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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I would use physics for that. That's what made Angry Birds famous too There's incredibly little physics based games on the market, and they will have huge success if made well.
  2. You don't need math with LE. Just use a pivot and do a PointEntity(pivot,target), then you can read the pivot's direction using EntityRotation().
  3. Canardia

    LUA 5.2

    Here are some examples how Lua 5.2 is different from Lua 5.1: http://www.corsix.org/content/look-lua-52-work3
  4. No Josh, you remember now GCC from BlitzMax times, where Mark always hardcoded -O2 into g++ and added some stupid GC to BlitzMax. A pure g++ program with -O6 is the fastest you can find on this planet.
  5. You only need to make a simple test program which tests the essential speed issues: loops and memory allocations. MinGW wins VS2008/2010 by far (use the -O6 option with g++, and a few other options for even more speed). Also the compiling time with MinGW+CodeBlocks is much faster, like 1 second vs 30 seconds, so you save a lot of development time too. That again saves your nerves and you can produce more games and higher quality games.
  6. I will be maintaining a MinGW lib then, it will be create much faster games than VS2008/2010
  7. Canardia

    Cover Art

  8. Canardia

    Cover Art

    I think most games are like PG-16 or PG-18 anyway, and there's no need to make them look like PG-12. People just need to follow the law Obviously if a 16 year old kid plays Duke Nukem Forever, he is committing a crime because it's PG-18, so there's not much we can do about it I have actually a similar "dilemma" in my game, where the player starts with nothing, not even clothes. He must gather everything from nature. So I guess it will be a PG-18 game, unless I make some polyreduced model for the PG-16 version.
  9. I think the best libraries willl come when someone publishes some games (free or commercial) made with it. Then everyone will be like, omg how did you do it, and he just says "I used my library".
  10. Actually I need more precision all the time, when I place wall pieces next to eachother. For now I have to overlap them slightly because it looks worse if there is a pixel wide gap between them. I would use double on CPU, and float on GPU, although AMD supports now also double on GPU.
  11. You must try also the demos others make, then you get more for the money. Especially copy/paste code demos from the Forum. I do that all the time with Blitz3D and BlitzMax, and find often quite amazing demos, which I sometimes convert then to Leadwerks C++ to see how fast they run there and if they can be made as standard modules.
  12. DrawImage(GetColorBuffer:TTexture(Self.Buffer), Self.posX, Self.posY+Self.height, Self.width, -Self.height)
  13. You can edit the SBX file with Notepad++. Or better, make your own QuickSave/QuickLoad function which stores the positions of all models in a SQLite3 database or custom binary file. Then you can have a function in your game where you select one model and adjust its position accurately.
  14. I think it's just the opposite, I also like the movies best which nobody else likes, because they are the best. For example Star Wars Episode 3 (=Revenge of the Sith), it was the best of all. Nobody else thinks so, most people think they are Star Wars insiders because they like Episode 5 (=The Empire strikes back) the best. A true Star Wars fan understands the whole plot.
  15. One single programming forum is the best. There should be one programming language only anyway, if it works on Android, it sure works on any toaster on this planet. Language specific differences are quite trivial, and the major amount of code is anyway cross-language specific, because the LE syntax is cross-language, and covers the major part of any game code.
  16. There is no official Leadwerks IRC channel, but I sometimes use this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/4068-leadwerks-irc-in-chrome-and-firefox/page__p__36043__hl__irc__fromsearch__1#entry36043
  17. Or get more speed with MinGW and CodeBlocks IDE. With LE it's the same syntax anyway as in BlitzMax.
  18. Canardia

    Android Guts

    If you automatically disable sound when pressing the Home button, there should be also an option to let the sound play, because that's sometimes wanted, for example when making a music player with LE3. Not sure if physics can be left running too, but it would be good, if there is some realtime game which depends of physics over time, so it should not stop when pressing Home (Home is actually like Alt-Tab on Windows). But like in Windows, the programmer should be able to choose whether he wants the game to sleep when AppSuspeded() is true, or if he wants it to keep running.
  19. No, I really need a decent IDE for it, because that gives an important all around feeling for a complete language and compiler IDE. Kinda lika Blitz3D. Start it, type few lines of code, run it. I'm going to Qt course next week, and what I've so far tried with Qt myself, was very easy and powerful. I can't even start to imagine what all you can do with Qt when you have some actual professional training for it, omg! It has even UDP networking built-in, and multi-threading. If Josh would have used Qt for LE3, it would have been ready already, but that's another story
  20. I have used VS2008 and VS2010 for years, but once I tried CodeBlocks and saw how insane much faster it compiles (VS2010 takes 30 sec to compile a larger C++ project, MinGW only 2 secs), I was convinced that CodeBlocks with MinGW is the best solution for C++ programming. Roland had a similar experience, and he has programmed professionally in C++ for companies for decades. Every decent programmer is moving to GNU C++ now, because it supports the latest C++ standards and is much more ISO C++ compliant than any VS C++ compiler. Also Josh found the joy of POSIX compliance
  21. Do you mean the IDE setup? I wrote this tutorial how to setup CodeBlocks for Leadwerks: http://www.siipi.com/gamelib
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