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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. What's the difference between a Blog and an Article? Actually I call my Blogs in my own Blog site also Articles. I never say I wrote a Blog, but I always say I wrote an Article.
  2. Canardia

    Design Confusion

    I agree with Rick, when I write a game in C++, I don't want it be infected with Lua at all, and wasting valuable memory for its GC and interpreter. I need all memory for my game to get the maximum content at maximum speed (everything loaded into memory makes things much faster). But like I already said to diedir, if there would be a way to make the 2 keystrokes less (well actually 3 keystrokes, since there is Alt-Tab between them too). Maybe F5 in Editor could be programmed to switch to the Code::Blocks IDE window, and then send a F9 keystroke. That would actually work! Then you can use your favorite language and your favorite IDE, and only the window class and F9 key would need to be configured in Editor. And you would have a debugger too for all languages.
  3. Canardia

    Design Confusion

    Don't worry, whatever Josh comes up with, you will be still able to do the following always: 1) Press Ctrl-S in Editor 2) Press F5 in ScriptEditor to compile (if changed) and run the game because you have to be able to do that anyway for all other languages also: 1) Press Ctrl-S in Editor 2) Press F9 in Code::Blocks to compile (if changed) and run the game Josh is only trying to integrate the Lua Editor into Leadwerks Editor, which is kinda useless in my opinion anyway. It could be just left out. Or he could find a way how to make the above 2 steps even easier, although it's OK how they are now too.
  4. You don't need to load an extra desaturate shader, because it's built-in in Framework. Use: SetSaturation(0.5)
  5. Canardia

    Design Confusion

    But the programming should be consistent between all languages, including Lua. Most people probably prefer Code::Blocks for Lua projects also, because it has very sophisticated plug-ins for code clips management, and is thus more suitable for larger game projects than a simple text editor.
  6. Canardia

    Design Confusion

    Isn't debugging done in Code::Blocks IDE? I don't quite understand why you need debugging in a CSG Modeller. 3DWS didn't have that either, and I never missed it.
  7. Canardia

    Design Confusion

    Make it so that F5 launches a .cmd file, which it creates from a list item field like in 3DWS. It should have also parameters, which Editor replaces with actual values. A F5 script could look like this: {workvolume}: cd {workdir} cd source mingw32-make if errorlevel 1 goto errors cd ..distro game.exe {parameters} {scenefilename} goto over :errors notepad++ errors.log :over And what F5 then compiled this into would be a launch.cmd file which looks like this: d: cd projectsgame1 cd source mingw32-make if errorlevel 1 goto errors cd ..distro game.exe 640 480 data/maps/level1.sbx goto over :errors notepad++ errors.log :over There could be a set of favorite scripts which F5 can run, and also a default script which would be like: luac {projectname} > errors.log if errorlevel 1 goto errors engine.exe {projectname} {parameters} {mapfilename} goto over :errors notepad++ errors.log :over
  8. I've had it on several computers with Windows XP. But it also needs some time to accumulate, so you need really to work on some serious game, and not just play for short time with a BMX program.
  9. I wonder how many people are actively aware of the fact also that all BlitzMax programs will crash sometime killing your explorer.exe Desktop instance (the 1st explorer instance), and then you have to press Ctrl-Alt-Del and run explorer.exe to get back your Desktop. This is just ridiculous, but when you know it, it's not that big of a problem. GC is basically a way to hide programming errors and make them happen at random times, making debugging impossible. In C, the program crashez immediately and you REALLY have to fix your faulty code. That's one of the biggest benefits of non GC languages, like C.
  10. You should allow raw HTML coding in tutorials, using GUI stuff usually makes things much harder to use. Like for example right now, I have no idea where I would put tutorials, but I know how to setup an Linux Apache server and put PHP and HTML pages on it. I mean how hard can GUI stuff really be compared to starting from scratch.
  11. Yay, so my tutorials are official too! Thanks Josh EDIT: Ah, nevermind, it seems the last CSS update has destroyed 50% of the content and functionality. Like always, but I'm getting used to it, so I host my tutorials on my own web server. Before the last CSS update, there were Community Tutorials under Documentation, but now they are all gone.
  12. Put them under Support/Documentation/Tutorials.
  13. Then it should automatically pick a random picture from google picture search. For example Mumbles:
  14. I would say Leadwerks Engine, it's quite cheap (only 150€) for the quality, features and support it has.
  15. Why should the textures be huge? Just make the models huge, with a repeating and seamless texture. In Editor you also have repeating and seamless textures for the terrain.
  16. It just means that you make your landscape in Blender with the sculpt tool and then place the terrain pieces in Leadwerks Editor. You can have a somewhat flat base terrain in Editor, and you just place big rock, overhang and hill models and other landscape components on top of it.
  17. It's a limitation of graphics cards. You can use unlimited layers when you use models as terrains.
  18. It should work for everyone. I think the newest version has also VS2010 templates, but you can open a VS2008 project with VS2010 too, and it will convert it. However, it's better to use Code::Blocks, because it creates faster code and compiles also much faster, and loads up much faster. The new VS2012 is quite horrible as it takes like 2 minutes to completely even load a project.
  19. It works when you create your project with Project Wizard, which initializes all the needed stuff for Framework.
  20. I guess TCHAR* is either 8 or 16 bit char*, depending if you have unicode enabled in your project settings or not. With printf you print 8 bit chars, with wsprintf you print 16 bit chars.
  21. You could use the Named Pipe Server and Client example from Microsoft: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365588(v=vs.85).aspx
  22. The complete sequence is then pretty simple: DrawImage() Flip(0) local time_to = os.time() + 5 -- 5 secs wished delay LoadScene() while os.time() < time_to do end
  23. You would have to actually measure the time after the drawimage and before the wait loop, so that the delay doesn't get bigger than n seconds if the scene loading takes already n seconds or more. I just posted an example of a delay command, read up.
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