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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Yeah, you can walk also 1000km, but using a car it's just faster and easier. And if you're a Indie/Entrepreneur like me, each hour costs 100€, no matter what you do. It's 100€ per hour when you charge customers, and if you have no project you just lose the 100€ per hour. So your "cheap" walk can get quite expensive.
  2. The solution is quite simple: every artist or programmer needs UU3D. If you don't have it, you can forget about game development.
  3. Sure it works, I use it all the time.
  4. Canardia

    Fentinor build

    You don't have any game code still, and what is Render World doing? Isn't Framework already rendering all 3 worlds?
  5. Canardia

    Fentinor build

    CEGUI is still taking way too much FPS, it should be always 0. And in the log I don't see how long the game code took.
  6. I think a simple MoveEntity(player,0,-0.1*AppSpeed(),0) would do.
  7. You just put camera.rotation.Y as the first parameter to UpdateController(). If you don't use controllers for the enemies, then you can do a simple MoveEntity(enemy,0,0,1), or if it's a physics enemy, then you do AddForce(enemy,0,0,10).
  8. The bouncing comes from the fact, that the player is moving forward, and not downward. You could add a downforce to the player to make it move also downward.
  9. The LEBuilder templates will help with those things too. It will be much easier to write a tutorial, and it's much easier to follow, when using a LEBuilder template, because you can focus on the actual tutorial, and don't have to write 10 pages of how to setup a C++ compiler first. And once I have this first template ready, it will be minimal code change to make a RTS, Platform, Car, and other game templates from it, because 90% of the template is identical.
  10. Modding games is a popular sport, and very productive, since you don't have to code usually much, maybe some little additions only. However, modding has its limits, as you are usually bound to a quite hardcoded game genre environment, unless you use Garry's Mod or something, but that has then it's own limits too with the engine features. Since I am currenly building a GameLib FPS template for LEBuilder, these thoughts came up. What the template will do, is to create a simple FPS game with one mouseclick. After that, you can compile it, and it just works. You can open the level1.sbx or level2.sbx in Editor, and it just works. However, since the time critical game logic is done in C++, you can't play the game in Editor, but you can edit it in 3D WYSIWYG very well. I think that is good enough. LE3 Editor will be done that way anyway also. From a modder's perspective, you basically create a vanilla game, and then you "mod" it with Editor. You don't necessarily have to code anything in C++, but you can, if you want. Nothing is hardcoded in GameLib, you can choose which commands to use and when, and you can even choose to write your own commands which you use as standard GameLib command replacements. The C++ part of coding gives an unlimited possibility to "mod" the game to your imagination, and time critical routines will never be a handicap, because it's C++. With Lua or other slower languages you might encounter problems with time critical routines. If you don't want to learn C++, you can also ask me for new GameLib features in the Werkspace Forums, which I will then implement as Editor Thingoids or Models. So basically most feature requests from artists and modders are about adding new GameLib Thingoids to Editor, and I have then to check myself, if the vanilla FPS template C++ code needs also some additions. But you don't have to care about that, it's my job, and I love to do it.
  11. Must...consume...LE3...news. It's great that you keep daily updates of the LE3 progress, the forums are else so dead because everyone is focussing on writing games or waiting for others to write something productive and interesting. You could write even more, nothing beats the joy of reading a longer article with the first cup of coffee in the morning, let the information flow! So how does LE3 Editor save the CSG models? Are they saved as seperate mdl files? Or like in 3DWS as a complete 3dw scene? LE 1.0 allowed even procedural animations of CSG models, like MoveBrush(), can LE3 do that too?
  12. Yeah, that's basically how it works. Thingoids are Lua scripts with some placeholder mesh, so that they can be dragged with the mouse into Editor. The main difference between a Thingoid and a normal Model is, that Thingoids usually do services and automation for other Models and Entities, while Models only serve themselves. Thingoids are like exchangable, independant connectors for real Models, because it doesn't make any sense to put multiple code into a Model directly, if you never need 90% of the code. With a Thingoid you can choose exactly the action you need, and connect it to the Models you need.
  13. LEBuilder works already now with Thingoids and custom assets. I just use the SDK flag and it can copy any files from any SDK subfolder into any directories of the game folder.
  14. My idea is to use Thingoids in Editor, to make a game. Most things should be 3D WYSIWYG. You can control if the player can do a sword attack or gun attack, only by giving him the weapon. I have done this already in an earlier GameLib tutorial, where you can place a weapon on the ground, and if you additionally specify that it should be auto-picked by a player, then he doesn't even need to pick it up manually.
  15. LEBuilder is the saviour, trust me. More templates will come, and there is no limit to what they can do. LEBuilder just has to work, because if it doesn't, then the user has to go back and check his installations. The installations are a seperate process which can be covered easily. The user just installd the compiler with default options, if he changes settings during installation, then he is responsible for that. The LEBuilder GameLib template has a default setting of c:\mingw. It's easy to change that path if the user installed MinGW somewhere else. This encapsulation of each step makes it very clear to find the problems. But what is mostly important are rich examples of LEBuilder templates. Small, but complete games, of any genre.
  16. Well, you could just draw a crosshair showing the possible new window layout. If it's not applied, it never happened, but only a crosshair was shown.
  17. Yeah, artifacts for a reason is by far a better solution, than to try to fake some visual perfectness with horrible performance and technology behind it.
  18. Sure, it's completely possible to make a game in Lua that way. And I think Rick managed to get a .NET DLL to load in Lua, so it should work with a real C++ DLL too.
  19. Yeah, the Lua implementaion of LE2 alone is not enough to make real games, but you need either the source license to add more features to Lua, or the possibility to load C++ DLLs from Lua.
  20. Well, technically it doesn't matter if it's a compiler or whatever. It's just a setup.exe which must be installed into some folder, preferably c:\mingw. I think that shouldn't be too hard.
  21. I'm writing a GameLib example for LEBuilder right now, so it will be only 1 mouseclick to create a game project. You do most editing of the game in Editor, since GameLib uses everything it can use from the Editor scene, so there is a minimum of coding required. I think most programmers don't want to use other people's code, and artists wouldn't even understand the code, so the trend for GameLib will be also in future to focus on using Editor as a Game Maker for LE. You don't have to care about the code behind it, but you just edit your game visually in Editor, including all AI and game logic too. LEBuilder will create everything for you, including a simple demo scene which is populated with an animated player model and some other models.
  22. The EULA is half-correct, it says "USED BY ON", which means in english that you can only USE it on ONE COMPUTER at a time. Technically you would have to uninstall it from another computer too, but in practice that is impossible. Even if you format a harddisk, the data can be still restored, even if you write files over the formatted disk, they can be still restored, since the magnetic data is still there, just very weak, and professional companies can restore overwritten files also.
  23. My robot game was too slow in Lua, so I had to port it to C++. The math calculations and iterations for the physics forces for the 8 limbs of each of the 40 robots took like 20 FPS in Lua, and in C++ they take only 1 FPS.
  24. The license is per user, not per PC.
  25. Canardia


    I hope all right mouse button menus contain all needed actions, not more, not less, so I don't have to fool around with the top menu bar. Drag and drop, and right mouse menus is all I need. And in future also multitouch.
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