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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Yeah, I thought yesterday too that I need some enemies to make it more challenging. The game is ready, but it's too boring, so I need to improve it somehow
  2. I think a HTML5 based help file could work offline, since you could have then also a search function.
  3. They are not officially documented and supported commands, and that means they can also change without announce. LEO is the OOP interface for the engine in C++. There was earlier a chm file with the engine, but it was then replaced with the Wiki, which is now being replaced by Werkspace.
  4. Your FPS is about the same as my Samsung Galaxy S2 has with realtime water. So I can't use realtime water on my phone, but I have to do some simple mesh animation instead.
  5. The community version of the engine exposes at the moment 64 more commands, which are existing commands in the BlitzMax version of the engine, but they are not in the official engine.dll. Some of these commands are very useful, for example the ability to get the position of individual particles, so that they can be used to position little pointlights. This could be used also to make a smoke particle emitter to prevent the smoke going through walls and ceilings. Not sure if that command is in the current version of the community dll yet.
  6. This has been requested earlier too. I think I could add a command to set a custom water mesh in the community version of the engine.dll which klepto2 started.
  7. The demo scenes are not really part of the engine, so they change from time to time. I think they should be uploaded to the Asset Store.
  8. There might be somekind of temporary bug in the engine which makes all textures reduce the FPS by 1000 or more when the camera is closer than 1 units. I've seen the same in the the latest game I am writing, and I think Leadwerks can examine and fix it. It's also reported in the bug tool, which is releated to decals performance.
  9. Make the terrain about 100 meters lower than sealevel and you can make islands and lakes wherever you want with the terrain editor.
  10. Sounds good to me, it's actually not so bad if the shadow is pixelated or too sharp (as with hard scissor shadows), as long there is a shadow. The shadow alone makes things much more enjoyable, and it's also essential for some gameplay features, like mobs coming from behind a corner and you only see their shadow. Heck, I could even live with a circle shaped sprite shadow, what some low-end games do also still today.
  11. Those shadows were quite OK, except they didn't work on meshes, but only on brushes. I don't know what options there are for low-end shadows, maybe scissor volume shadows, shadow volumes, shadow silhouette maps, voxel shadows? How does Blitz3D do it in that demo video I posted some time ago? I think all shadows which use meshes as shadows will work on low end, while texture based shadows will need high-end? The shadows in Shiva3D are quite pixelated, but they work. I guess it's somekind of low-res texture shadow?
  12. I suppose the're wont be realtime shadows on Android in LE3?
  13. The locking rule is pretty simple. You need to lock always: 1) All LE2 commands, except Flip 2) All variables which are used in other threads too, even if only for read access Don't lock too much, but lock only what is really needed, else you get chunky multithreading and not fluid multithreading. In addition to locking, you need to add at least a Sleep(1) to each thread also, because else the other threads will run very slow and at inconsistent speed, because they are waiting for CPU idle time.
  14. Nope, I think this is as good as it gets with LE2. But it's quite nice, as now I can make an animated loader screen while the scene is loading, and I'll add that to my Guess A Number game too.
  15. It's in the wiki, but there's no direct link to this: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Visual_C%2B%2B_Custom_Syntax_Highlighting
  16. 1) HDR, Bloom, Fog, DoF (near and far), GodRays, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, SSAO, SSAA, Glow, Fullbright, Skin, Cubemap, Sway, Lakewater, and some more. Additionally there are also more shaders made by the community like Vignette, Chromatic Dispersion, SSGI, Toon, Rim, Motion Blur, etc.... 2) It's cheaper if you have already LE2, haven't heard about a 3DWS discount offer, but I would assume so too. 3) VS2010 is already supported, as well as VS2008 and GNU C++ (MinGW 3.4.5 and, and Dev C++ works too because MinGW works (as they are both ANSI C++ compliant). 4) Yeah, 9 level LOD. 5) Frustum culling, distance culling, somekind of visibility occlusion culling too (haven't tested lately). 6) There's a roadmap 7) It's not so big, maybe 300-1000 (10000 including 3DWS) users, but quite active and innovative, and all nonsense has been consolidated into my off-topic thread.
  17. VirtualBox has a OpenGL3 driver, and it works with Mac too.
  18. Yeah you can, but it is quite difficult to make a MMO. First you should make a few smaller games. MMO also needs a server farm, so usually 300 servers like for WoW. One server can barely handle 200 players. In WoW, for example in a Molten Core raid, the server lagged already when there were 3 raids going on the same server+zone, and that was only 150 people.
  19. SDL_net is free, RaKNet has royalty fees when your budget is above 100k$.
  20. 1) You can import models from any program by exporting it to a format which LE can import, for example dae, fbx, x, b3d, 3dw, etc.... 2) LE2 does not have a fixed client and server architecture, you can make any kind of network model with it, for example peer-to-peer, client-server, torrent, island, etc.... LE2 comes with commands for client-server architecture, but most people use external network engines. 3) LE3 will be finished in less than a year or so. I think there will be also a beta earlier out. 4) The price is not set yet, but if you buy LE2 now, it will be cheaper for you.
  21. Amber is the AI of the nanosuit of the player from LCP1-003, she talks with a quite natural voice, and she's a bit vain You'll see, or better hear soon, I should have the game ready by today or tomorrow. Shouldn't be too hard to finish a Guess A Number game, although even the smallest games take up some time to polish and finish them.
  22. I found two things which will make the game fun to play: 1) You can shoot your number with an artillery cannon 2) Amber (from LCP1-003) is back, and talking with you
  23. You graphics card does not support GPU instancing, so it can't run LE2. It looks like you are running in a VMWare session?: "Vendor: VMware, Inc."
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