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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. It depends, if you're doing a LAN game, then you need the internal IP from ipconfig, but for internet games the internet IP address is better.
  2. You can create a batch file in bmx which launches ipconfig.exe and redirects the output to a text file, which you then can read from bmx. That's better than reading directly from the registry using win32 api calls, because it's compatible with linux and mac too.
  3. You can't possibly implement all custom needs what the community wants, so there should be a simple way to call a Lua script from an menu option and to add more menu options for multiple Lua scripts, just like it's done now with thingoids. The only problem with thingoids is that the only way to control them, is via keyboard shortcuts, and when you have like 10 thingoids running at the same time, you run soon out of keys. So the menu option would only replace the need to press a key which activates the thingoid.
  4. With dead I mean that BRL is focussing fully on Monkey development, and not developing BlitzMax much further, perhaps some bug fixes and small feature additions only. It's being phased out.
  5. So that means you need a working example to understand it. I think an applied player following logic would be the best example. EDIT: Ah, now I understand what you tried to say: "I know, I know". Yada means "to know" in the ancient Hebrew language: http://www.studylight.org/lex/heb/view.cgi?number=03045 You probably thought that I would speak fluent ancient Hebrew, but I actually know only a few words. I should use that word more often, because I think it makes me look smarter
  6. So that means you give up on developing a good AI? It's really quite simple after all, because humans can be just as simple too. I guess I need to make a seperate AI demo also, to show how it works in practice. Besides I need that for my next project, the mini RTS game also.
  7. I can create an AI which is not an illusion, but works the same way as a human does, just much more simplified. Actually I've done that a few days ago in the Guess A Number game. How I see it, how a human works, one component is knowledge, one component is flag and counter based logic, which works kinda like a sieve to find the goal. The tree structure of the flag logic can be hardcoded (because it's very similar between all "normal" humans), but it can be made from parameters too. Then there is the mysterious component of creativity, but I don't know yet how I should do that, maybe just a random shuffle of few knowledge items, and if for example 3 or more fit together, it's a creative idea.
  8. Maybe my Guess A Number game tutorial? It's in the community tutorial section. In the final step I have added also FPS player movement, but i'm still polishing the game a bit before I release it.
  9. red = model has bones, but no skin shader in the mat file black = model has no bones, but has a skin shader in the mat file
  10. Well, to make it not cheating, then the grid should be visible to the player, so that he could destroy it with his Great Sword of Truth, piece by piece. Or the player could drag grid nodes to a lava pit or over a cliff.
  11. I think a grid based pathfinding is cheating, and has nothing to do with AI. I would rather let the computer have the same challenge as the player, so when he needs to turn left or right, because there is an obstacle over which he cannot jump or climb, then he would choose the direction based on some fuzzy logic, which can include also randomness, because sometimes logic is not complete, or it's intuitive.
  12. Josh still uses BlitzMax to make GUIs for Windows, Mac and Linux, because it has the easiest and most functional GUI library. That's why the Editor in LE3 is still written in BlitzMax. BlitzMax has a fully implemented OO model also, and it's like Visual Basic in the syntax, so it's very easy for computer newbies to learn. It has even modules, like Fortran, which makes it a bit better than C++ in that sense. Modules are a bit similar like using libraries in C++, but you don't need to make a seperate project for each module, as each module can be part of the main project, and it still creates seperate module binaries, which don't need to be compiled each time when you compile the main program. BlitzMax and Fortran are indeed quite similar in many aspects, but BlitzMax is dead, because it has been replaced by Monkey, while Fortran is actively developed and supported. Monkey is also a good language for LE2, but I still need to finish the headers for it. First I will finish the Fortran headers though. One thing at a time.
  13. Generally BlitzMax users have a speed benefit with LE2, because they can skip the DLL function calls, because they can access the engine commands directly. However, since the bottleneck is usually on heavy math routines, like A* calculations, then the C++ or Fortran users would benefit again even more, but BlitzMax would still be faster than C# because it has both direct engine access AND faster math calculations.
  14. C# can be faster than BlitzMax, but BlitzMax can be also faster than C#, it depends what you are doing. It seems that with memory allocations C# is faster, while with raw math calcs and iterations BlitzMax is faster:
  15. Theologic, read all information about Fortran, and not only the Wiki page. Every language had a first version, and every language which is still being developed, matches the requirements for today's needs, including 3D simulations and game programming: http://www.fortran2008.com
  16. No, it was designed to be the fastest language, because they could not write enough code with pure assembler.
  17. It works fine, and is supported with regular updates. It was designed to be as close to assembler as possible, even closer than C, and that purpose is quite good for games too.
  18. I would use C++, Lua and Fortran, and not touch C# even with a long stick. Fortran is the fastest for math routines, but the headers are not ready yet, because I was sick for a week. C++ is the most popular language, and has the best support. It's generally the fastest language, especially when using STL containers. Lua is fast enough for setting up models, and doing some simple animations. It's possible to write a complete game in Lua too, but you might need to add some new commands with BlitzMax or C++.
  19. Hmm, phone number + Annika the robot = interactive answering machine with robot voice. Stephen Hawking's voice is actually an archaic phone answering machine, and he never wanted to upgrade it, because he started to like it. So when I call Leadwerks, I can expect Stephen Hawking answering the phone?
  20. The third parameter to Collisions() is not a boolean, but a integer. You need to set the entitytypes of the level objects also, the best with their properties dialog in Editor, and you need to set the entitytype for the terrain too. You could simple do a EntityType(level,1,1) to recursively set all level entities to 1, if you don't need any more detailed collisions.
  21. Canardia

    Debunking Hype

    It's still Intel's fault that Mac chose Intel, because if they would have let Motorola to finish their 68060 series, they wouldn't have needed to switch. At that time Motorola had been quiet on new CPUs for some years and people thought it was dead, and it became dead because people thought so, and acted in panic. The Motorola was so much better than the Intel, because it could address the whole 32-bit memory range with a single command, while on Intel you needed those bloody segment and offset pointers, which are just ridiculous and completely useless, and it was only 16-bit even then. That's the same panic reaction what happens when stocks go down, or when the media says there is a global depression, then everyone acts accordingly and actually causes it. I think my next CPU will be AMD too, as the last one was already a tough decision, and I ended up with Intel, but afterwards I thought AMD would actually have been a better choice, because it has more cores, and the programs which can utilize them, run then much faster than on an Intel.
  22. For an advanced overlapping face occlusion culling method, I need to delete faces which overlap with other faces. But the engine has only commands to get and add surfaces, vertices and triangles, but no commands to remove them. For example in a scene with a tight block of cubes, half of the interior faces are waste, but the same applies basically to any scene where meshes are positioned next to eachother, like walls of houses or even the bricks of the walls of the houses.
  23. Download the 3DWS 5.60 demo and enter your registration key.
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