it's only a minor change to make it run on iPad also. So I will combine the iPhone/iPad point as one 0.5 point. That still makes LE3 alpha better than LE2 according to public opinion.
  25. Thanks, I know that my earlier 3D engine comparison chart lacked of weighted points, so I used them in this chart now Making charts is actually quite complex, because not everything is 100% clear, and you have to follow a majority opinion to give values to features.
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