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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. I works, because your terrain would be also 10 times smaller, so a 512x512 terrain would be big enough to seem like a 5120x5120 terrain.
  2. Make your player 10 times smaller, then you shouldn't get issues with shadows which are far away, because you only need like a 5000x5000x5000 world.
  3. What's the point of polls, if you don't go according to them? You don't have to guess what people want, because it's clear that they want Bullet. Actually you should do both Bullet and PhysX plugins in LE3, to have an example how different physics drivers are implemented.
  4. You need to buy the engine, then you can download the latest version.
  5. This is what I'm doing right now. A little FPS demo template for LEBuilder, with an animated character.
  6. You can save as gmf file from 3DWS, and Leadwerks Engine supports collisions for all models automatically.
  7. What you describe, is what I have planned to implement in Flow. The first version is already out, and the next version will focus more on the actual pipeline integration. The current version is just a basic app launcher, which is of course also useful, if you don't have a Windows Desktop, like me
  8. Basically you don't even need to call any Lua scripts. I noticed in my LEBuilder GameLib FPS template that all Lua entity scripts just run fine. So you can do you main loop with C++ and the entity scripts in Lua, that's the best way to do it.
  9. 1) http://www.google.com/sketchup/3dwh/ 2) http://archive3d.net
  10. Canardia

    Learning Qt

    I read there are actually 3 render modes for Qt: 1) Native (default) 2) Raster 3) OpenGL Then there is also a cool demo called WolfenQt, which kinda blows your brain away what Qt can do Now, I want THAT in LE2, and I got it almost working.
  11. Canardia

    Learning Qt

    That's even better then, because then it can use OpenGL drawing to simulate the OS look, which renders much faster than for example Windows XP's native GUI.
  12. Canardia

    Learning Qt

    I decided to try out Qt, and was shocked how easy it was to "install" and use. I only unpacked the mingw-Qt zip to my h:/lib/qt folder and it was "installed". Then I only added the QtCore4.a and QtGui4.a to my codeblocks project's linker settings, and added the h:/lib/qt/include and h:/lib/qt/include/qtgui folder to my project's source files tab, and then I put the QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll in the same folder where my game.exe was. A simple demo program like this already makes a fully functional text editor: #include <QtGui> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QTextEdit edit; edit.show(); edit.append("Hello World!\n"); return app.exec(); } It compiles in less than a second with codeblocks too B) Now I will learn a bit more how to use Qt, and then make a demo with LE2 using Qt. I think this will be the ultimate killer GUI, because it's so easy to use and extremely lightweight and fast (it only links what you use). And it looks like it uses by default the OS style too, what Josh likes.
  13. You can do this by stretching the buffer.
  14. LE2 is still good, because it's damn fast and it supports any kind of game idea. You don't have to use the terrain feature, but you can use your own meshes for terrain. I also made a demo with over 10 million planets for LE2 using a simple SQLite database, it works in LE2. It uses semi-multithreading also, so all the CPU intensive things were done on other threads, but all LE2 commands on the main thread. Honestly, I don't get the benefit of GPU terrains, they use more FPS and they are not even 3D. With a number of GPU instanced models you are still using the GPU and you are fully 3D capable, and you can do infinite terrains or universes.
  15. All show properties, but you have to restart Editor.
  16. Double instead of float would actually reach far enough even for the biggest games. The difference between float and double accuracy is enormous, over 2 times more accurate in all situations: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/variables/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_precision_floating-point_format http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_precision_floating-point_format
  17. I think it's the same idea as klepto2's custom engine.dll, which has a few more inofficial commands, and can be shared via registered werkspace downloads. So I could do a similar thing with LE3, and publish a minimal version of the engine.dll.
  18. Learn C++, then you can use all examples in libraries.
  19. Canardia

    First Blog Post

    Find the joy in minimalism. Make a RPG that has the absolute minimum content, but make it functional and playable. After that, it will be easy to bloat it with more content
  20. Kinda. You could read all the stats of the terrain into arrays (terrainheights, terrainnormals, etc...), and then recreate the terrain with different resolution, and then set the stats back.
  21. Very nice detail in those textures. I wonder if you have also the corresponding bump and specular textures for them? It makes a big difference in realtime games.
  22. The latest experience is that even 1 unit = 1 meter is too big, because it makes problems with LE2's single shadowmap technology, and also the 32-bit float accuracy. It's better to use even smaller scales. LE3 will have per-entity shadowmaps, but it still uses only 32-bit floats, so you still need to keep things small. 64-bit floats are faster than 32-bit floats when used directly (for example in loops), but 32-bit floats are faster when copied in memory a lot. With decent C++ programming however, no copying should be needed, as everything should be done with const references.
  23. EntityPick(mesh) gets you the mesh which was hit, then you can get the recursive parent with GetMeshModel(mesh) (custom function), and you know who was hit, and you know also where he was hit (the mesh, and even the point of the mesh).
  24. 3DWS is nice, but not perfect. Blender is nice, but not perfect. I have both, and I am closer to perfectness than without them.
  25. Canardia


    I mean like make some Print or Notify so that you can see if it actually finds the objects. Like Notify("Blades not found!").
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