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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I think g++ is also related to Visual Studio though, that's why I mentioned that first: g++ is just a cheaper, better, faster Visual Studio.
  2. It's similar in Visual Studio also, there you can disable the console window with compiler settings without the need to write a WinMain functions. The easiest way is to use a compiler pragma like: #pragma comment( linker, "/subsystem:"windows" /entry:"mainCRTStartup"" )
  3. Instead of doing that complicated WinMain function, you can just use the main function and add the compiler option -mwindows for g++.
  4. I think you can't call a class "main", because it conflicts with the main function. You could call it "Main" though, and class names should always start with capital letter.
  5. I've seen the same problem with all forums on the net. Everybody just uses some half-working GUI, although they should go into the DOS/sh window and do everything from there to make sure no data is ever lost. That said, I would never use a forum someone else made, because they are all ****. Look at BlitzBasic.com, they made their own forum and it has never lost a single message since ever. Homemade heaven, like the canardians used to say
  6. All you have to do is to setup your project folder so that you have 2 subfolders: distro and source. In source you have all the C++ project files and C++ source codes and source models and source textures, and in distro only what you will publish. Zero work by intelligent design.
  7. Since you have the normal map in your mat file also, you could use mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.frag.
  8. The quality of an engine includes also that you can use the same engine on all platforms, because working with multiple engines is very expensive and time consuming.
  9. Yes, your character is sucking the bumpmap and specularmap from the stones. You need either to use a diffuse only shader, or add bumpmap and specular map textures to your character.
  10. I think the quality/price ratio tells you quite exactly which engine is the best for you. There are free engines, cheap engines, indie priced engines, expensive engines. You get what you pay for! And Leadwerks is the chepeast of those which have all features to make decent games. Especially with Leadwerks3D Android support it will be the best engine for Android.
  11. I need to send updated LEO to Josh, but first I need to test that it works.
  12. Not sure why dragging a brush would not work directly, because if you have selected brush mode, dragging should do nothing else than create a brush. You could also use the tab key to quickly switch between brush mode and entity mode, like in Blender: vertex edit mode vs model mode.
  13. 3D verlet physics based particles. It's fast, massive and simple. Particles like smoke need to be able to stop at the ceiling of a room, and travel along the ceiling. Rain particles need to be able to bounce and flow down the roof, and stay outside of the room. And because you need only one verlet physics shape for particles: a sphere, it's easy to optimize and make it even faster. Sparkle particles need to be able to bounce a few times on the floor. Water particles can be used to simulate pools and rivers of water, you can put the radius of a sphere quite big in this case, and use a blob shader to make the water particles merge into a solid fluid.
  14. I will make a short demo. Damn, now I have already 2 promises to fulfill
  15. I had no problems with it so far, but maybe I added also a _stdcall to my callback function. I also use Code::Blocks, and Visual Studio 2012 to make the Microsoft fanatics happy
  16. Runtime errors comes from missing parameters in your callback function. It must have also force and userdata parameter.
  17. With animation sequence changes you also need a few boolean flags, like one for telling if it's allowed to change yet, one for the cooldown timer between sequence changes. You can first make the cooldown timer longer, to visually debug what's going on.
  18. You can use the Editor scripts also standalone if you add a few lines at the beginning: RegisterAbstractPath(""); Graphics(640,480); fw=CreateFramework();
  19. The cause for this is usally missing game logic. Use lots of boolean flags to check the states of everything, that makes it very easy to write the code and read the code. Often 2-8 nested if checks are needed to make things work right, and it's always better to let the if-check fail than to do stuff which slows down the game and makes it flicker or otherwise behave errationally.
  20. Yes, you can put any Lua code into Model Scripts, also 2D graphics for menus.
  21. Yes, Model Scripts will be run also when you write the game in C++.
  22. LE3D uses its own .tex format, but it reads in .png and .dds (and some others) as far I know. I would make the textures with .png because then you have lossless compression. And like always, deliver the models in editable .blend format with 4096x4096 png textures, so the user can scale them down for his needs. Galaxy S2 has 1GB RAM, so you could as well use 1024x1024 textures. Of course not all textures are square, and for example Crysis uses also 2048x1024 textures.
  23. I made again a test yesterday, and found out that mingw makes 7.4% faster programs than VS2010. Of course that was just one test, but still, speed is everything, and also compiling times are much faster, and also IDE loading times are much faster. VS2008 and VS2010 makes about the same speed programs, but in VS2010 makes it more automatically, while in VS2008 you need to manually optimize the code.
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