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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. There is quite good AA in LE 2.5, but you have to enable it with SetAntialias(1);
  2. Canardia

    C++ Threads

    C++11, also formerly known as C++0x (pronounced "see plus plus oh ex wtf lol"). The 11 just means 2011, and the 0x means any year from 2000 to 2009.
  3. Before the main loop, and before the LoadScene, where you display some loading screen with DrawImage.
  4. Canardia

    C++ Threads

    pthreads is part of GNU C++, so it should be available on all platforms. You just compile a program with: g++ -lpthread demo1.cpp
  5. Canardia

    C++ Threads

    Why would you use a completely different approach for Windows, when you can use pthreads on all platforms? Anyway, with pthreads you can make thread states either with your own custom mutexed variables, or using the condition variables of threads: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialPosixThreads.html
  6. Canardia

    C++ Threads

    I have used this as a reference: https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/pthreads/ MinGW comes with pthreads library, not sure about Visual Studio, but you can get it for it too, for example from here: http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/ Alternatively you could also use boost::thread class, which is also standard: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_47_0/doc/html/thread.html
  7. You could load the water material files using LoadMaterial while you show the loading screen.
  8. You should put this in the Asset Store Games section.
  9. Have you tried using the Windows 2000 theme in Win 7? I think the Aero theme causes a lot of problems with graphical apps, at least it lowers the FPS a lot.
  10. Of course it's possible, but not at the same time, or actually that is also with some little tricks with 2 light sources. I had in the previous gamelib demo with the mayan pyramid 2 invisible 3d area colliders which changed the ambientlight to 0 and 0.3. But that works only if the dark area is hidden behind a corridor corner inside a building, because else you would see the bright ambient inside the building from outside too. The 2 light source method works better, but is also a bit more expensive in FPS. You set ambientlight to 0, and you have your normal directional light, and then you have a movable directional light without shadows following the camera, and pointing towards the main directional light.
  11. Yeah, it's ambientlight. The default ambientlight is 0.3, which is good like for open dark areas on a bright day in California. For anything cave like, you need to set it 10 times lower, to 0.03.
  12. You could run 3DWS under Windows XP 32-bit in VirtualBox under Windows 7 64-bit. This "Wrong Thread" error happens only with 64-bit systems. I'm getting also Windows 7 64-bit on my new work laptop, so I will probably also need to install VirtualBox and XP, to run some Windows programs which Windows 7 64-bit can't run.
  13. Like I said, I think 3DWS 5.60 is compiled with BlitzBasic 1.47, so it should be fixed there.
  14. This bug was fixed in BlitzBasic 1.47, 2 years ago. I think 3DWS 5.60 has been compiled with 1.47.
  15. Speed is always a problem in games, and you can never make a game how you would want, but must reduce assets complexity and code. So I would go always with the simple rule that make things optimal when you can.
  16. Canardia

    Field Trip

    The problem with components is that they don't always play well together, unless they are from the same manufacturer. And in almost any game, you need all of the components anyway, so a complete library would work often better.
  17. I thought of parent all objects too, it should theoretically only cull the parent entity. But it won't make things necessary faster, if your drawing time is bigger than your culling time.
  18. TGroup group1=CreateGroup(); SetEntityGroup(cube1,group1); SetEntityGroup(cube2,group1);
  19. You can't use LightRange on DirectionalLight, it will only cause bugs.
  20. You can compile with MinGW under Linux also. So everything must be run under wine. Native Linux GNU C++ does not work because there is only a windows DLL of the engine.
  21. Editor does not work properly with wine, but the engine itself works fine. It's not supported official though, but nothing in life is anyway officially supported.
  22. I thought OnLive can run anything, even text based DOS games. It's just a farm of servers which run your app, and stream it as video and you send keyboard and mouse hits.
  23. I wrote this example earlier, which allows to have 1ms accuracy on all platforms (the default C++ clock() has only 15ms accuracy): http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3006-timegettime-identifier-not-found/page__view__findpost__p__27941
  24. You can use any naming convention you like. LE2 doesn't use any hardcoded pattern, and the files are all specified in the mat file.
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