It's still Intel's fault that Mac chose Intel, because if they would have let Motorola to finish their 68060 series, they wouldn't have needed to switch. At that time Motorola had been quiet on new CPUs for some years and people thought it was dead, and it became dead because people thought so, and acted in panic.
The Motorola was so much better than the Intel, because it could address the whole 32-bit memory range with a single command, while on Intel you needed those bloody segment and offset pointers, which are just ridiculous and completely useless, and it was only 16-bit even then.
That's the same panic reaction what happens when stocks go down, or when the media says there is a global depression, then everyone acts accordingly and actually causes it.
I think my next CPU will be AMD too, as the last one was already a tough decision, and I ended up with Intel, but afterwards I thought AMD would actually have been a better choice, because it has more cores, and the programs which can utilize them, run then much faster than on an Intel.