The mess with the entitykeys: name, class, model, classname, has been always horrible, because they used to change from one engine version to another.
I just hope it stays like it is now:
1) name = the name of the entity (can be anything you want, like Joe, John, Josh, Player1, Enemy1, Hummer, etc...)
2) class = the entitytype of the entity (mesh, light, corona, etc...)
3) collisiontype = the collisiontype (can be mistaken as entitytype, so I think using class and collisiontype is better, like it is now)
GameLib used to use classname, because it was used first by the engine for additional type designation of entities, but then it got lost somewhere after LE 1.15 or so.
GameLib has been still using it, hoping that it will come back some day, but it never did.
Now I decided to rename it to type, because class is already taken by the engine, and looking at the Wikipedia for typology, the term type actually sounds logical.
So with the next gamelib release, type will designate what kind/type an entity is, for example: weapon, player, enemy, car, etc....
It should be easy to remember.
All models need the one additional line in their lua script which adds the type string input for Editor.
This is easy to add, for example if you have a new model with no Lua script at all yet, the whole Lua script would look like this:
local class=CreateClass(...)
function class:InitDialog(grid)
local group