1) HDR, Bloom, Fog, DoF (near and far), GodRays, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, SSAO, SSAA, Glow, Fullbright, Skin, Cubemap, Sway, Lakewater, and some more. Additionally there are also more shaders made by the community like Vignette, Chromatic Dispersion, SSGI, Toon, Rim, Motion Blur, etc....
2) It's cheaper if you have already LE2, haven't heard about a 3DWS discount offer, but I would assume so too.
3) VS2010 is already supported, as well as VS2008 and GNU C++ (MinGW 3.4.5 and, and Dev C++ works too because MinGW works (as they are both ANSI C++ compliant).
4) Yeah, 9 level LOD.
5) Frustum culling, distance culling, somekind of visibility occlusion culling too (haven't tested lately).
6) There's a roadmap
7) It's not so big, maybe 300-1000 (10000 including 3DWS) users, but quite active and innovative, and all nonsense has been consolidated into my off-topic thread.