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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Then you can make a simple wait command after you draw the image on screen and flip. --- Delay for a number of seconds. -- @param delay Number of seconds function delay_s(delay) delay = delay or 1 local time_to = os.time() + delay while os.time() < time_to do end end
  2. You don't even need timers, because loading the whole scene and setting up things takes longer than you would display the splash screen. So just show a splash screen with DrawImage(); before you load the scene, and then hide it when before the main loop starts.
  3. Sure, but then you need to program a bit more. Using already existing engine features is faster, if it's sufficient to do the job.
  4. It depends how the triangles are arranged in the sphere. In Leadwerks there is a pretty smooth setup of triangles with 32 sectors. With 16 sectors you can see slight edges still. Leadwerks has the commadn SetAntialias(1); to enable antialiasing, but there has been also improved AA shaders in the forum, which you can just copypaste into the existing antialias shader. Fog, DoF and Bloom also makes things look smoother.
  5. I would create a particle emitter, because splashes are 3D. Create a new emiter for each footstep, and then delete after a while after pausing them first, so they don't vanish abruptly.
  6. You could just use the Project Wizard which comes with LE2, it does everything with 1 mouseclick.
  7. No, I would keep project folder completely seperate from game folder. In project folder you have your project files and source codes, and in game folder you have only the binary files for the released game. I use this kind of folder structure: c:homeusernameprojectsgame1distro // this is the game folder c:homeusernameprojectsgame1source // this is the project folder
  8. You don't need that extra line, if you set your output and working directory to your game folder.
  9. The API will be very similar to LE2, unless Josh allows to use the .lib file in C++ directly, then it will cause a big rift between C++ and other languages again, as it did with BlitzMax and other languages in LE2. Using the .lib file in C++ should be possible for the speed freaks, but it should not be official, but only the DLL should be officially documented.
  10. Basically Visual Studio and Code::Blocks comes with a template for ActiveX DLL creation. Just compile it and then add the CLSID tag into your html web page. This might help: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/14533/A-Complete-ActiveX-Web-Control-Tutorial
  11. Check the engine.log text file, not the compiler log.
  12. LE2.5 works with all languages, including VS2010. Check your engine.log what caused the error with Graphics().
  13. Naturally everything containing C# and .NET should be avoided, since it's Microsoft dictatorship and fighting heavily against the global standard (which is ISO, Khronos, etc,...)
  14. Of course, it's just not marketed very well, but it's actually a product like everything else. Source owners are not allowed to talk about the price, which is like what every other engine does too, so nothing new. You get your price if you are serious about it.
  15. Source code costs a bit more, but not much. Everyone who has a real job can afford it. You don't really need source code though, because the main purpose to own source code is to backup your company investments, not to develop the engine.
  16. Josh daily online, so a maximum of less-than-a-day, depending on your timezone should get you a direct reply from him if you post on the forums.
  17. Damn, maybe I'm getting the DELL instead then, like Rick I checked today, and the Samsung TSN (touchscreen) series are damn expensive, what a FAIL.
  18. I'M SO GETTING THIS THEN: http://www.samsung.com/us/business/commercial-display-solutions/LH65TCPMBC/ZA
  19. Yeah, on small mobile screens, typing text is usually not the best input method, but dragging graphical shapes around is actually easier with a finger than with the mouse on a PC. Because the mouse is not as accurate as your finger, and you need to move it forth and back and lift it, while the finger is just whereever you need instantly, or at least it feels so I want a touchscreen for my PC too! Samsung seems to have some nice models, and I already have several Samsung monitors and a Samsung 3D TV.
  20. Android itself doesn't have GNU C++, but you can install Debian Linux in Android, so you can run both Android and Debian at the same time on your Android phone. You just need to download the Window Terminal from Android Market to enter your Linux commands then. http://android-dls.c...stalling_Debian Another way would be making a game framework in C++ for Android with Leadwerks3D, which can be configured with a 2D/3D editor to act how you want your game to act. Of course this must follow the EULA, so the actual editor would need to be only for registered members, or some similar mechanism to avoid breaking the EULA. And using Lua is even a 3rd way, but it can be combined with the previous way too.
  21. I'm dreaming of Leadwerks3D, and while waiting for its release in June, I have already many ideas what I want to do with it. Then I realized, it's actually much more than just a 3D game engine, because it allows to have a OpenGL context on all devices, including Android, iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, Linux, and more in future. In addition, it allows you to code in C++ on all those devices, which means that also high level languages, like my SuperBasic will work on all platforms, because it uses a C++ compiler in the backend, and of course the SuperBasic precompiler which is written in C++ too. This would make it possible to have a programming IDE and game editor even on mobile phones. Now that again means, that we should actually do all development of GUIs, applications, including business applications and tools with Leadwerks3D itself, and not use some external libraries like Qt, GTK+, GLUT, SDL, etc..., because then it would not work all platforms again, at least not directly. We only need that Leadwerks3D has all the minimum required libraries built-in, which are needed for game development, since game development is much more demanding that other applications. So there should be SQLite3 and libCURL by default in Leadwerks3D too, so that we can have a fast database system and easy HTTP/FTP access with the native engine commands. With a simple HTTP command set I could make WebService calls and other HTTP stuff on every device, which is the most important feature of modern applications. Everyone is connected that way, and can integrate with any system.
  22. No, over the internet only binary - often even compressed - UDP/TCP messages are sent between game client and game server. The client only tells the server in symbolic patterns that for example the player has hit a tiger with a sword, and the server checks then from his databases which player race, what skills he has in swordfighting, what sword he has, what level the tiger is, what the tiger's defensive skills are, etc.... and then tells the client for how much he damaged the tiger. There's no point querying like 10 different databases from the client over the internet, when a simple message is enough that he hit something, the server will know where he is and what he hit.
  23. The same goes for 3D World Studio. I still use it quite often to make some quick test levels.
  24. You could avoid the problem that the engine runs in debug mode by using engine.dll in BlitzMax. Then you can debug only your app, and not the engine.
  25. Just the fact that you can't deploy your game on Android for example, with LE2. With LE3 you can.
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