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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Currently only zip and rar are allowed, but they have a problem: 1) zip compression is horrible 2) rar is commercial 7-zip is free and has the best compression, so it would be good to allow 7z files for uploads, to promote legal programs too.
  2. Make 2 ball joints, one from ball 1 to ball 2 and vice versa.
  3. You can do this by copying the gmf file to a temporary gmf file and then use LoadModel to load it, and then you can delete the temporary gmf file.
  4. Animation is just a recorded 4D sequence, it's not realtime, like physics and interactions with other animated entities. C4D gives me the impression that it wants to look better than 3DSMax, while it's not. Le4dwerks however does it for real(time).
  5. I think most l33tsp34k kids would understand it, and the smart people also, who are usually older. So only a vanishing clueless group of people wouldn't understand it, who wouldn't understand what a computer in first place is anyway Besides, if you make the 4 like a hybrid A and 4 (like the left leg of the 4 halfway more down, not touching the ground), both can be seen in it easier. Then you have both leadwerks (which you already have anyway on spot 1) and le4dwerks in google, thus doubling your site hits. I remember you wanted to make the "WERKS" part smaller earlier too, now you have a good reason to do so (because it highlights the LE4D part), while earlier it made no sense, and just looked ugly. There's so much good ideas in this logo (although it was my idea, but I borrowed also your ideas), that I will use it anyway in my community work, because I like multifunctional things And may I add: it's just 1 letter "unrecognizable", while the human brain can recognize words with much more letter garbled, as long the first and last letter are intact. Like f|u1d, c4br0n, s3tnc1l, etc....
  6. Not really, since modellers are not realtime anyway. The 4D just means realtime 3D, since the real 4th dimension is time.
  7. LE4DWERKS That contains Leadwerks+Engine+4D It could be even colored nicely: LE4DWERKS Kinda suggests you to say LE4D, doesn't it? Which again suggest to think of "lead", as in leading, not the heavy metal. Or why not also heavy metal, since it's the best music! And there were have Engine in the word too, because LE means Leadwerks Engine, which seperates it from n00b-only game makers.
  8. In realtime trees take like 20 years to grow, but you place seeds in the game in realtime too.
  9. That could be, because 3DSMax and Blender doesn't have any triangles, they use quads for modelling, and to get triangles you would need to convert the model as triangles first, so there's no way 3DSMax could know the amount of triangles on the fly. But you could just say triangles = quads*2, that is usually approximately correct, especially if the quads are convex. If a quad is not convex, it might result in 10 or more triangles.
  10. Yeah, and the other problem is that Autodesk bought all competion of 3DSMax, so that they don't have to fix any bugs anymore. And companies can't use Blender, because it's free.
  11. Yeah, but if you delete JointLibrary.dll then the joints don't hold together, and there is no error message either of a missing dll. But this is kinda not really a bug, since it's obviously designed so that if JointLibrary.dll was not found, then joints just don't work. It might be useful sometimes that way, instead of simply crashing the app.
  12. I tried the BlitzMax example too, and it works fine also. I had to fix these lines though, because someone who made the example made it only for vsync hardcoded PCs, and mine is vsync free (like most hardcore gamer's PCs are), so this vsync free code works on all PCs: If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) AddBodyForce(cubePhy[Rand(9)],Vec3(10000,0,10000),0)' apply force End If UpdateAppTime() UpdateWorld(AppSpeed())
  13. I used LEBuilder to make the CodeBlocks example for Rotating Cube, and replaced the code by pasting the BallJoint example there, and it worked. I didn't try the BlitzMax example, because I don't use BlitzMax anymore. But maybe the LEBuilder BlitzMax cube example will work too.
  14. It just brings some practical problems: A: I made this game with L3D. B: With Lightwave3D? A: No, Leadwerks3D. Maybe I should shorten it LW3D. B: But that would be still LightWave3D A: Well, I could just use LE3D then. B: But there's no "Engine" in the word. A: Yeah, but it is an engine, and there used to be. I think on the front page you can find "Leadwerks3D 3D Game Engine" somewhere mentioned. B: So, what version of the engine did you use? A: I used the older LE3D3, because the beta of LE3D4 wasn't out yet, and LE3D3.2 had some problem with recast, it couldn't jump over obstacles. B: Did you try C3P0 or R2D2? A: Very funny. B: Dude, just call it LE3, it sounds more readable, and is unique. Besides, it fits better with the whole picture too: LE1, LE2, LE3, and since there is a Museum on Werkspace too where you can download the older engine versions. A: Yeah, and LE3.2 looks then better too.
  15. The C++ example works fine: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/command-reference/joints/createjointball-r252
  16. Instead of using Entity userdata, I would populate a STL map in a ProcessScene function, after the scene is loaded. Looping through the map is also much faster than using the ForEachEntityDo function.
  17. Just make your own EntitiesAreColliding function which checks from a STL map, which is populated by the EntityCollisionCallback function, if the two entities are colliding.
  18. My critique is still that it's too transparent. The blue background of the stars should be a solid blue, so you really need to hard paint the capsule texture on the USA texture, including bumpmap.
  19. It's 138.93€ only also B) I think US dollar is bad for marketing, because it makes prices look so high.
  20. Best to catch him on the chat or send a PM, dunno where he went right now, he was here just 30 mins ago B)
  21. Yeah, there are also digital payment options, I don't know why they're not listed on the page. Josh needs to send you a link for those.
  22. Yeah it does, not sure if it's 30 days or more. I think I have seen only 1 person asking for refund in the 5 years I've had the engine, and not sure if he bought it again later on Ah yes now I remember, he wanted a refund because his graphics card was too old to support SM3, and at that time there wasn't a demo available or it didn't demonstrate all features, or it was from the edge of LE 2.0 to 2.2 where LE got deferred rendering which needed SM3.
  23. LE2 is quite good in supporting workarounds too. No engine is perfect, but in LE2 I can at least workaround problems which I can't in other engines, because they don't have an open programming API. So that openness allows you to continue working on projects, even if you encounter some bugs and limits with the engine. For example if you have problems with Newton, you can use Bullet or PhysX. I tried Bullet with LE2 once, and it worked. If you have problems with parenting entities to others, you can use GetEntityMatrix/SetEntityMatrix. There are many other examples of similar problems, when you get further in advanced game development, and usually you can do a workaround. I have even the source code, but haven't needed it for workarounds yet, so the standard engine has been good enough for supporting workarounds for me.
  24. LE3 looks to be a even better, because it would be the first engine on the market which supports C++ programming on Android. And when you already have LE2, it's must cheaper to upgrade than to buy it directly.
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