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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. You don't need to copy the whole buffer in each frame, that would be too slow. You can just use BindTexture once and it stays connected to your custom texture. But you should see the example, and to see it you must buy the engine. There's lots of resources on Werkspace which you get for free with the engine
  2. Yes, but for loading the packed texture file from disk, you can't use LoadTexture() if you use PNG, because it supports only DDS.
  3. 3DS models would load too slow. Every decent 3D engine has their own fast loading Model format. But you should submit a bug report with your model, because the best would be to fix the GMF converter if it fails on 30k polygons. I would do it, but I don't have your model.
  4. The poly limit is around 65535, so you might have more polys than 3DSmax is telling. UU3D would tell them more accurately, and it can also reduce the amount of polys without any visual quality loss. But if you really have only 30k polys, then it sounds like a bug in the GMF converter. You could try to save it with UU3D as GMF and see if that works better.
  5. Or you could just take the space capsule texture, and paint the USA texture on top of it, and then use that as USA texture. Then your original space capsure texture is unaltered and can repeat.
  6. Yeah, you can also use DrawImage, but if you want to use PNG textures, you still to bind the texture to a TTexture buffer.
  7. Wouldn't it be easier to pain the USA texture on the actual texture, because in real the USA text and the flag is also 3D, going up and down the hills of the uneven capsule surface.
  8. You would need to write your own World::Free() method, which nullifies the TEntity pointer in all C++ classes. Then Scene::Load() should also populate a vector with all loaded models. This is something which could be added to LEO too, since without it, LEO kinda doesn't work how the engine is working internally. LEO should be as close as possible to the BlitzMax OOP interface. But I think it's better to wait for LE3 to have a full C++ OOP interface. LEO is just a light C++ OOP interface, as it was designed as such.
  9. For OpenGL textures you need to use BindBuffer and two GL texture format commands. They can be found in the community OpenGL tutorial. You also need to put the OpenGL commands after RenderFramework(); and just before Flip(0);. You can use submeshes as terrain too, then they're just Models which LE can handle very effectively with instancing. You can place them in Editor too. You can run LE in a custom buffer too, so you can run it in a Windows Form or Qt4 canvas.
  10. 1) You can simply use OpenGL commands in LE, like glColor4f(0,1,0,0.5); and glVertex3f(100,100,0);. You need to #include "GL/glut.h". 2) It looks nice, but it's just a flat plane. But you can dive also. It's possible to make your own waves though, by replacing the default flat plane with an procedurally animated mesh. 3) Terrain LOD is done automatically. For models you can have up to 9 LOD levels, and you can adjust the LOD distances. 4) You don't really need static light maps, but you can use PureLight, it has native support for LE. 5) Framework is just a ready built-in class which does lots of things you can also do manually using worlds and cameras. For example for simple mirror and realtime map rendering, it's often better to use manual world rendering, because you don't need all the post-effects in those small render buffers. 6) No, but you only win: maximum speed, minimum compile times (using Code::Blocks+MinGW), maximum 3rd party library support, maximum respect from customers and other programmers, maximum fun with programming 7) Possibly 2011Q4 8) Possibly more than 0, and less than 1000. 9) Yeah, but you can also mix pre-baked materials and dynamic lights. Pre-baked AO looks always good, but realtime AO is good too.
  11. That is already possible. Just drag and drop your FBX file over the fbx2gmf.exe.
  12. Damn, you were faster I mapped it too, and made also bumpmap: Animation.rar
  13. Canardia

    Connecting Actors

    Instead of having to import the flowgraphs for each map, can't you just have one or more logic maps loaded first, and then the real maps on top of them?
  14. How do you express version numbers then? Of course you don't need to say always Leadwerks3D 3.1, if you always talk about the current version, then it's just Leadwerks3D. GDK is actually a nice idea, SDK is too general, and LE was never a SDK, since you can't do everything what you can with a SDK, a Software Development Kit, because that would include all kinds of software. Android SDK is a SDK, because it doesn't have any game related features, but only general software development features. There's nothing restrictive in talking about a Game Engine. I even use a Game Engine at work, because it allows me to do industrial business apps for Android.
  15. I think "The Josh" would be more interim.
  16. Unscary Leadwerks Engine Leadwerks Game Maker Leadwerks Virtual Reality Designer Leadwerks Simulation Architect Leadwerks Multimedia Creator Leadwerks Realtime Studio
  17. Also the Guess A Number game tutorial shows how to render text, images and 3D graphics into a texture: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/LE2/tutorials/_/programming/cpp/guess-a-number-r78
  18. 3D sounds a bit restrictive too, there are tools like Cinema4D, because it supports also time, for animations, well at least movies. And if reality is 10D, what is missing from an engine with only 3D? I think it's hard to get rid of the name Leadwerks Engine, and it's easy to say LE2, LE3, when you talk about a specific version of the engine. You could also say LE2.5 if there is some special feature in that specifc version, but usually it's enough to say LE2, because we are talking about the same engine commands and features sets.
  19. Canardia


    So basically you want a keyboard shortcut, which hides and shows the Flow window? Or maybe instead of hiding just minimizes it? Or do you mean it should show the window like a icon dock, so that the buttons are very small, and the windows is very small too, kinda like the Windows Taskbar?
  20. You would still need a GIF animation to make the ring rotate, unless you use some OpenGL rotate commands to rotate it. You can draw the ring with OpenGL commands too, using vertex colors. Just make a simple sin/cos circle func, which applies glColor4f() to each arc slice.
  21. Not sure about Paint.NET, but in GIMP it's easily possible. I made even a rotating cube with a Google+ logo on it, and rendered it from LE2 as seperate images per frame. Then I just loaded them into GIMP and the GIF animation was ready. So if you can do whole 3D renders with transparent background, you can for sure do 2D renders from LE2 too.
  22. That vision is not too far away, because I'm sometimes amazed myself how well the foundation libraries work. The source code for Flow for example, is ridiculously small. I will publish the source code soon too, after I have added a few LE2 integrated features into it. Every day a litte coding here and there pays off over the years, as with each cycle things get easier and more powerful.
  23. I'm also a reality fan, and I've made a few space game demos, the last one had even infinite streaming space donuts from a sqlite3 database. So you can do infinite maps in LE without any zoning, if you don't use too many different models. Newly loaded models take a few milliseconds lag, and also resetting the camera to the 0,0,0 point when the shadow limits are reached, but those are not zoning, but more like Anarchy Online staggered streaming.
  24. Masterxilo has done real dynamic breakage in LE2 in his wood log slicing video: His technology works also on planks and owls, as you can see in the other videos on his web page.
  25. Yeah, it's probably not possible to make such buggy physics in LE, like the roof jumping around But you can make a much more realistic physics breaking in LE, by only setting the mass from 0 to 1 (or some higher value), when the physics object is hit with a strong force, like a bullet.
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