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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Nobody knows yet how compatble C++ and Lua code will be from 2 to 3, but most of the game is about creating 3D models anyway, so you can start with that. Scenes should be quite similar too, and even if not, then it should be quite easy to write a converter from sbx 2 to sbx 3 format.
  2. Leadwerks3 would be confusing when there comes version 3.1 out, then it would be Leadwerks3 3.1 or Leadwerks3.1. The best is to have Leadwerks3D 3.1, or if Josh wants to start version numbering from start again, then the first version would be Leadwerks3D 1.0.
  3. Leadwerks 3D sounds like the 3D is some product, so Leadwerks3D is better. The other engines also use ShiVa3D, Unity3D, Blitz3D.
  4. Terminate() does unload the engine.dll from memory via FreeLibrary(hlib), but the Garbage Collection of BlitzMax (I am guessing that that is the reason), is preventing from releasing the freed dll from memory. Yeah, Garbage Collection is a synonym for bad memory management, since it causes only problems and no benefits at all.
  5. Canardia

    Almost Android

    I would buy immediately a good Android engine if there was one. I bought already one, but it's not perfect. LE3 might be perfect, if it has shadows
  6. Another way would be to find import filters for Blender, and then export as FBX.
  7. Canardia

    Almost Android

    In my robot demo, I got about 20 FPS less in Lua than with C++, because it needs to calculate forces for each 8 limbs of each 40 robots each frame. That's apparently too much iterations for Lua. With LuaJIT it might be fast enough though. Sometimes there were also unexplainable halts for a second, which might be because of Lua's Gargabe Collection. In C++ it there are no halts. Or did you mean the LE3 is the first C++ engine for Android? Yeah it is, because there are only 3 somewhat usable engines for Android, and one of them is pure Java, one is JavaScript, and one is Lua.
  8. Canardia

    Almost Android

    I've written some Android apps, and from my experience it's indeed easier and more productive to write first a fully working Windows game, and then compile it for Android. With LE3 that will be super easy, because it's the first 3D engine which supports C++ on Android. Other engines use Lua, or similar scripting languages, but they are too slow for advanced games.
  9. You can use a main.exe which uses WinExec() to launch a sub.exe which uses LE. Even if you use Terminate(), the engine is not completely freed from memory, but it's only freed from memory when the exe is terminated. On the other hand, why do you need to Terminate() the engine? It doesn't do anything if you don't use it's commands, so for example a simple Sleep(10000) would do the same as not running the engine at all, and sleeping 10 seconds. Also when you do a FreeFramework() (or FreeWorld()) all memory the engine has allocated is freed, except for the commands itself.
  10. Yeah, that will work, and it's faster than using some bloated Lua or Python parser, because they contain 90% features you don't need for your game.
  11. Canardia


    File Name: Flow File Submitter: Metatron File Submitted: 15 Aug 2011 File Updated: 07 Sep 2011 File Category: Tools Flow is a workflow tool for Leadwerks Engine projects. It brings all tools needed for game development under one hood, and will be expanded in future also with more integrated game development features, including flowcharts and code prefab management. Features All buttons are customizable from the data/Settings/Config.ini file Takes 0 FPS from other applications when they are focussed, due to 500ms Sleep timer when suspended Takes 0% CPU Load, due to 5ms Sleep timer when active Supports launching of native executables, and file associations, including web protocols Supports hidden window launching Installation Instructions Extract the package to any folder Start Flow.exe and choose the Settings/Edit button to configure your paths to your applications Click here to download this file
  12. Canardia

    August 13, 2011

    I think flowgraphs alone don't make non-programmers programmers, although they might take about 30% of the handicap to write code away. It might be still needed to have some code prefabs, which bring the expertise of programmers to the hands of artists, and they can access those prefabs via flowgraph entities. Even if people know a language, they don't necessarily know logic. Logic has has nothing to do with any language, but it must be learned seperately. Often the lack of understanding logic is seen with younger people, as it comes with life experience also, so for older people understanding and developing logic is almost trivial. Code prefabs can bring also the logic to the non-programmers, as they still would understand abstract high level logic, just not in-detail logic with all their if-then, flags, timers, and states.
  13. It's impossible to tell what you have done, without an example. Post a small example how you have setup the ragdoll.
  14. You should just use the parameters like in the tutorial and everything will work fine. In your example you have set the gravity 40 times bigger, the mass of the player 10 times bigger, and other things, so it can never work normal that way.
  15. Canardia

    Fentinor build

    You don't need to invent a new GUI, because I am already doing it Just tell me what features you need.
  16. Why can't you just use the default scale for your models?
  17. You can't really use that big size, because it will mess up all physics behaviour too, and you can see directional light shadows only like up to 50 meter far away (500 meter with the default scale). The get the best functionality of the engine, you should use the default scale. Smaller works too, but not much smaller.
  18. Canardia

    Fentinor build

    I'm writing a small and fast GUI right now for LEFlow. So far hovering and clicking of buttons work, also z-order of GUI elements, and it takes 0 FPS. What GUI features do you need for your game?
  19. I will work with steeper ramps too, because then the player slides automatically down, and you don't need to move forward at all. See the example I posted, there you have 3 different steep ramps to test all situations.
  20. Is there a way to have a STL map be accessible by two different set of keys? I need to be able to do this: map ( <string,menuitem> | <bool,menuitem> ) menu; menu["File"].Draw(); forall item in menu where key==true item.Draw(); Perhaps Boost::MultiIndex would do this, but it seems to index all member in the map, and not only the ones which have key==true. Maybe I need to make a seperate vector which has only the map members which have key==true, but then it would need to be erased and recreated for each frame.
  21. Canardia


    You should add a mirror reflection to the chess board, that would look very high quality.
  22. EDIT: Made a new topic of this, because this could be done as a community project: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3760-leflow/
  23. The one button publishing is already possible in LE2, if you design your directory layout that way. For example in the LEBuilder GameLib template I have done this kind of layout, so your game is ready in the distro folder. Just zip it or make it a self-extracting exe, and you can publish the game that way. Also a NSIS installer is easy to configure when all the files are already in the distro folder.
  24. I tried the FPS demo which I found somewhere, but it was based on this tutorial: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/LE2/tutorials/_/programming/cpp/character-controllers-r15 There you can walk down the ramps and it doesn't bounce at all, so you should check your parameters that you have similar values.
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